
por Cláudio Bueno da Silva

The action of the good on the last card of the shadows

A quick analysis of human History clearly shows that the Earth has always been the scene of belligerence. Heterogeneous with regard to the advance, mostly imperfect, men are engaged, without full awareness of it, in a long struggle to impose their will and dominion on each other, usually by force. There are those for whom life only makes sense if everyone moves forward. However, there are those who promote attacks on progress, who struggle to maintain supremacy and control of their "feuds". Despite this, there have been periods of natural advancement and humanity is moving, if not at the desirable speed, at least as possible.

Daring about weakness

In a kind of free interpretation of question 932 of The Book of Spirits, in which the fact that the bad ones surpass the good ones is questioned, we can say that the safe but timid methods of the good ones are based on patience and the work of time to move forward. The evil strategy is instinctive, bold, and reaps its results on the weakness of the good. Because it is quiet and discreet, the work of the good is hardly noticed. The “opponent”, however, has his greatest strength in scandal. The degree of difficulty hinders the expansion of the good. Evil gains easy ground with moral vices. Universal history records episodes of one and the other in the trajectory of man on Earth.

Intelligence at the service of good and evil

Extraordinary events, at times, made us think that humanity would soon reach civilizing maturity. On the other hand, man's perverse condition has never ceased to act, and materializes inhuman tragedies that shame his past and also his present. The good is capable of producing unbelievable phenomena for the highest intelligence. But common sense says that the capacity for evil should not be underestimated, that it knows how to use that same intelligence in favor of its interests.

The origin of good and evil is confused with the beginning of the process of autonomy of the being through the use of its free will. Good and evil are born of man's moral action. In other words, his actions will be good or bad, to the extent that they are or are not in accordance with the laws of God, according to the Spiritist concept. It follows that God did not create evil, it arises from the choices of the Spirit.

At the individual level, the spirit carries out good and bad actions. But, due to the continued preferences, it develops a bias in itself that makes it lean more to one side than to the other. The law of affinity and the gregarious instinct make it associate with social groups, in which values ​​of good or evil predominate.

In the immature journey of evolution of the individual, mistakes and successes mix, but “Good is always good and evil is always evil, whatever the position of man; the difference is in the degree of responsibility”, says question 636 of The Book of Spirits. Well and badly they need to be known for the Spirit to acquire the experience and understand the consequences of each other (question 634, from the same book).

The sophistication of strategies

The good seeks to expand its constructive actions, improving performance methods to obtain effectiveness, which is very natural. For their part, the agents of evil find justifications and means to achieve their goals. Evil itself does not evolve. Its elements for entanglement are always the same- selfishness, ambition, intrigue, hatred, corruption. He knows how to take advantage of the opportunities that inconsequential men offer him, whether in the day-to-day life, or in the promotion of broad and periodic crises. It has been this way through the centuries. However, the deception strategies to deceive and dominate have become very sophisticated. The technological explosion and globalization of everything, if on the one hand bring benefits, on the other hand have facilitated the work of unethical materialists, perhaps even more than the currents concerned with the well-being of human beings and the planet. The application of mass psychology for certain purposes developed a lot in the second half of the 20th century and, associated with new technologies, has served causes that are not always noble.

Faceless men

We know that there are ambitious and insatiable men in the world who, alone, in groups or organizations, act to enjoy exclusive advantages, and who aim to maintain hegemony over the goods of the land (in the Spiritist concept), to the detriment of everything that does not interest them. They have always existed everywhere. Today, in the globalized world, as if they had no face, they are part of a system, which Allan Kardec called in the book The Genesis, in 1868, “conjuncture”: “They are those - says Kardec - whose material interests are linked to the current conjuncture and that they are not advanced enough to give them up, because the general good matters less than their personal good - they are apprehensive about the smallest reform movement. The truth is for them a secondary issue, or, better said, the truth for certain people is entirely in what does not cause them any inconvenience” (¹).

Its unspoken decisions resonate across the planet. Cold and merciless, countless people and groups around the world are at their service who, consciously or unconsciously, think and act for the same purposes, very pragmatic and totally detached from ethics. They are voracious individualists and usurpers. According to them, there is always a good cause behind their actions. But they end up hurting institutional structures and the most sacred rights and values ​​of humanity, in the name of a lot of money and power.

The men here associated with the "men over there"

Those who "command" as well as those "commanded" are not alone. Skeptics, do not perceive a phalanx of invisible beings that accompanies them, complicit in the destruction of lives and dreams. Incarnate and disincarnated, they approach each other by affinity and communicate with each other. A symbiosis feeds them. Acting essentially with the same motivations, they choose their areas of expertise and immerse themselves in politics, religion, science, education, art, fashion, sport, entertainment, making the world believe in symbols, images, colors, words, slogans, sophisms, methodically studied and chosen to stun, deceive and dominate minds, keeping them "working" in the perpetuation of their privileges, pleasures and prejudices.

The Superior Spirits told Allan Kardec that the influence of Spirits on the thoughts and actions of men is so great that they are very often the ones who direct them (question 459, The Book of Spirits), although this does not exempt both of them from responsibility about their own acts. Whatever results from this influence will constitute merit and progress for the Spirits, as well as the consequences of bad relations will weigh on the conscience of those involved.

