Spiritism For Kids

por Marcela Prada


Theme: Action and Reaction

God and the spirit

There in the spirit center, another class of evangelization was going to begin. After the initial prayer, Vânia, the evangelizer, called her students and said:

- Guys, let's play a game.

Vânia distributed texts to the children and said:

- To introduce our study today, let's read this text together. I need three volunteers: one to represent God, another to be the evolving spirit and another to read the part of the narrator.

After the participants were chosen, the narrator began:

"One day God created the spirit.

- My son I love you! - the child who represented God read.

- I love you too, Father! But why did the Lord create me? - read the one that interpreted the spirit.

- To be happy! You will learn all things and you will be able to cooperate with me in my creation. We will always be together!

- Really? But I don’t feel capable of all this.

- Don’t worry. You will evolve and discover these qualities in you.

- And what should I do?

- Live! You are free to do what you want. I created you with free will, with free choice.

- Wow! Can I do anything?

- Yes."

The narrator continued saying:

"The spirit then went around trying everything. He felt the wind, the scent of the flowers, watched the nature... When he saw the fire, he was amazed at its warmth and its light.

- How beautiful it is! I want this for myself!

Then, he wanted to catch the fire. He felt that it was very hot, felt that it would not be good to touch the fire but nevertheless he insisted.

- Oooouuuchhh! It hurt me!

The spirit then sought God.

- Daaaaaadddd!

- Yes, my son, I am here.

 - I am not happy!

- Why not my son?

- Didn’t you say I could do anything? I tried to hold the fire but I couldn’t and now it hurts!

- You can do anything but not everything suits you.

- What do you mean?

God then explained:

- According to my law of Action and Reaction, every attitude has a consequence. Today you learned the consequence of leaning on the fire: you burned yourself.

- But then am I going to walk around hurting myself? How will I know what to do and what not to do?

- You received free will but you also received the instinct to guide you in the early stages of your evolution. Gradually, you will not need it anymore. You will develop your intelligence yourself and you will be able to consciously discern what it is good and what it is bad for you.

- What's good? And what’s bad?

- Good is what is in accordance with my laws, the laws that govern the universe that I created. Evil is the absence of good, it is what it doesn’t contribute to the harmony of the universe.

- So, are there laws?

- Of course, they are the ones who maintain the balance overall.

- And how can I know these laws?

- They are written in a safe and inviolable place: in your conscience. If you consult and act on it, you will be on the right path.

- I think I understand it: I have free will, instinct, and intelligence and I must respect the Law of Action and Reaction and the other laws of the universe. I think I can do well in my evolution.

- Of course you will, my son.

And so, the spirit began his evolutionary journey, always under the loving gaze of God."

The reading was over but the class was just beginning.


Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


Material de apoio para evangelizadores:

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O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita