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Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine Portuguese  Spanish
Program IV: Philosophical Aspect

Year 2 - N° 84 - November 30, 2008


Curitiba, Paraná (Brasil)  
FELIPE DARELLA - felipe.darella@gmail.com

Preludes to return to
corporeal life

We present in this issue the topic #84 from the Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine, that is being presented weekly, according to the programme elaborated by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB), structured in 6 modules and 147 topics.

If the reader uses this program for a study group, we suggest that questions proposed be discussed freely before the reading of the text that follows. If you would like to study alone, we ask you to try to answer the questions at first and only then read the text that follows. The answer key can be found at the end of the lesson. 


1. At what moment is the soul united to the body?

2. What is the fact, in the period that goes from the conception to birth, that determines the forgetfulness of the past?

3. There are Spirits that watch their own funeral. Is it possible for the Spirit to watch his birth?

4. Is the moment of incarnation accompanied by a confusion similar to that which follows the spirit's separation from the body?

5. Spiritism teaches that there are no two reincarnations alike. What factors do intervene in such a moment? 


The union of the soul to the body starts at conception 

1. Incarnations and disincarnations are important and necessary phases, which are alternated in countless times in the evolutional climbing of the Spirit. Just as the death of the body is a sort of re-birth for the spirit. So reincarnation is for him a sort of death, or rather of exile and claustration. He quits the world of spirits for the corporeal world just as a man quits the corporeal world for the world of spirits. 

2. The union begins at the moment of conception, but is only complete at the moment of birth. From the moment of conception, the spirit designated to inhabit a given body is united to that body by a fluidic link, which becomes closer and closer up to the instant of birth; the cry then uttered by the infant announces that he is numbered among the living. 

3. In the going process, from conception to birth, the action of the vital force makes the perispirit to decrease its vibratory process, up to the moment that, not reaching the minimum to be perceived, the Spirit is unconscious. According to Gabriel Delanne, this is the cause of forgetfulness. 

4. Spiritism teaches us the mode of union between the Spirit and matter through incarnation. When the Spirit must incarnate in a human body in process of formation, a fluidic connection, which is none rather than the expansion of the perispirit, attaches it to the germ toward which it finds itself attracted by an irresistible force from the moment of conception. By measure, as the germ unfolds, the connection shortens. When the germ is entirely developed, the union is complete, and then it is born the union begins at the moment of conception, but is only complete at the moment of birth. 

Reincarnation is an appreciated biological shock 

5. As soon as the latter is seized by the connecting fluid which joins it to the germ, trouble comes to it. This trouble increases by measure as the connection is shortened, and in the last moments the Spirit loses all consciousness of itself, in a way rendering it never a conscious witness of its birth. At the moment when the infant breathes, the Spirit begins to recover its faculties, which are developed according as the organs which must serve for their manifestation are formed and consolidated. 

6. André Luiz tells us, in details, the immense caring and countless precautions the Spirit-world dedicates to the reincarnation process. In the book Between Earth and Heaven, the minister Clarence, talking about Julio’s reincarnation, provides interesting information about the perispiritual reduction. 

7. So it says the loving minister of the colony “Nosso Lar”: “Reincarnation, as well as disincarnations, is an appreciated biological shock. United to the generating womb of the mother’s sanctuary, in the search of a new form, the perispirit suffers the influence of strong electromagnetic currents, which impose upon it automatic reduction”.  “During Zulmira’s pregnancy, Julio’s mind will remain connected to his mother’s mind, influencing, as it is expected, the formation of the embryo. Every cellular cosmos of the new organism will be impregnated by the forces of the sick thoughts of our brother who is coming back to the world. Thus, Julio will be born with the faults he still possesses, though being favored by the genetic material he will inherit from his parents”.  

8. In another André Luiz’s book, Missionaries of Light, we are also given precious information about the complexity of the work done by the Spirit-world, whenever a Spirit comes back to the corporeal world for trials or expiations. 

The reincarnation processes differ to infinity 

9. Talking about Sigismund’s reincarnation program, the leader Alexander told a friend: “I’ve already checked the graph referring to the physical organism that our friend will receive in the future, observing, closely, the images of the heart problem he’ll have once he gets to the mature age, as a consequence of a fault from the past. Sigismund will experience great difficulties of his cardiac nerves, mainly the nerves tone”. “With exception of the arterial tube, in the part everything will turn out well. All the genes will be located with absolute normality.” 

10. Interested in Sigismund’s case, Alexander continued, reporting to his future parents: “We’ll be back to see them on the day of Sigismund’s initial connection to the physical matter. I’ll need to cooperate, on the occasion, with our Constructors, to whom I asked to show me the chromosomic maps, about the services to be started on”. 

11. According to the book, Sigismund had already been then, since the previous week, in a process of fluidic connection to his future parents. As the approach became closer, he would lose points of contact with the vehicles he consolidated in the spiritual sphere through the assimilation of peculiar elements of that world. Such operation –Alexander explained – was necessary for the reincarnating perispirit could have the plasticity that is natural and, because of that, in the stage he was found, the procedure inflicted these sufferings on him. 

12. Not everyone, though, go through the sufferings Sigismund did. The reincarnation process, as well as the physical death, differs to infinity, not existing, then, two reincarnations alike. Easiness and difficulties are subordinated to various factors, many times related to the conscious state of the interested ones in coming back to Earth or getting rid of the corporeal vehicle. There are Spirits of high level which, coming back to Earth, in service of help and charity, almost don’t need the aid of the dedicated companions of this work in the spiritual sphere. 

Answer Key

1. At what moment is the soul united to the body?

A.: The union begins at the moment of conception, but is only complete at the moment of birth.  

2. What is the fact, in the period that goes from the conception to birth, that determines the forgetfulness of the past?

A.: In the going process, from conception to birth, the action of the vital force makes the perispirit to decrease its vibratory process, up to the moment that, not reaching the minimum to be perceived, the Spirit is unconscious. 

3. There are Spirits that watch their own funeral. Is it possible for the Spirit to watch his birth?

A.: No. As soon as the latter is seized by the connecting fluid which joins it to the germ, trouble comes to it. This trouble increases by measure as the connection is shortened, and in the last moments the Spirit loses all consciousness of itself, in a way rendering it never a conscious witness of its birth. 

4. Is the moment of incarnation accompanied by a confusion similar to that which follows the spirit's separation from the body?

A.: It is, in some cases. According to the book, Sigismund had already been then, since the previous week, in a process of fluidic connection to his future parents. As the approach became closer, he would lose points of contact with the vehicles he consolidated in the spiritual sphere through the assimilation of peculiar elements of that world. Such operation –Alexander explained – was necessary for the reincarnating perispirit could have the plasticity that is natural and, because of that, in the stage he was found, the procedure inflicted these sufferings on him. 

5. Spiritism teaches that there are no two reincarnations alike. What factors do intervene in such a moment?

A.: The reincarnation process, as well as the physical death, differs to infinity. Easiness and difficulties are subordinated to various factors, many times related to the conscious state of the interested ones in coming back to Earth.



The Spirits’ Book, by Allan Kardec, items 339 - 340.

Genesis, by Allan Kardec, chapter XI, items 18 - 20.

The Animic Revolution, by Gabriel Delanne, p. 192.

Summary of the Spiritist Doctrine, by Gustavo Geley, p. 43.

Between Earth and Heaven, by André Luiz, psychographed by Chico Xavier, pp. 179 - 183.

Missionaries of Light, by André Luiz, psychographed by Chico Xavier, pp. 196 - 218. 

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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism