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Year 2 - N° 56 - May 18, 2008

Bauru, São Paulo (Brazil)



FELIPE DARELLA - felipe.darella@gmail.com


Carlos Eduardo Noronha Luz:

“Transcommunication, nearly completed, still needs the presence of the medium" 

Mineiro from Itajubá and living in Bauru (SP) since 1971, ex-professor of Telephony at Faculdade de Engenharia e Tecnologia of UNESP at Campus de Bauru e retired employee of CESP, our interviewed this week is Carlos Eduardo Noronha Luz (picture), confrere who has been studying the scientific side of Spiritism for years.

Technical consultant of the Brazilian Institute of Psychobiophysics (IBPP) and Transcommunication researcher worked and   lived   for   many   years  with  the

confrere Hernani Guimarães Andrade. Carlos Luz gently shares his living with the late professor Hernani and also his researches linked to the area of the Spiritist science  on this interview: 

O Consolador – Mineiro from Itajubá, when did you come to Bauru?   

I had lived in São Paulo e Jundiaí before, and in 1971 I came to Bauru, where I live now.

O Consolador – How did you become Spiritist?         

As we know, there are two ways to get to the Spiritist Centre. One of them is, as we say it, by love, where the search of Spiritist knowledge gets us moving towards this Doctrine. The other is, as we also know, by the pain. Just like the majority of people, I took the second option. I found Casa à Beira do Caminho, which is the Centro Espírita Amor e Caridade (CEAC), in Bauru, the reception that strengthened and settled my belief that we are immortal Spirits embodied.

O Consolador – You were friends with the Professor Hernani Guimarães Andrade, great researcher of reincarnation. Tell us how this friendship evolved. Any quaint fact that happened between you?

I knew Dr. Hernani Guimarães Andrade before he moved with the Brazilian Institute of Psychobiophysics (IBPP) to Bauru, as well as the Professor Suzuko who, according to himself, was more than an assistant, in his vast work in favour of the Spiritist science. I believe that we can call Master people who incorporate into their pedagogical activities, besides the spread of rhetorical knowledge, their practice showed by his attitudes before the everyday facts of life. This was Professor HGA, as we called when, in written language, we used to refer to him. Answering your question about a quaint fact involving HGA, I tell you there was plenty. In the purest Eastern relation master-pupil, I learned from HGA an important lesson. I say so because I’m not like the other developed beings of Creation who dominate the art of the harmonic living with the inanimate things, for example to open graciously a prosaic wood box. This happened at IBPP, which there were two rooms taken by facilities where there was on the door a sign that read Psilab, it means, a space for experimentation with Biomagnetics, as well as bacteria studies such as "Salmonella Typhimurium". In this room once arrived a huge autoclave that was delivered by the transporter, which I don’t know how they made it through the door, which was 80cm wide, the same measurement of the package. Tweaking here and there, the hinges relaxed in a phenomenon that could be called as paranormal. With this autoclave still in package and inside Psilab, I turned up to help the master HGA in his work of extracting the latter, which he had bought with his own resources, from his wooden sarcophagus. It was a fight like David against Goliath, in which my character should have been David fighting against the giant warrior of wood that happened to be the box, to make it let go of its “shelf” the lab apparatus. But what happened was that, twisting and turning, I was already thinking of going home and grab a hammer. Meanwhile, HGA observed that I was more Goliath than David and, grabbing a small screwdriver, and graciously, out came the device.

Transcommunication is the communication
with Spirits through electronic devices,
but the medium is still required

O Consolador – How was the Institute when professor Hernani passed away? Does the work continue?  

The institute, now at Santo Amaro, in São Paulo, keeps its activities mainly by the hands of the Professor Suzuko Hashizume. According to our dear Master Hernani she was, in his own words, more than an assistant. The Professor Suzuko answers requests from abroad about the researches done by Professor Hernani, as well as keep working on the projects started by the Master. This work includes making a book out of his texts, in which many were actually articles.

O Consolador – Is there any book or work by Professor Hernani unpublished?

Working in tandem with Editora Didier, from Votuporanga (SP), we have also published the original works that were sold out, such as “A Teoria Corpuscular do Espírito”, in which talks about his theoretical work. Our next release at IBPP, published by Didier, is the second book that gives the basis for acceptance or refusal of the theory by evidence of experimental facts. This book is going to be titled “Novos Rumos da Experimentação Espirítica” and it will also be updated, bringing in details the experiments made with bacteria when IBPP was based in Bauru.

O Consolador – You are also a researcher in the area of Transcommunication. How are they going?

I have been writing articles to magazines about it. Transcommunication is the communication with Spirits using electronic devices. But it always requires a medium, especially one of physical effects, for it to happen.

O Consolador – What can Transcommunication offer to Spiritism?

The item 934 from The Spirits’ Book, asked by Kardec to the Spiritual Mentors about the death of people we love, answers this question:

934. Is not the loss of those who are dear to us a legitimate source of sorrow, seeing that this loss is both irreparable and independent of our action?

“This cause of sorrow, which acts alike upon rich and poor, is the common law of humanity, for it is either a trial or an expiation; but you have the consolation of holding communication with your friends through the means already possessed by you, while awaiting other means that will be more direct, and more accessible to your senses.”

This final part of the answer can be understood as a forecast, made by the Spirits who took part in the Compilation, foreseeing the evolution of mediumship for it to be made through “other means that will be more direct”, it means, Transcommunication. The italics were done by the original in French.  

O Consolador – Have you, who teaches in the are of Spiritist science, seen the increase of people who are interested in the scientific part of Spiritism?  

Yes, because this is the differential from Spiritism in relation to others “operators of interchange with the other side” that we call religion. While many of those “other religions” are in the field of the blind faith and even praise the preachers who abstain from rationality and embrace incompatible dogmas even with the basics of rationality, Spiritism glorifies the most important acquisitions of the earthly creature that is the rational thinking and the progress in morality taught by Jesus. 

Christianity and the Christian moral
were weakened in the social environment,
for containing confuse information

O Consolador – What books would you suggest for those who want to delve into the scientific side of Spiritism? 

André Luiz who is an updater of the Compilation to our days, followed by Hernani Guimarães Andrade, who is based on the Compilation by Kardec and also André Luiz, having a more in-depth study.  

O Consolador – What are your favourite books? What are your favourite authors? 

My favourite books, besides the Coding, are the ones by André Luiz, books written by Emmanuel and Joanna de Ângelis, the works of Hernani Guimarães Andrade, Richard Simonetti, Yvonne Pereira and Alkindar de Oliveira. 

O Consolador – Kardec, in Late Works, talks about the importance of spreading Spiritism. In your opinion, how can Spiritists help in this spreading, taking the Doctrine beyond the walls of a Spiritist Centre? 

The historical trajectory of Christianity, even because it is an older institution, incorporated noises to the information that came from the “Spiritual Managers”, stating strange paradigms and many times contrary to the Gospel of Jesus. Because of this, secular institutions can find a way through easier to our Doctrine. Many companies, looking for profit, have found out that a fraternity environment is indeed a profitable environment, considering that people, living a social relationship of support and cooperation, learn that the teamwork to overcome problems, by synergy, is much better than the individual effort. From this point to understand that we are immortal Spirits and that the body or any other artifact is a vehicle to our development. This way is made the spreading of a new economy based on the Spirit, in which profit will come as a consequence.  

O Consolador – Many times we are taken aback by depressing news, such as the shocking death of the girl Isabella. How can Spiritism contribute so that our society lives in a culture of peace and respect?

We noticed that Christianity, therefore, the Christian moral was weakened in the social environment for containing confusing information. In Spiritism we learn that before people become Spiritists they should become Spiritualists. Being spiritualist brings as a consequence, like we said, the knowledge that our spiritual part, which is perennial, has more value than the physical part, which is our body. This way, Spiritism and Christianity together bring back the original principles, this time with rational points. Thus, paraphrasing Jesus, we can say that through the progressive knowledge of the Truth, which is going to free us, we will transform society with love, and at last, peace. 

O Consolador – Your final words. 

I thank this opportunity to answer the questions that, as they were asked, allow reflections about Spiritism and Christianity, remembering that the Mankind, as the fishermen from Galilee, throws their net in search of food. They fish many times sardines in the value of the competitive economy forgetting that under their feet there is the giant fish of Christianity, that having as law cooperation among the nations, people and companies, is enough food for the body and the Spirit. They can live with this food lively clarifying their understanding, escaping from the competition. 

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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism