
By Orson Peter Carrara

The life experiences of a Spiritist author and volunteer

Adilton Santos Pugliese (photo) is the author of 15 Spiritist books. His latest work is entitled Regenere-se! (Regenerate Yourself!) and it was recently published by Editora O Clarim. He lives in his hometown of Salvador, in the Brazilian state of Bahia, where he volunteers at Mansão do Caminho. He is also a member of the Editorial Board of LEAL-Editora and takes part in the board of directors of COBEM (Casa de Oração Bezerra de Menezes). We talked to him about his involvement in the Spiritist Movement and his latest book:


What is your assessment of Spiritism?

As Allan Kardec said: “Spiritism is the lever that God uses to make humanity progress.” We can say that the Spiritist principles and the power of its philosophy are the lever that moves human beings towards their transformation into good people. That’s how we will build the new humankind for a world of Regeneration, as predicted by Kardec in The Gospel According to Spiritism. When we all reach that high level of spiritual development, when we all become good people, which will inevitably happen, the planet will become heaven. That’s what Kardec says in The Spirits’ Book.

Which aspect of Spiritism strikes you the most?

It’s the excellence of its core principles, which are the existence of God and his laws, reincarnation, the law of progress, the existence of a spiritual body, the moral laws, mediumship, the immortality of the soul, the statement by Jesus that there are many houses in the Father’s Mansion and the law of cause and effect. These are the pillars of an emerging wisdom and they will dominate the new generation’s way of thinking and behaving. As Kardec predicted in Genesis, this new generation will be made up of morally and intellectually enlightened Spirits. 

Tell us about your most recent book, Regenere-se! (Regenerate Yourself!).

It comes from the compilation of 40 articles published in Spiritist magazines, written mostly during the COVID–19 pandemic. One of them is entitled “Spiritism, hailing the dawn of a new era,” in which I highlight the answer to question 793 of The Spirits' Book: “Of two cultures that have reached the summit of the social scale, the one that may be called the more advanced, in the true sense of the word, is the one where the least selfishness, cupidity, and pride are found; (...) where human life, beliefs and opinions are better respected.” And it’s also important to emphasise what Kardec writes in the answer to question 796, that only education can reform humankind, who will then have no more need of such harsh laws.

In your book , you mention several important figures of the Spiritist Movement in Brazil, especially those who have already returned to Spirit. What is the importance of their legacy for humankind?

There’ve been, indeed, so many dignifying examples of people who’ve left a mark in different areas of knowledge and human relations and who fit the profiles of good men and women, as described by Allan Kardec in The Gospel According to Spiritism. They displayed their commitment to the promise made by Jesus, to send us the Comforter, which was Spiritism, and have left their footprints of light as examples of abnegations, dedication, resistance, leadership and fidelity to the cause of Christ. And how were we able to recognise them? By the principles of true charity that they taught and put into practice.  

And what would you like to share about your interaction with Divaldo Franco?

Divaldo Franco is a winner in the practice of mediumship with Jesus. He has dignified mediunimic practice by treating it as a mission. As a medium and an individual, he is remarkable. He has an amazing personality, encouraging other faltering mediums, like me. Divaldo is the paradigm for those who have embraced the cause of Christ. He has embraced the practice of mediumship, which first flourished when he was a child, in a religious and sacred manner. He’s a true example of perseverance, discipline and dedication to good causes, honouring the name of God and Jesus. 

What are your best memories from all these years in Spiritism?

The first one was when my father, Aimone Pugliese (1920-2002), handed me The Gospel According to Spiritism on a Saturday, in 1975, telling me that I would find the Truth there. It was an important moment in my life. Since then, I have indeed found invaluable information in Spiritism about the meaning of life. It has encouraged me to learn to love God above all things and my neighbours like myself. I must also mention my experiences at the Cristo Redentor Spiritist Centre and the Spiritist Federation of the State of Bahia. And 1995, the year when Divaldo and Nilson warmly welcomed me at Mansão do Caminho, where I’ve been able to carry out important redeeming work as a volunteer. 

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Albert Schweitzer considered gratitude to be an essential condition for happiness, telling us that gratitude was the true secret of life. Leo Buscaglia, who wrote books about love, stressed the importance of expressing gratitude for the miracle of life and he did that whenever he had an opportunity. This is my opportunity, then, to express my gratitude to God, Jesus and their celestial messengers, who have provided me with so many opportunities for redemption in my current incarnation. I must also thank the countless friends in various Spiritist Centres and organisations who have given me access to so many roads and possibilities.

Work hard, pray and trust in Jesus.



Leonardo Rocha -



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita