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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 2 - N° 91 - January 25, 2009


CAROLINA VON SCHARTEN - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com


On the way to the beach


Gabriel was very happy. He spent a great Christmas with his family and New Year started well. His dad decided to spend some days in the beach and they need to hurry in order to get ready to go.  

So many things to sort out! So many things to take with! Clothes, shoes, mat, parasol, chairs… Ah! We can’t forget the ball, the roller blates, raquetes, cap and solar protector! - Gabriel thought to himself. 

On the night before the agreed day, they all laid down early. They left before the sun rise. Gabriel was not able to sleep on that night. He was too anxious as he wanted to be on the road as soon as possible. After getting everything ready, they left euphoric and travelled for many hours with no problems on the way.
Around  midday,  they were  all  tired and

hungry. Dad promised they would stop for lunch at the first restaurant they manage to find. Suddenly, they saw a car parked on the side of the road. They seemed to be having problems and Jorge, Gabriel’s dad, decided to stop and see if they needed any help.  

Robert, his older brother, complained:

— Are you going to stop, dad? Oh, please don’t stop! We are tired and hungry. Besides this, we don’t even know these people! 

Jorge turned over to his the son very serious and said:

— Robert, we have to be helpful, my son! What if we were having difficulty on a deserted road? Wouldn’t we want to be helped?

— Of course! — the boy answered unwillingly, taking a deep breath.  

Jorge stopped to help and came out of the vehicle, whilst the family kept waiting at the car. He understands a bit of mechanics, offered to have a look at the other vehicle. Not very long after, both families were talking outside the cards. Mums were exchanging ideas; kids were  playing   together,  eating   biscuits  and

drinking water. They found out they were all going to the same beach.  

Jorge fixed the car and they all said good bye, as if they were old friends. Claude hugged Jorge and said:

— I don’t even know how to thank you, Jorge. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t know what to do. The nearest city is far away and help would take a long time to reach us.  

— Please don’t thank me, Claude. I am sure you would do the same for me.  

They restarted the trip and a few hours later arrived at the destination. Watching the sea is always joyful and they were all very happy about it. The day was really sunny ad they were having a lot of fun. Claude’s family was not seen since; they even forgot about the incident at the road. 

One morning, the beach was full of people and parasols. Gabriel was playing with a bucket full of water when he saw a crab. He ran after the animal but even though he was making a big effort to catch it, he wasn’t able to reach it.  

After a while, he felt tired and wanted to go back to his family, but wasn’t able to find them! He didn’t know where he was. He is just a little boy who feels exhausted.  He looked up, and wasn’t able to see people’s faces due to the brightness of the sun. 

Without knowing where to go, he started to cry and shout:

— Mum! Dad!...

But no one heard him. When he was feeling tired of crying out, he heard someone saying:

— Hey, little boy, where are your parents?

— I don’t know. I am lost! Sniff, sniff...

The man looked at him, and asked:

— But aren’t you Gabriel?!...

— Yes, I am.

— Don’t worry!  Please  stop crying. Let’s look  for  your

parents. Do you remember me? I am Claude; you helped on the way to the beach, on the road. Claude went where a loudspeaker was available nearby and asked them to let Jorge know Gabriel was with him.  

Immediately afterwards, the boy’s family found them. They were really relieved, and his mom hugged the boy, crying of happiness. Jorge, very surprised, thanked his friend Claude.

— Thank God you found my son. We were desperate and didn’t know where to look for him. We don’t even know how to thank you! 

Claude opened a big smile and said:

— Please don’t thank me, Jorge. I am sure you would do the same for me.

Robert looked at his dad with tears in his eyes:

— Thanks to you dad, Claude recognized Gabriel! Now I understand you were right to stop at the side of the road to help those people. It is giving that we receive.

                                                        Aunt Celia


O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism