
por Orson Peter Carrara

Individualism has been causing huge damage to the Spiritist Movement

The sentence above reflects the thoughts of Allan Kardec Pitta Velloso (photo), an economist, journalists and Spiritist volunteer. He was born in the city of Piracicaba in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. He is a former president of the Union of Spiritist Societies (USE) of São Paulo and grandson of two renowned pioneers of the Spiritist Movement in the state, as he explains in the following interview.

Tell us about your maternal grandfather.

My aunts, sisters and other people who met my maternal grandfather have told many interesting stories about him. I know he has an austere personality but was a loving person. He passed away before I was born, so I didn’t have the opportunity of spending time with him. I’ve been told that he reincarnated as my son, Jean Gabriel Mautone Pitta Veloso, but we can’t prove that, can we? I know he was a disseminator of Spiritism and public speaker who travelled extensively through São Paulo, Paraná and other states, using all sorts of means of transport. He even travelled on the back of a donkey. He was a personal friend of Vinícius Pedro de Camargo and Cairbar Schutel.

And what about your paternal grandfather?

Again, I have no memories of him, even though he passed away after I was born. But I am the youngest grandson of João Leão Pitta and the the second youngest of my paternal grandfather, Francisco Velloso. So what I know about him is from stories told by uncles, older cousins and my siblings.

In which way have their lives helped shape your personality?

The main legacy they left was their commitment to the Spiritist Movement. They were both totally dedicated to their work in Spiritism and that has left a profound mark on me and other relatives. Both of them faced persecution from the local Roman Catholic Church for being Spiritists and for being openly engaged in the dissemination of Spiritism and in charity work in the region.

What did they tell you about Cairbar Schutel?

I really don’t have information on that but I have a cousin, grandson of Pitta and son of Urubatão Pitta, who is named Cairbar because of their friendship.

What are the main challenges faced by USE São Paulo at the moment?

Many friends work so hard, facing the same problems of always. Not everyone does as much as they could. But the prospects are overall good, as the Spiritist Movement in general is getting more mature and getting closer and closer to the codification of Allan Kardec. A big problem we face in the Spiritist Movement, which was already foreseen by Allan Kardec, is excessive individualism. Such attitudes have caused huge damage to the Spiritist Movement in Brazil. Some Spiritists are too narcissistic, despite knowing a great deal about the Teachings and being great public speakers. But they often finish off like, him, Narcissus, who drowned in a lake obsessed by his own image.

Would you like to share one memory with us from all your years in the Spiritist Movement?

During a mediumship meeting we were talking to a Spirit who identified herself as Enedina, who had been a very dedicated Spirtist worker in the city of Nova Friburgo, near Rio de Janeiro. I asked her what had been her first impressions after returning to the Spiritual World. She said the prevailing feeling had been one of disappointment. I didn’t understand and asked why. Then she said that she had realised only 5% of what she could have done on earth. Then I thought to myself: “I’m in trouble”.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Yes. Despite the natural challenges and problems faced by any activity, the Spiritist Movement has been moving steadily forward. We have remarkable companions doing great work and contributing towards the dissemination of Spiritism. Many Spiritist Centres are doing so much. What we need is to pull our efforts together so we are able to do more and achieve more. We must look for unity in our diversity. I leave you with the words of our dear Léon Denis: “The Spiritist Movement will be what the Spiritists make of it”. So each one of us has a role to play in that process and we need to do it well. If there is hope in a better world, and we do have that hope, we need to work hard to make that become a reality.



Leonardo Rocha -



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita