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Program IV: Philosophical Aspect

Year 2 - N° 86 - December 14, 2008


Curitiba, Paraná (Brasil)  
FELIPE DARELLA - felipe.darella@gmail.com

Incarnation in Different

We present in this issue the topic #86 from the Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine, that is being presented weekly, according to the programme elaborated by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB), structured in 6 modules and 147 topics.

If the reader uses this program for a study group, we suggest that questions proposed be discussed freely before the reading of the text that follows. If you would like to study alone, we ask you to try to answer the questions at first and only then read the text that follows. The answer key can be found at the end of the lesson. 


1. What is determinant for a Spirit to incarnate in this or that planet?

2. According to Spiritism, what category does our planet fit in?

3. Are the conditions of life in the superior spheres so different from Earth?

4. What reasons would there be for a Spirit to reincarnate in an inferior world to the one he lived his last corporeal existence?

5. Can the human form also be found in worlds superior to Earth? 


The Spirits aren’t attached to a world indefinitely 

1. Incarnation in different worlds obeys a criterion of moral progress. When the Spirits have acquired over a world the degree of progress comporting with the state of that world, they quit in order to dwell upon another more advanced, where they acquire new knowledge. 

2. Spirits who find themselves incarnated in any world are not bound to that same world indefinitely. Every world for them is what the school represents for the child, who progresses according to his studies. 

3. The elevated Spirits are destined to reincarnate in more advanced worlds than ours. The great scale of worlds shows countless degrees, disposed towards the progressive ascension of the Spirits, which go one after the other.  

4. Talking about the many mansions existent in the infinite Universe, Jesus said: “In my Father's house are many mansions: If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you”. 

Earth belongs to worlds of tests and atonements category 

5. According to the Spiritist Doctrine, the planets can be divided into five main categories: 

•          Primitive worlds, destined to receive the initial incarnations of the human soul.

•          Worlds of tests and atonements, where evil predominates.

•          Regenerating worlds, where souls who still have to atone may absorb new strength by resting from the fatigue of fighting.

•          Blessed worlds, where goodness outweighs evil.

•          Celestial or divine worlds, inhabited by purified Spirits, where only goodness exists. 

6. Earth – according to Allan Kardec – belongs to the category of worlds of tests and atonements, and that’s why man finds so much misery there. “Nevertheless, not all the Spirits that have incarnated on Earth came to atone. The races which are called savage were formed from Spirits who had only just left their infancy, and who found themselves, as it were, on an educational course for development through contact with more advanced Spirits. Later came the semi-civilized races, made up of the same Spirits as they travelled along their paths to progress. In general, these are the indigenous races on Earth, who will raise themselves little by little through the centuries, some of whom have already managed to reach an intelligent state equal to the more enlightened. ” (The Gospel according to Spiritism, chapter III, item 14.)  

7. In these blissful worlds relationships between peoples and individuals are always friendly, never perturbed by ambition to enslave their neighbor or make war. 

8. The man who lives in such worlds no longer painfully drags upon the action of the heavy atmosphere. The specific lightness of body permits rapid and easy locomotion. The corporeal necessities are almost unknown. Longer than ours, existence there is based on study, participation in the works of an advanced civilization, which has as basis the sheer moral, the respect, fraternity and friendship. 

The human form is also common to the advanced worlds 

9. Death in no way conveys any horror of decomposition; far from causing terror, it is considered a happy transformation because there is no doubt as to the future. During life the soul, being no longer constricted by compact matter, expands itself and delights in a lucidity which places it in an almost constant state of emancipation and allows completely free thought transmission. 

10. In these worlds, all the delicate and elevated sentiments of human nature find themselves exalted and purified. Hate is unknown, as are petty jealousies and the covetous of envy. The ties of love and brotherhood hind all humanity each to the other so that the strong help the weak. 

11. Incarnation of a Spirit in an inferior world to that he lived in his previous corporeal existence may occur in two cases: 

•          As a mission, with the aim of helping the progress, in which he takes the tribulations of such existence happily, as it is for his own progress. 

•          As expiation, since there are cases in which the Spirits must restart, in an environment convenient to his nature, badly-executed existences. 

12. As everywhere, the form is always human, but it is more beautiful, more perfected and above all else, purified. The body possesses nothing of the earthly materiality and consequently is not subject to the same necessities, sicknesses or deteriorations which the predominance of matter provokes.

Answer Key

1. What is determinant for a Spirit to incarnate in this or that planet?

A.: Incarnation in different worlds obeys a criterion of moral progress. When the Spirits have acquired over a world the degree of progress comporting with the state of that world, they quit in order to dwell upon another more advanced, where they acquire new knowledge. 

2. According to Spiritism, what category does our planet fit in?

A.: Earth belongs to the category of worlds of tests and atonements, and that’s why man finds so much misery there. 

3. Are the conditions of life in the superior spheres so different from Earth?

A.: Yes. In these blissful worlds relationships between peoples and individuals are always friendly, never perturbed by ambition to enslave their neighbor or make war. 

4. What reasons would there be for a Spirit to reincarnate in an inferior world to the one he lived his last corporeal existence?

A.: As a mission, with the aim of helping the progress, in which he takes the tribulations of such existence happily, as it is for his own progress. As expiation, since there are cases in which the Spirits must restart, in an environment convenient to his nature, badly-executed existences. 

5. Can the human form also be found in worlds superior to Earth?

A.: Yes. But it is more beautiful, more perfected and above all else, purified.  



The Spirits’ Book, by Allan Kardec, items 178 - 182. 

The Gospel according to Spiritism, by Allan Kardec, chapter III, items 2 - 18.

Genesis, by Allan Kardec, item 28.

John, 14:1-3.

After Death, by Leon Denis, pp. 221 - 224. 

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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism