Letter to the reader

Year 15 - 717 - April 18, 2021

“Alcoholism & Obsession” is the newest launch of the EVOC

Written by Damião Borges Marins, from Tupã (SP), it was pulished last 15th by EVOC – Virtual Publisher of The Comforter one more work which examines through Spiritism sight the theme of alcoholism. The e-book is the fifth of a sequel from the same author, that it has begun with the work Alcoholism, “Cure”, through awareness. Besides the beverage is freely sold in the country, alcoholic drinks have been responsible for countless evil that the reader certainly doesn´t ignore them and they are shown in the sequel which we have referred before, in especial the published book.

Our interviewee is Marcelo Backx Cabral, who was born in Rio de Janeiro (RJ) but has been settled in Trumbull, Connecticut for many years. He is the actual president of the SER – Reborn Spirit Society, he talks about his beginning in Spiritism among other subjects, he talks about his experience as a spirit volunteer in the USA, a country that the Spiritism movement is still incipient. The interview is one of the spots of the current edition.

Another spot is the Especial “The lifeline”, authored by the journalist Altamirando Carneiro, from São Paulo (SP). In the article, Altamirando reminds us that it is not enough the religious label to the soul´s regeneration and progress. Since that the man on his evolutionary path is his own builder of his happiness or misfortune. According to his actions and behaviour, the benefactor or executioner of himself, which it means that it is unfair say that God is responsible for the consequences of the man´s actions.



On this date, this magazine completes 14 years of existence. It was founded on April 18, 2007, when Spiritists celebrated the sesquicentennial of The Book of Spirits. This virtual magazine O Consolador (The Comforter) reaches 717 issues, without ever having stopped circulating throughout this period. This is why we take the opportunity to thank God our Father and all those that make our continuous work possible both to those who work in our plane and to those who, although they are on the spiritual plane, support and encourage us.

  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado




O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita