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Year 2 - N° 89 – January 11, 2009

Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)
Mani Fagundes dos Santos - manifagundes@yahoo.co.nz

Extreme and differences

With the multitude of existences, we can learn continuously, to build the balance and repair misunderstandings. This is reincarnation, no secrets. Simple question of justice

Let us think together. Let’s relate in short, some human differences: poverty and wealth, beauty and ugliness; plentiful intellect and difficulties of thinking; early geniuses and children with learning difficulties, death amongst young children and healthy youth, financial stability and health standing next to shortages and cruel diseases, violence and kindness, honesty and corruption, everything is  right for some and nothing is right for others, fear and daring, modesty and arrogance; etc.

Now! This is an endless list. Daily we see these extreme situations that at times can be confusing to our reasoning. So we think: why? How could we explain so many differences? Is it coincidence? Is it preference of God? Privileges of birth? Merits? Punishment? Many feel challenged and find it difficult to understand, but is simple. The explanation already exists and it comes from before the coming of Jesus to the planet. Experts at various times, before and after the advent of the coming of Jesus, spoke of reincarnation. And now, researchers and scientists are studying the issue of natural law that governs human lives.

Yes, natural law! It is not invented by anyone of any belief. Not an exclusive privilege of anyone else either. It is simply a natural law. Being natural, it is Divine, established by the Creator. But where is the proof to that truth?

Now, go back to the beginning of this comment and submit all those questions and more doubts to the endless list to a single existence that determines luck and decides the future. How to reconcile this with the principles of infinite justice and incomparable goodness of a Father Creator, we call God as taught by Jesus? In a single opportunity, full of individual and collective weaknesses how can we overcome challenges that make us worthy of living and a happy home after the death of the body? Add to that the situations of stillbirths, children who die in infancy or leaving young victims of accidents. They did not have the time to build up their own balance. They were despised by life. Why? What about all the privileged ones? Is this fair?  

With the multiplicity of existences, we can learn continuously, to build the balance and repair misunderstandings. This is the reincarnation, no secrets. Simple question of justice. At this point it is the clarity of the issue 219 of The Book of Spirits:

219 - What is the origin of the extraordinary powers of individuals, without prior study, seem to have the intuition of certain knowledge, such as languages, the calculation. Answer: - Remembering the past; previous progress of the soul, which has no conscience. Where do you think they come from? The body changes, but the Spirit does not change, as a change of clothing.

Steadiness and perseverance also lead us to new experiences and the accumulation of other experiences

On the different skills of humans, the spirits were clear in encoding. The inquiry of Allan Kardec about the reasons for the difference of these skills, they replied that "God created all spirits equal, but each has more or less experience and therefore more or less skills *. The difference is the degree of their experience and their willingness, which is the free will: hence, one is improving more rapidly and that gives them various skills. The variety of skills is needed so that each can contribute to the goals of Providence within the limits of development of their physical and intellectual forces: what one does not do, another does. Thus each has a useful role (...)" (1)

Well, the answer above presents several developments. The actual indication of more or less experience, which of course will determine the degree of will and freedom, open spaces of immense material and moral action. Yes, because each of us can only act with resourcefulness in the area who knows who dominates by previous experience, but not necessarily the last existence.

This also leads to think that one is not prevented from starting new field of action, whose steadiness and perseverance also lead to accumulation of new experiences and other experiences, useful also in the whole evolutionary process.

In the same response should also indicate the improvement faster (which generates new and ongoing skills in various areas) or slower, depending on the effort spent and the handling of the will in this goal.

But the spirits are very clear on their teachings : "the variety of skills is required." Each will bring its share of contribution, each experience will be used, each physical strength or intellectual compete for the collective good and all have a role to play, always useful in all general. Interestingly, however, is not always the differences - which must compete for a useful purpose, as stated in The Book of Spirits (1) - establish links of harmony. Often individual differences are the cause of conflict; a result of the influence of pride and selfishness that still dominate the human condition.

