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Year 2 - N° 71 - August 31, 2008

PAULO DA SILVA NETO SOBRINHO                            
Guanhães, Minas Gerais (Brasil) 
FELIPE DARELLA - felipe.darella@gmail.com

Did Kardec reincarnated as Chico Xavier?

It is unlikely that the Spirit of Allan Kardec, if reincarnated as Chico Xavier, could have communicated so many times, as many authors and scholars register; that is the first challenge to be overcome for those who believe in the thesis that they are the same Spirit 

Every now and again this subject, controversial by the way, is commented in the Spiritist movement. Books for or against it are at disposal of those who are interested in it. We could even treat it as a possibility; but, to define it, it is necessary to solve two points:

1 – that the Spirit of a living person can communicate;

2 – that, in communicating, given the necessary conditions to do so, the incarnated Spirit can take on his previous personality.

Well, the first point is, in fact, already solved, because Kardec himself wrote, in the Spiritist Magazine, cases of manifestation of living people. In the year 1860, for example, there are many examples of summoning of living people; however, for that to happen, it is necessary that the incarnated is not awake, according to the Compiler (KARDEC, 2001, p. 138).

In March 1860, he publishes the article “Study on the Spirits of living people”, in which he reports the summoning of Dr. Vignal, to study such cases (p. 81-88). Probably the result is what we have in The Mediums’ Book, Cap. XXV – Evocations, item 284 - Evocation of Living Persons, which follows:

38. Can we evoke the spirit of a person now living in our world?

"Yes; just as you can evoke a spirit incarnated in some other world.  The spirit of a person living in your world can also, in his moments of liberty, render himself visible to you without evocation; that depends on the degree of his sympathy with the parties to whom he manifests himself."

39. In what state is a person's body when his spirit answers to an evocation?

"It is asleep or dozing; it is then that the spirit is freest."

43 Is it absolutely impossible to evoke the spirit of a person who is awake?

"It is difficult to do so, but it is not absolutely impossible; for, if the evocation tells, the person evoked may fall asleep.  But a spirit can only communicate, as a spirit, at times when his presence is not necessary to the intelligent activity of his body." (KARDEC, 2007, p. 384-392).

Thus, we can say that it is correct the possibility of manifestation of an incarnated Spirit; however, there will be a condition for this to happen, which is being in a situation where the presence of the Spirit is not necessary to the intelligent activity of the physical body.

In relation to the second point, we see the following:

45 When the spirit of a person in the flesh is evoked, does he reply as a spirit, or with the ideas of his waking state?

"That depends on his elevation; but, at all events, his judgment will be clearer, and less influenced by prejudices, than in his waking state, for, when answering an evocation, his state is analogous to that of lucid somnambulism; the two states, in fact, are almost the same." (KARDEC, 2007, p. 387-388).

The situation here is that the Spirit evoked, says nothing about his free manifestation. And the fact of answering as a Spirit does not mean that he takes on his previous personality. We conclude, however, that we do not have solid information to state that it can happen.

Everything that we are saying has a purpose, because there are manifestations of the Spirit of Kardec at the same time when Chico was incarnated. What would lead us to believe, in this case, there would have been a manifestation of the Spirit of a living person.

Eduardo Carvalho Monteiro, in Allan Kardec (the reincarnated druid), says the following:

In the book The Celtic Genius and the Invisible World by Leon Denis, recently available to the Brazilian public, the author reproduced a series of messages of the Spirit of Allan Kardec who, in fact, wrote the final part of The Celtic Genius. Madame Baumard, who followed his last years as a secretary, described the creative process of this great writer: “Between the years 1926-1927, Denis kept constant contacts with the invisible. “Allan Kardec’s interest in the book and its elaboration was intense: he showed up every fifteen days and took charge, by mediumistic dictation, of the final part of the book” (MONTEIRO, 1996, p. 74).

The biographer André Moreil, in Life and Work of Allan Kardec, states: “On Easter Monday, 1910, at the “Hope Center” in Lyon, through Mrs. Bernadette in a state of somnambulism, Allan Kardec manifested to thank his biographer, the Spiritist Henri Sausse” (MOREIL, 1986, p. 174). According to Garcia “the Easter of 1910 is coincidentally the return to the physical body of the Spirit today known as Chico Xavier. As we know, Chico was born on April 2, 1910.” (GARCIA, 1999, p. 141). Thus, this manifestation would be of a living person. We also highlight:

The register of communications given by Kardec in the condition of Spirit out of a physical body is not limited to the period immediately after his disincarnating. We advance in time and one of these messages needs to be singled out, despite being well known by scholars. It was addressed to the philosopher Leon Denis in 1925 (once more, take note of the date), containing an explicit request by Kardec for him to attend the spiritualist congress of that year, because of the importance of the event for Spiritism. [...] (GARGIA, 1999, p. 143).

Indeed, Herculano Pires says that:

In 1925, when took place in Paris the International Spiritualist Congress, Kardec himself, through mediumistic communications had to force Leon Denis, blind and old, to leave from Tours, in the countryside, to defend Spiritism from the additions they were trying to make. [“...]”. (PIRES, 1978, p. 13-14).

Garcia also says that “Wantuil and Thiesen reproduce, in the same book [Allan Kardec], a message transmitted by Kardec on June 14, 1979, at the Spiritist Group Ismael, in Rio de Janeiro. The document appears at the end of volume III, finishing the biography. (GARCIA, 1999, p. 146).

As we can see it is not recent of people trying to point someone as Kardec reincarnated; let’s see the following:

We must register another fact. Denis takes an interesting note in the book, about news that was being spread, saying that Kardec would be reincarnated. Well, it shows how old this issue is. Denis wrote the book in 1927, when Chico was 17 years old and started his mediumistic work. There was in the occasion those who admitted that Kardec was reincarnated but not as Chico! He was a Frenchman, about 30 years old, therefore, he would have reincarnated before the new century. Denis said the following: “Another objection consists in intending that Allan Kardec has been reincarnated in Havre, since 1897. Thirty years have been passed of his new earthly experience. Well, is it possible to admit that a Spirit of this stature has waited so long to reveal by works or actions? Besides, Allan Kardec does not communicate only in Tours, but also in many other Spiritist groups in France and Belgium. In all these places he is revealed by the authority of his word and wisdom” (The Celtic Genius, p. 220). (GARCIA, 1999, p. 145)

What can be concluded from this is that it is unlikely that the Spirit of Kardec, if reincarnated as Chico, could manifest so many times as mentioned. To accept such thesis it would be paramount to bring all them up, specifying day and time, to see if Chico, in those moments which Kardec manifested, was asleep or in a situation in which his Spirit did not need to be in his physical body. That is the first challenge for those who believe in it.

On the other hand, if it really happened, there is still another challenge to be overcome that would be going against Chico himself, because, in such hypothesis, after disengaging from the body he would, totally conscious, just like the disincarnated, take on his previous personality to manifest. Well, this takes us to the situation in which Chico should remember this “change”. So, how can we explain that on August 28, 1988, in an interview to The Morning Herald, in Goiania, answering the question if he was Kardec reincarnated he said: “I look at my personality, my tendencies. All that I have inside my heart is mine. I have no resemblance with that brave man who, in twelve years, left twelve great books. [...]” (COSTA E SILVA, 2004, p. 115-116).

Thus, those who still want to have the idea that Kardec reincarnated as Chico Xavier must solve those issues, which, we believe, are fundamental. 


COSTA E SILVA, L. N. Chico Xavier, the Mineiro of the century. Bragança Paulista, SP: Lachâtre, 2004.

GARCIA, W. Chico Are you Kardec? Capivari, SP: EME, 1999.

KARDEC, A. Spiritist Magazine 1859. Araras, SP: IDE, 2001.

KARDEC, A. Spiritist Magazine 1860. Araras, SP: IDE, 2000.

KARDEC, A. The Mediums’ Book. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 2007.

MONTEIRO, E. C. Allan Kardec (the reincarnated druid). São Paulo: Eldorado/Eme, 1996.

MOREIL, A. Life and Work of Allan Kardec. São Paulo: Edicel, 1986.

PIRES, H. J. At the time of testimonial. São Paulo: Paidéia, 1978. 

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