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Year 2 - N° 66 - July 27, 2008


FELIPE DARELLA - felipe.darella@gmail.com

The ghost of the Commercial Association 

According to story published by the newspaper Jornal de Londrina, it is common, during the night; people hear strange noises in the headquarters of the Commercial and Industrial Association of Londrina, whose auditoriums many fear to enter alone. The reason: some people have seen a man sitting in the last row of chairs, whose, all of a sudden, disappears.

One night, according to the story, one of the janitors heard something similar to the noise of a typewriting and someone punching in. As he came into the room, he saw that nobody was there, and because of that, he left running. On another occasion, a worker felt somebody behind her sweeping the floor, but, as she turned around, there was nobody.

Things like that are considered to be folklore, but they lead us to the so-called question: Is it really a Spirit or this is just product of our imagination?

In the Spiritist Magazine, in which Allan Kardec wrote from 1858 until his death in March 1869, there are countless stories similar to the one of the Commercial Association of Londrina. In many of them, the presence of an invisible agent was proved.

The Spirits can indeed act in the world we live and provoke phenomena that Spiritism call “physical effects”. With this sort of phenomena the Modern Spiritualism was born, whose advent is celebrated on March 31, date where in a small town called Hydesville (USA) happened a manifestation from the Spirit Charles Rosma, making use of the mediumistic faculties of two teenagers, Kate and Margaret Fox. It was in 1848.

Spiritism teaches us that we should not get scared when this sort of phenomenon happens to us. It is obvious that we should first verify all the possibilities that they had natural causes, such as the action of the wind, the movement of bugs or small animals and even tricks done by friends.

When the phenomenon is produced by a Spirit, we should look to know, through an unbiased medium, why he did such a thing. In many cases Spirits act like this hoping to transmit a request or a warning. If it is something reasonable that will do no harm, we should look to answering them.

A prayer, an uplifting thought, a positive vibration will help a lot in cases where we verify the invisible agent is not well, which is not difficult to know examining the actions he takes and verifying if these actions harm people.

There is no reason to be afraid: Spirits are people like us, just with no body, like we are going to be sometime in the future.

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