Cyclical advances

The purpose of this text is to reflect a little on the problem already interviewed by Kardec in 1868, which is quite aggravated today, derived from the conditions of moral miserability of humanity, and which will persist until its causes are overcome by the regeneration process to which it is subjected. Unfortunately, the cruel onslaught of darkness seems to be cyclical in human history. The last one was in the period of the two great wars (1914-18 and 1939-45). When you know the backstage of these conflicts and the ideas that have spread among some peoples, you can see that the plan of their creators was to truly attack the world. The Nazi fascist axis of the second war narrowly failed to materialize its madness. But in the face of so much boldness from the dark forces of humanity, we saw God's will prevail. Since then, the world has developed rapidly and has become concerned with new humanitarian values ​​that, from a few decades ago more intensely, have taken serious risks again.

The confrontation of ideas

The changes knock on the door. The times have come. Allan Kardec says: “the past no longer satisfies the new aspirations and needs” of humanity; “There is an inevitable struggle between ideas”; “We have witnessed this transformation, the conflict that results from the struggle of opposing ideas that seek to establish themselves; some march with the flag of the past, others with the flag of the future”; "There are, however, those who are essentially refractory to these (new) ideas, even among the most intelligent" (...). (²)

New ideas lead man towards freedom, equality and fraternity. The reaction against them aims to keep the world unjust, divided and cruel. The moment is one of decision and choice, which will end up influencing everyone's future.

Of course, we must report to God, because only He can, with His mercy, lead solutions of such magnitude. But it is fair to think that knowing the problems, we can, at least at the individual level, take precautionary measures, change, and correct course in our lives.

Ongoing spiritual sanitation

We look around us, we see people, children, animals, nature, we smile in the midst of so many beautiful things that we live, and we cannot believe that man has such a bad side. However, history, facts, show reality. The Spiritist Doctrine explains, however, that it depends on the man himself to transform his dark side into light, which is nothing but imperfection in a raw state.

The critical awareness of individuals and groups about their responsibility in building the world they want will put increasing pressure on this materialistic and unbelieving system that causes so much harm. It is necessary to oppose it with the knowledge and information that alert people about the meaning of life and the spiritual meaning of living in the world.

If the populations are influenced by this perverse dominion of the powerful, a large part of them will be willing to fight for the preservation of their natural values ​​if encouraged to do so. Spiritualists from all over the world claim that humanity begins a new stage of its education. Spiritism announces that there is an ongoing spiritual sanitation on the planet, which consists in the non-permanence on Earth of the Spirits deliberately vowed to evil. It is a relatively slow, but continuous process, to the point of allowing only the reincarnation of spirits interested in progressing in solidarity.

The structures of evil begin to tremble

It is important to note that this phase of the project regarding the destinies of humanity, implemented by Jesus of Nazareth and the high spheres of spirituality, coincides with the current perception that the structures that keep the building of selfishness and ambition standing Earth begin to shake. The lords of global “rules and norms” that impose misery and disease, ignorance and hatred, violence and fear, which victimize entire populations, are not so calm. Regimes, systems, methods are beginning to be discredited. One begins to think about a new global order in which human needs are affected not only by political and economic norms, but by all the elements that make up the integral life of man on Earth: the social, cultural, moral and spiritual.

The recrudescence of all kinds of evils, the exacerbation of the worst in man, indicate that the forces of evil are staggering, reacting and possibly trying to play their last card to maintain disorder in the world. On the other hand, the resistance movements of the good signal that the seeds of love planted over time by those who have always believed in God, have already developed and will not begin to bear fruit.

Evil gets tired, good strengthens

Ancient writings, secular traditions and prophecies claim that this "battle" will come to an end. After all, evil gets tired, runs out, is diluted with centuries and pains, unlike good, which is only renewed, expanded, strengthened and envelops everything in light. Men of thought and good character, committed to the reorganization of humanity on the basis of love, also trust in the victory of good. In fact, the longer we live, the more we advance in wisdom, the more we know God. More and more we understand that the magnificent work that He perpetually establishes in the Universe can only radiate clarity, purity, infinite peace. Therefore, the darkness will need to give up its inglorious struggle, which, from the beginning, was doomed to failure. Their agents will have to leave the Earth and one day, God knows where, they will become light themselves, because light and shadow are part of the same principle.

But these changes will not yet be enough, except to stabilize and calm the terrestrial environment. The moral revolution of Spiritist knowledge is that, changing man through reincarnations, he will change the world.



(¹) Allan Kardec, The Genesis, chapter XVIII, item 24, FEAL, 2018, (original italics).

(²) Allan Kardec, The Genesis, chapter XVIII, items 11, 8, 30, 24, FEAL, 2018.

Allan Kardec, What is Spiritism, chapter III, item 129, 130 and 131, FEB.

Allan Kardec, The Book of Spirits, third book, chapter I, The good and the bad, LAKE.

Allan Kardec, The Genesis, Chapter III, Good and Evil, FEAL, 2018.

Suggested reading: Regis de Morais, Human evolution and historical facts, EME Publisher, 2002.

Suggested reading: Herminio C. Miranda, The medium of the Antichrist, article in the “Reformador” (FEB), March / April 1976. Article also published in The two faces of life, Editora Lachatre, 2005.


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita