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Year 2 - N° 90 - January 18, 2009
Londrina, Paraná (Brasil)


Carolina von Scharten - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com


José Raul Teixeira:

“If well understood and guided, each and every child in Earth can change the life of the planet


Our week’s interview is with our dear José Raul Teixeira (picture) who heavily incentivised the creation of this magazine. He does not need to be presented, since he has been one of the greatest missionaries of the Spiritist Doctrine in Brazil and worldwide, together with Divaldo Franco.  

In order to interview him, the magazine contacted his direct collaborators. Here is the result: 26 questions formulated by José Passini, Ricardo Baesso de Oliveira, Arthur Bernardes de Oliveira, Jorge Hessen, Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho, and Célia Xavier Camargo – members of the Editorial Department. In addition, the following interview editors for our magazine also got a chance to formulate questions: Orson Peter Carrara, Fernanda Borges,     Wellington    Balbo,    Antonio


Augusto Nascimento and Katia Fabiana Fernandes.

The questions were divided into three parts: problems and questions of the present time, themes of doctrinal nature and subjects related to the spiritist movement. Given its extension, it will be published in two parts: in this and the next edition of O Consolador.

Here it is, the complete first part: 

Problems and Questions of the Present Time  

O Consolador: How do you see marriages between homosexuals becoming official and the adoption of children by them? 

We consider that any official form of relationship established in the world corresponds to formalizing an existing situation; or to the need to be officialised in order to avoid distortions in judgement, in respect to the formal concept of justice. If we talk about same sex partners officialising their marriages, we need to remember these couples are already joined together without any formality involved. They then come across problems whose solutions demand an uprising of the law that regulates society.  

The reality is that these unions exist. Same sex couples can coexist for a short or long period of time together; can make acquisitions of varied nature on behalf of the pair or during the period when the individuals are together. How will it be the situation of one and another partner before society? If one of them dies, does the other have rights to pensions and other benefits, after a long lasting life in common? 

These situations are taking place in the society, and need to be studied and disciplined by the legislation. We can not avoid and pretend it does not exist. Soon, we will not be able to run away from this process on behalf of any tradition or prejudice, since the facts are here and demand an official position from the authorities. Therefore, there is no law that can hinder two people from the same sex to have a life in common, to love or to take care of each other. 

In regards kids’ adoption, we are faced with a common-sense question. What will be better for a child? To live in the streets, to the abandonment, subject to all dangers that flood the streets or in institutions that, for more respectable they are, won’t be able to provide a home for any abandoned child or to be supported by the generosity and affection of a same sex couple who lives together? The spirit Camilo always told me whoever adopts a child has a very noble attitude, and that goes beyond someone’s sexual preference. Only hypocrisy or indifference with an orphan or abandoned child can create impediments for such adoption. 

O Consolador: There are several debates about stem cell implants. Considering how the Embryo from the Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is formed, it is hard for us to understand they are connected to a Spirit. We know for each couple, diverse embryos are produced, of which some are implanted and others kept in very low temperature. If everything goes well in the gestation, it is common that the frozen embryos are forgotten and, therefore, never used. In some countries, such as England, the law stipulates a deadline, after which they are all eliminated. Even if not related to Spiritism, we would like to know how you personally see this issue.  

I am very passionate about sciences and see this as a very delicate question in relation to the scientific progress. It is common that religious people, in general, evoke for themselves the right to act as they desire. They always state to be acting according to their beliefs, even though some people might argue the opposite. 

These people do not admit scientific research, or any other opinion against their intentions or their reality, even if they distance themselves from the true immortal teachings left by Jesus Christ or by other spiritual missionaries. However, most of the time the same religious ones arrogate the right to determine on the research done by science, as if they are detainers of the absolute truth. 

They are usually standing on the way of the scientist-researchers. Religious groups are seen present at political, laboratorial and commercial discussions, making lobbies for groups or companies. We must have caution for the cynicism and the pressures faced by those groups. I think religious people should stand out and propagate the spiritual reality of the human being and work in the moral education of the individuals. This would help them take the best decisions on behalf of the world and the Spirituality, letting those who assumed responsibilities before Science work on what fits to them, offering their most lucid opinions when requested, which should be just as lucid as dispassionate. What does not seem coherent to me is that the religious people desire to govern all society’s angles of vision, as if they have the privilege of the truth over other thinkers. 

On the other hand, we might find scientific issues which should be questioned and corrected by justice, based on our ethical rules. It is not ideal to consider scientists irresponsible if they adopt very materialistic or atheist views, in relation to the rules and dogmas of religions institutions. I understand we need to respect all researchers who have been offering their lives for a better society, giving us their research and hard work. 

I heard the Spirit Camilo saying that many disincarnated spirits, who are facing complex conflicts and sufferings, have been asked about their interest in serving as instruments to the progress of science in the world. They would be presenting themselves as stem cells and would be researched. These entities would reincarnate in delicate situations with physical and mental diseases or socio-economic issues, and after these experiences they would obtain significant improvement. There are many spirits who accepted this offer and are being taken to these scientists’ works. It is true that not all stem cells are connected to spiritual intelligences. Therefore, others are animated by the above mentioned entities, that is, the ones that want to serve as “guinea pigs” in the activities of scientific research. 

There are, although, questions to be raised. Why are there extreme defences to embryos with spiritual links, whereas the same passion can not be seen for the already reincarnated children, who are abandoned in the streets or at orphanages? What is passing through everyone’s mind regarding these children and the cited embryos? Why do we not see anybody request to the laboratories detainers of the embryos, some of them to be their own son? Facing the amount of embryos that are thrown away, after the period demanded for law, it is odd that no one requests some of them to be taken care of, implanted in the condition of children, in order to save them from the destruction… 

O Consolador: Euthanasia, as we know, is not a practice supported by the Spiritist Doctrine. The idea of orthothanasia came up lately, which has been defended by some spiritist’s doctors. What is your opinion about it?  

The most important aspect to be considered related to ortothanasia will always be the use of good-sense. We need to remember one thing is to let the individual die naturally, when his or her vitality level decreases just as a flame that fades away.  

Therefore, another situation would be to see someone suffering and cruelly avoid offering him or her any medication or sedatives.  I am not in favour of euthanasia or orthothanasia: either option involves running away from the good-sense or approaching cruelty. Let the medical knowledge available help the ones who are getting close to desincarnation, facilitating calm depart to the Invisible world without compromising negatively doctors, nursing or relatives.

O Consolador: How do you see the level of criminality and violence which appears to increase everywhere in our country and worldwide? How can spiritists collaborate to change this situation?  

We have received information that many spirits who still have very inferior moral conditions are reincarnating in our planet. We should not forget what Allan Kardec highlighted in The Spirits’ Book. It is vital to provide a moral education which is able to well form individuals’ characters. As spiritists, it is fundamental to keep self educating ourselves. This will enable us to guide and educate our own children in the best way possible. A lot of cases show that, due to negligence, parents are more worried about their children’s social success rather than their happiness. 

Education, therefore, is a process that will succeed in the long term, since it corresponds to a gradual modification of mentality and the adoption and fixation of new values. There are, however, steps to be taken in order to decrease the level of violence in the world. This has to do with the legitimacy, maturity and moral respectability of the authorities who are ahead of the societies. It also involves the need to give responsibilities to the citizens and to make those committing disparities against society to repay before its victims: individuals or social groups. 

If this level of impunity persists, as if nothing is actually happening, the situation in Brazil and in the rest of the world will remain the same.  

O Consolador: The preparation for the advent of a world of regeneration in our planet already gave its first steps, as we are aware of. How long will it take for Earth to stop being a world of tests and atonements, and become a world of regeneration where, according to Saint Augustine, the word love will be written everywhere and social relations will be perfectly fair? 

Even though we might feel excited around this idea, the certainty is that we do not have a date on mind. This occurrence will depend only on the human progress. The geologic bases of the planet are giving its steps towards a matured cycle of the world. However, the development of moral values within humanity could speed up this moral progress.  

Each one of us is responsible for his/her individual progress in this collective effort to construct this better world we dream of. So, let us work with dedication and truth, taking care of what is in our hands, and let us leave everything else at the hands of God. Only He knows the future, as our Master Jesus affirmed us. 

O Consolador: Dr. Marlene Nobre affirms in the book The Outcry of Life that 60 million abortions are made per year in the world. Life, as it is seen, is not valued as it should be. What is your evaluation about this subject and how could spiritists contribute to diminish these frightful numbers? 

I believe this horrific picture relates to the materialistic culture that is constantly increasing each day in our societies. Christian and even Christian-spiritist families are dragged into this materialistic excitement. Everything that has sense and value is the wage earned, the things consumed, the titles obtained or the social-politician-economic positions enjoyed in the world. If in these are the biggest values of the individual, everything else will be in second or third plan, including the son who is in the womb. The materialistic view of the world has taken many individuals to depreciate life in earth. It stimulated people to look for the consumption of varied drugs, the search for suicidal adrenalines, unintentional homicides and even suicide. 

The duty of the spiritists is not to set up a bad example of unsustainable messianism, since the message of Jesus Christ was directed to all whom were able to get it. Living as good people and making efforts to dominate the bad inclinations; this is the definition of true spiritist, according to Kardec. Following this definition will contribute to reduce this horrific spectacle of life’s depreciation. 

O Consolador: Religious fanatism hits almost all religions and, unfortunately, it does not seem any different in Spiritism. What is your message to those who incur into this mistake?  

Fanatism of any kind is normally connected to ignorance. The lesser people are interested in the study of the Spiritism, the easier it is to find fanatism in them. This is a consequence of irrational belief, as the ones who do not know the real truth, pretend to know. 

A little more dedication is needed, in terms of considerate reading, reflections and efforts for living deeply the teachings learned. If this is followed, we will rationalize better and become less exposed to becoming fanatics. 

O Consolador: How must a spiritist act when faced with beggars in the streets, especially when we see children begging? 

I always believed that good-sense and fluidified water do not harm anyone. You can offer the child something to eat or to drink, since the child does not need money. If they ask for money, they are acting on behalf of adults who explore them, either to spend it on drugs, or other needs. 

It is important the society of which we are part of mobilizes and asks the politician-administrative authorities to take the necessary steps for these cases urgently. Thus, if this happens, a more significant contribution would be made to social institutions which are responsible for taking care of these children, who mostly live in risky situations. 

O Consolador: The deforestation of the Amazonian forest is happening rapidly, and amongst one of the greatest causes are cattle. By the way, Brazil is one of the biggest exporting countries of bovine meat worldwide. We are aware that among others things, it also contributes for this deforestation. How should the spiritist position himself regarding the feeding based on bovine meat?  

The spiritist should act as a common citizen, making sure he fulfils his social and political duties seriously. We need to take into account the problem of the Amazonian deforestation does not have for villains the cattle flocks, but the egoism and cynicism of political leaderships in our country. They do not want to face the situation, as they have their personal interests involved.  

We need to notice that we deforest to create cattle flocks as much as we do it to plant soy and other products. We would need to stop eating meats as well as vegetables, if we follow what the media is telling us literally. Therefore, the media never presents the real situation or what is behind it. While the government pretends it does not know the habitants of the Amazonian forest and unscrupulous politicians are extracting noble wood from the Amazon, the trend is to keep things as they are. They are not only extracting noble wood, but also illegal minerals from the regional subsoil which belongs to the Indian nations, and allowing bio-piracy to exist in our country. 

While our government avoid facing the enormous amount of NGOs installed at the Amazon, these bodies are trying to change the way our natives behave, instructing them to their own personal interest and keeping an eye on the diverse wealth around. These NGOs are not interested in “providing services” to Marajó, for example, where there are people in need and lacking governmental help. They also do not care about helping around the Brazilian northeast, the so called Sertão, where drought, hunger and cleverness of some “landowners” reign. To accuse promptly the cattle or soy would lead us to tackle the fragile side of this issue, leaving aside the most problematic part. 

Themes of doctrine nature 

O Consolador: The doctrinal divergences among us seem to be reduced to few topics. One of them is about Spiritism being secular. Is Spiritism a religion for you? 

Yes, for me there is no doubt about it. 

O Consolador: Do you find valid the idea raised by Kardec of updating constantly the spiritist teachings, in face of the advances of science? If so, how should we implement this idea? 

I find it strange Kardec has raised the need to update periodically the spiritist teachings since he himself wrote at the Introduction of The Spiritist’ Book, part VII: Science, properly so called, is therefore incompetent, as such, to decide the question of the truth of Spiritism; it has nothing to do with it; and its verdict in regard to it, whether favourable or otherwise, is of no weight. 

We can find more ideas confirming the core of Spiritism, the more Science advances. None of the scientific discoveries managed to affect the basis of our Doctrine. In contrast, it strengthens more and more those studious spiritists as well as the general public who follow it at a distance.  

The contemporary advances of Science have been changing many scientific agreements and nomenclatures; also making countless discoveries. Therefore, none of these have reached the futurist thinking Spiritism offers us.  

All information that belongs to The Five Fundamental Works of Spiritism is part of the Spiritist doctrine. Spiritism is based on the existence of God, the soul and its immortality; in the communicability of the Spirits (mediumship); in the plurality of inhabited worlds and existences (reincarnation). No science was ever able to bring to an end these principles. 

There are people who would like to modify, for example, the term fluid, used by Kardec in its works. They would like to change it for the term energy, which is used scientifically. If changed, this would an aberration without a doubt. Due to its characteristics and definitions, fluid and energy in science have very different theoretical meanings. One can be defined; not the other one. The definition given by Kardec of fluid in Spiritism is not the same one for fluid within Physics or Chemistry.  

The good side to this discussion is that we will deepen our understanding of these questions and thesis so that we can better understand the education given to us by the spiritual world.

We will then adjust to them, and modify ourselves to assume the position Jesus gave us: to become the salt of the land.   

O Consolador: ‘Guardian angels’ is a theme the media is currently focusing on. How and when do they act on behalf of their protégées? How is their relationship with us?  

We have seen many times this theme in the media. They are usually shown in a mystical way which seems very naive as it does not represent the true meaning of these entities. 

It is highlighted in The Spirits’ Book that these angels are part of our lives from the moment of our birth to our death. They even stay around us in our spiritual life, many times, and even through many other incarnated experiences. Our understanding is that to stay connected with their protégées since birth, Guardian angels were already helping them in the spiritual world to plan their current existence.  

Their relationship with us is just like a father in relation to his sons. They guide us to the correct direction, help us with advice, comfort us and help us to have faith throughout all difficulties in life. 

O Consolador: There is a thesis around which states indigo children represent a new generation, which has been mentioned by Allan Kardec at the book Genesis. Can you please give us your opinion about this topic? Do you think the theme ‘indigo children’ has been treated with seriousness and rationality, just as all spiritist concepts should be treated?  

We, human beings, have an impulse for everything new that comes around. If we think it is important and special, and we like the new concept, we desperately want to bring it into Spiritism. This is what happened with the theory developed by the American psychologists Dr. Lee Carrol and Dr. Jan Tober.  

These psychologists said they are on an initial stage of their research. Therefore, this work became very popular, and believed to be applicable to the spiritist doctrine. This should not be the case.  

The definition of indigo child, according to these psychologists, is: a child who presents a series of uncommon psychological characteristics and a type of behaviour not yet classified by science. This type of behaviour causes everyone who is interacting with him/her, even parent, to adapt themselves to these different circumstances and raise them differently. Dr. Jan Tober informed the reason why this name was given is because of the indigo colour seen all around them. We need to remember these kids are here in the world under their parent’s care to be educated, and it is their responsibility to do so. It is not an easy task to understand, educate, correct and guide kids, due to their previous reincarnated experiences which will reflect on the existent one.  

The Argentine psychologist Egidio Vecchio, who lives in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil, also studies these indigo children, joining his efforts to researchers such as Ingrid Cañete and Teresa Guerra. He states in one of his books that in the 1970’s many special human beings came into the world, who carried a potential change in their DNA. It was discovered they have a mission to accomplish and a great potential to develop. Therefore, they might use their free-will and not want to change or develop. They are not predestined. We could see no difference among his sayings from what we learned through Spiritism, over 150 years ago. 

We all came to the world with a mission to accomplish, which could either be big or small, involving our family group, social group or even a world mission. We actually reborn to make our light shine, according to what Jesus Christ thought us. That is, to develop our spiritual potentials and/or moral-intellect, if we decide to do so. Vecchio also affirmed these kids, who are a result of this genetic evolution, will need a lot of support from us in order to adapt and develop. It is necessary to adequate a pedagogical method according to their degree of evolution, as they might think and behave according to a level that falls beyond traditional psychology. If well understood and orientated these indigo children will change life in earth as never seen before. 

For those who deal with teaching, kids and scholars, the idea is not new: the scholar institution lacks change. We found out that the institutions which mostly resist changing worldwide are the scholar. It seems a paradox to me. The contemporary school shows old characteristics and methodologies; plus out of date exams, assignments and grades. This could kill the creative power of students due to laissez-faire attitudes or even dictatorial professionals who are working with our kids. If we had the resources mentioned by Egidio Vecchio, high rates of kids leaving schools and/or failing it would be non-existence, or even us seeing them so happy when there are school holidays around or lack of teachers. Hopefully, we would not even watch them going to school very sad, feeling obliged or forced by their parents to be there.  

