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Year 2 - N° 88 - January 4, 2009


FELIPE DARELLA - felipe.darella@gmail.com


Peace and prosperity
for the New Year

It’s a standing commentary to wish everybody peace and good luck for the year to come.

By the way, there’s even a nice song that is sung by most of us, at least here in Brazil: “Good bye, old year, happy new year. May everything come true in the year to come... Lots of money and health!”

Not different from that, we also wish our readers and collaborators that 2009 can be, for all of us, much better than the last one and, above all, full of peace and prosperity.

It’s up to us, though, to define the meaning of the word prosperity, which is not used here in its usual sense, but through its true meaning, due to what we learn from the Spiritist Doctrine. Prosperity means progress through several existences.

As few ignore, not always do we comply with what we had planned before coming to Earth. That’s why, according to Herculano Pires, many existences on Earth is what he calls vicious circle of incarnations.

Our late confrere says that our development is not continuous, but discontinuous. In each existence we develop certain ability, but the Law of inertia may get us stuck in a determined position because of the limits of our own culture. With the death of the physical body, he comes back to the Spirit-world, his perceptions increase and, little by little, he understands he has no limits. As he comes back to a new existence, he can enhance his potential. However, if he doesn’t receive in this existence the necessary stimulus, he can get stuck again. That’s the repetition Herculano Pires talks about.

The theory was exposed in his book Spiritist Pedagogy, and it has been proved by several authors, like André Luiz showed in his book Sex and Destiny, psychographed by Chico Xavier, in 1963.

As André says, in 82 years of existence of the institution “Soul Sisters”, in the Spirit-world, out of 100 disincarnated students who needed sexual reeducation and tried to apply to their corporeal existence what they learned in the institution, 34 failed, returning to the Spirit-world with more debts, 26 had a slight improvement, 22 did improve and 18, only eighteen, accomplished their missions.

The challenges of corporeal existence aren’t, as we can see, something easy to do. To accomplish it, one needs dedication, prayer, attention and an overwhelming desire to achieve the goal, which is perfection, a possible objective and, according to Jesus, plausible, because, as we all know, he said: “Ye are gods, And all of you sons of the Most High”.

The prosperity we wish our friends is not, therefore, the pecuniary earn the simple improvement of life conditions, but the true victory of the individual in this endless battle, which must be the main reason of our own life.


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