Where there is a sense of tolerance and kindness there will be order, peace, and stability

Allan Kardec, however, brings the lucidity of his thinking in two settings - among many in the same direction - that partially transcribed:

a)      "If a group wants to be able to have order, peace and stability, there needs to reign in it a fraternal feeling. Every group or society which is formed without the effective basis for charity has no vitality, while those who will be based on the true spirit of the Doctrine look as if members of the same family that can not all live under the same home live in different places. "

The remark is directed at spiritists groups (in response to the request of spiritists in Lyon, during the New Year) and in the Spiritist Magazine, February 1862, page 362, but applies to any group. Where there is a sense of tolerance and benevolence there will be order, peace, and stability.

Similarly, in the issue of December 1868 (2), page 392, the Transitional Constitution of Spiritism (item IX - Conclusion), Kardec reaffirms:

b)      "(...) but to expect that Spiritism is organized the same way throughout, that spiritists of the whole world are subject to a uniform system, the same way of proceeding, which must wait for the light of a fixed point you should set its eyes, it would be a utopia as absurd as to claim that all peoples of the earth one day but not form a single nation, ruled by a single leader, governed by the same code of laws, and subject to the same uses. If there are general laws that may be common to all people, these laws will always be in the details of implementation and the manner, appropriate to the customs, the characters, and the climates of each. The same way Spiritism will be organized. The Spirit of the world have common principles that link the large family by sacred bond of fraternity, but the application could vary according to region, without, therefore, that the fundamental unit is broken *, without forming dissident sects throwing stone and anathema, which would be anti-spiritist (...)".

Fraternity is a pure scent from above, is an infinite emanation, is the base for moral institutions

It is the issue of differences in relationships, in coexistence. There are differences, obviously, even as a matter of understanding the different stages in which we, supporters of Spiritism , are also, This, however, does not eliminate the brotherhood that should reign in building peace on the planet and in individual privacy. With this, we can conclude that the reincarnation also influences within the spiritist understanding, since we are also incarnate spirits, therefore, subject to specific training to understanding and maturity.

As highlighted in the message of social order Fundamentals (3):

"(...) Fraternity is a pure scent from Above, is an infinite emanation, an atom of celestial intelligence, is the base for moral institutions, and the only way to raise a social state that can exist and deliver the effect for the great cause for which we are fighting. brethren, if you want that the germ deposited amongst you to develop and become the tree you desire embrace fraternity. The union is the sovereign power that descends upon the earth; the brotherhood is the sympathy in the union. (...) We need to be united and we must be strong to found an institution that does not rest only on the truth made so far and so wonderful, so simple and so sublime. Forces when divided wipe; together the forces become stronger. (...)".

He concludes wisely:

"(...) without the fraternity, what do you see? Selfishness, ambition. Each one in its own objective, each pursuing him for his part, each moving in its own way, and all are inevitably dragged in the abyss where they are swallowed up, after so many centuries, all human efforts. With the union, there is more than a single target, because there is more than one thought, one hope, one heart. Unite, therefore, my friends, is what you repeat the incessant voice of our world, unite you, and reach far more quickly to your target (...)".

And what would be the target for us, who profess Spiritism?

Let us play with the clarity of the response that started this comment: "The variety of skills is required in order to everyone can compete in the goals of Providence limit the development of their physical and intellectual forces: what one does not, another does. Thus each has a useful role (...)" (1)

Focus attention on the end of the sentence: what one does, another does. Thus each has a useful role (...). Understanding this vital information, the differences disappear and coexistence takes its rightful path: that of brotherhood.


* Notes of the author:

(1) Issue 804 of The Book of Spirits, 8th edition FDI-Araras-SP, out/79, translation of Salvador Gentile.

(2) IDE-edition Araras-SP, nov/92, translation of Salvador Gentile.

(3) Message from a meeting chaired by Allan Kardec, dictated by the Spirit of Léon Muriane, and published in the November 1862 edition of the Journal Spiritist (IDE-edition Araras-SP, translation Salvador Gentile, pages 345 and 346).

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