In a world of computers, internet, blogs and orkuts, it is very difficult to keep kids focused on by using chalk and board at schools. We do not need to be indigo to feel infuriated with the system.  

On the 19th century, Kardec mentioned the transition the world was going by, which leaves us to think this is not a new phenomenon. It is possible that only now American psychologists are taking this into account but for sure it was not from the seventies that things started to happen in our planet. If we read Genesis, which was published on 1868:  

The present epoch is a transition one; the elements of the two generations are mingling together. Placed at the intermediary point, we assist at the departure of one and at the arrival of the other. Each one signalized itself by its own proper character.   

The two generations which follow each other have views and ideas totally opposed to one another. By the nature of moral disposition, but more particularly by the intuitive and innate disposition, it is easy to distinguish to which of the two each individual belongs. 

The new generation, being the founder of the era of moral progress, is distinguished generally by a precocious intelligence and reasoning powers, joined to the innate sentiment of goodness and of spiritualist beliefs, which is the unmistakable sign of a certain degree of anterior advancement. It will not be composed exclusively of eminently superior spirits, but of those who, having progressed already, are predisposed to embrace all the progressive ideas, and apt to second the regenerative movement.  

Since Allan Kardec’s time, we learn that if well understood and guided, each and every child in Earth can change the life of the planet. If the school and the family home turn out to be places for development, learning and safety for the kids, they will become people who only desire good and be able to accomplish what they programmed to do during this life. I feel sorry that with all Spiritism teachings available about the way education should be held for kids, nothing has changed. The Spiritist movement felt hit in its beliefs and practices only with the arrival of this book about Indigo Children. Unfortunately, there is a difference between the spiritist faith we usually talk about, and the process of integration of the spirit into the Spiritism…  

O Consolador: There are controversies with regards to measures taken in terms of postponing or speeding up the disincarnation process. Are there ways for us, incarnated spirits, to prolong physical life in Earth, to the point of intervening in this process? 

We learned from noble spiritual friends that our existence in the planet is under the special care of sublimed entities. These entities are responsible for the delay (the moratorium) or the acceleration (the anticipation) of the process of our disincarnation, as they act on behalf of Jesus Christ. 

We are aware of countless circumstances that can lead the Spiritual Guides to intercede in favour of the physical permanence of somebody in the world. We also know of other cases they made them act in favour of the anticipation of this period. If there are superior interests in place, meaning a person making a greater contribution for him/her progress or for those around him/her, they could be helped. Individuals who are carrying out renovating spiritual processes at the time foreseen for their death within their family; or someone who is making progress within difficult conflicts could also have their existence prolonged in earth. Even someone who works towards an activity of beautiful extension might receive this kind of blessings.  

Those who are tangling in compromising situations, fascinated by the freedom nobody can brake, could have the disincarnation process speed up. Those who arrived in Earth with a lot of spiritual knowledge, but are letting themselves be influenced by pride and vanity could also have its process speed up. Those who came to Earth in a mission after years and years of preparation in the Invisible World, and are here wasting opportunities, are usually helped in this way. After this happens, they can revaluate their conduct in earth so they do not compromise their conquered values and remake the plans for the future. This way, they shall avoid situations which put them in danger. 

The process of postponing or speeding up the incarnation of an individual is not usually known by the benefited one. The laws of our Christ work silently and will help everyone, in their various needs, without any ostentation.  It is therefore improbable that incarnated ones obtain these results in a conscientious way as the program made by our spiritual friends was developed by Jesus’ command. 

O Consolador: Considering the daily moral Christian experience is one of the biggest challenges for spiritists, how can we surpass our inner pride and selfishness, thus preventing the personalism? 

We need to remember what Kardec questioned the spirits, and how he was eager to learn a practical way to improve ourselves in this life and to resist the bad temptations.  

Let us remember the Codifier asked the spirits for actual facts, that is, practical teachings which would lead to efficient results. He got as an answer from a wise ancient scholar: get to know yourself. It will be very difficult to work against pride and egoism, if we are not clear conscience of its devastating existence in our soul. Only from this awareness we will be able to look for ways and plans, in order to tackle what is really bothering us. 

In our next edition the interview will focus on topics relevant to the spiritist movement in Brazil and in the world.


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism