
por Ricardo Baesso de Oliveira

Gender Change: What do Spiritists think about it?

The gender reassignment surgery, correctly called gender reassignment, was approved in Brazil by the Federal Medical Council, in 2002, for individuals over 21 years of age, with a medical diagnosis of transsexuality for at least 2 years, and after an evaluation by a multidisciplinary team consisting of a psychiatrist, surgeon, endocrinologist, psychologist and a social worker. The transsexual is the individual who has the biological sex with which he was born, but has the sexual identity of the opposite sex: a man who looks in the mirror and sees himself and feels like a woman, and a woman who looks in the mirror and sees herself and feels like a man. Transsexuality is a definition based on sexual identity and not on sexual orientation, and thus differs from homosexuality, which is a condition related solely to desire. The homosexual feels sexual attraction and affection for people of the same sex, but he does not see himself and does not feel like being of the opposite sex.

Not all transsexual people feel the need for surgery. Some feel good with their body and accept it with no rejection about their appearance or genital organ. For those who want a surgical intervention, the SUS (Brazilian National Health System) offers some procedures such as removal of the breasts, surgical removal of the uterus (to get rid of menses) and trans-genitalization (surgery to modify the genitals - removal of the testicles and construction of the vagina or removal of ovaries and construction of a penis). Hormone treatment is available at clinics specialized in large centers.

One of the discussions around this issue is about the rate of individuals who regret having had the surgery. The rate is low. Alexandre Saadeh, a psychiatrist, who coordinates the hospital outpatient clinic, and attends patients at the “Hospital das Clinicas de Medicina da USP”, says that considering that the screening and preparation before surgery is too much work, it is very rare to find a case of post-surgical regret.[i]

Among Spiritists there is no consensus as to the validity and applicability of these surgeries. Let us see some opinions.

Contrary positions
Two of the most important mediums of our Spiritism movement - Chico Xavier and Divaldo Franco - manifested themselves against gender reassignment. Interviewed in October 1966 by the newspaper Folha Espirita, Chico commented on a message he had received from a person, who disincarnated in Paris and underwent this type of surgery - he changed his name, but when he arrived in space, his relatives told him that while he was living on Earth, he would have had to use the name of the man he was born in this world.

He commented that it is possible for those, who have outstanding morphological difficulties, to use plastic surgery to recover; however, regarding the gender reassignment, he commented:

Now, simply because of a psychological issue, for example - for the man who is born with female tendencies or for the woman who manifests masculine tendencies since early - I believe that, if this is the only reason, the surgery should not be done. Let's hope the physician will help the patient think a lot, because if the doctor finds a morphologically perfect body with masculine or feminine characteristics, I think it would be totally against the Law of Cause and Effect and the need for segregation of that Spirit in its body, because the surgery would be just a pleasure-hunt issue. [ii]

The main argument presented by Chico is that such surgery comes against the need of the Spirit to live an experience in a body that does not identify with its psychology. Such a procedure would contradict the Law of Cause and Effect.
Divaldo Franco defends an equivalent position. According to him, this

[...] violence that the individual imposes on himself will bring him serious damage in the present and in future reincarnations. As the psyche is the most important element in the relation spirit-matter, the act of hating the body itself will be impregnated in the psychic organization and will have repercussions in the next incarnation. In addition, the anatomical and physiological modifications promoted by a gender reassignment imply creating the memory of a body that the individual already possessed and in whose experience he may have failed, now needing to remain in a physio-psychological condition opposite to that which has brought him severe spiritual commitments. This allows us to conclude that the attempt to change the gender is an inadvisable proposition, despite the right of each to act as he sees fit.

When a surgery or a radical intervention in the body is made due to an unavoidable necessity, for the preservation of health, the originated anatomical and physiological alterations do not affect the perispirit that creates matrices when occurrences of such size take place. It remains as a molder organ in healthy conditions for future reincarnation experiences. However, in cases of transsexuality, when there are amputations or organ reconstructions, a serious injury inevitably occurs, which is the result of the contribution of the psyche of the patient, who wishes to circumvent the laws of Nature to practice sex at any cost with the objective of experiencing sensations that life denied to him, being in the process of an evolutionary reeducation.[iii]

In the text, Divaldo ratifies Chico's argument about the need of the reincarnated entity - in the transsexual condition - to live that experience, without "dribbling the Laws of Nature", commenting that the gender reassignment could be accompanied by current and future consequences, presenting the idea of ​​a possible perispiritual injury.

Those who manifest themselves contrary to gender reassignment also refer to the thought of Joanna de Angelis, presented in the book Glorious Days (Dias Gloriosos), Chapter 14, when, examining the possible influences of the maternal mind and genetic engineering on the gender of the baby, states that in the vain attempt to change the gender, embryonic formation or any other period of physical existence, the Law of Harmony in force is challenged in the Creation, which will cause unnamed disorders in the personality and mental life of those who go through gender reassignment.
Philomeno de Miranda, in turn, although he does not specifically deal with surgery, examining transsexuality, states in the book Madness and Obsession (Loucura e Obsessao), Chapter 6, that there is no other treatment for these marks of the soul other than the overcoming of the problem through abstinence, channeling the sexual strength to other areas.

Favorable position

There are favorable opinions among other Spiritist scholars. Jaider Rodrigues de Paulo, a psychiatrist and founder of the Medical-Spiritist Association of Minas Gerais, comments that throughout his professional practice he witnessed several cases of transsexual patients who rejected their bodies because they were different from their real feelings, their psychic identity. This caused terrible conflicts and inhibitions. One of them - recalls Dr. Jaider - even mutilated his penis, saying that it did not belong to him, being rescued in an emergency room in a serious condition. Another patient could see a penis instead of a vagina, denying her female body because she did not feel like a woman. He also comments on a patient who felt like a woman in a man's body since childhood. He liked feminine elements, and when he became an adult he looked like a woman. He was making raffles, collecting donations for a gender reassignment in France. He had a boyfriend, but he decided that he would only date after the surgery. Dr. Jaider wrote:

Is it fair to ignore human pain and let these people suffer? Pedagogically, what is more sensible and productive: a human being repressed, excluded, depressed and constrained, or someone more attuned to life and productive for him and for society? Let transgender people decide their future, accepting them in the way they are and feel, valuing the immortal Spirit that we are all, children of God. [iv]

The current president of the mentioned institution, Andrei Moreira, has been carefully studying issues related to sexuality and presented his opinion in two works: Homosexuality from the standpoint of the immortal Spirit and Transsexuality from the perspective of the immortal Spirit. Andrei comments that transsexual people live, in different degrees, the called gender dysphoria, that is, the psychic suffering resulting from the dystonia between their psychology and their body. This suffering varies from individual to individual, but some live it so intensely that they even mutilate their own genitals because they look at their sexual organs as the wrong sexual apparatus. Many trans do not even look at their genitals directly, or in the mirror. Many touch themselves only to perform hygienic functions, but only with a towel. For these, the author understands that gender reassignment is essential so that they can be in peace with themselves. He wrote:

If the incarnation experiences have an educational character, what is the point of wanting to force a person to live in a certain way that causes even more suffering and pain, ending many times in suicide? In addition, what prevents a person, who accepts himself as a transsexual, or who even underwent hormone therapy and surgery, from thinking on his or her own condition and "readjusting their feelings? Real achievements revolve around the mind/spirit, but we often insist on building standards and norms sustained by the foundations of matter [...] even those who feel inclined and are able to undergo gender reassignment, question themselves along their life on the whats and whys of that experience. [v]

Examining the question of the possible influence on the perispirit, Andrei comments that it is a reflection of the mental body, headquarters of the mind, of a wave that derives from the thought as a manifestation of the Spirit’s will. In this way, the astral body reflects what goes in the mind of the Spirit. Thus it can be deduced that transsexual people have in their minds an image of themselves in tune with their psyche. He says:

When they leave the body, therefore, transsexuals probably possess the astral body in tune with their mental image, that is, with the sexual expression opposite to their biological body. If this is true, then trans-gendering would not be a mutilation in the astral body, because it is in tune with the mental image and also because there is no intention of voluntarily wounding or self-harming, but rather of harmonizing biology and psyche.[vi]

The argument that gender reassignment is preventing the Spirit from going through the tests it needs to pass has been opposed by some scholars, who consider this argument as fatalistic and dangerous, since it can be associated with a conformist attitude, stimulating the culture of suffering. These scholars refer to two mediumistic messages inserted by Kardec in Chapter 5 of The Gospel According to Spiritism. The first message, signed by "a guardian angel", appears in item 26:

You ask whether it is lawful for man to slow down his own tests. This question is equivalent to this other: Is it lawful for one who drowns to try and save himself? For the one who has a thorn in his body to pull it out? For the one who is sick to call the doctor? The tests are intended to exercise intelligence, as well as patience and resignation. It can happen that a man is born in a painful and difficult condition, precisely to be forced to look for ways of overcoming his difficulties. The merit – if one does not succeed - consists in suffering, without murmuring, the consequences of the evils that cannot be avoided, of persevering in the struggle, of not despairing. However, never in negligence for this would be more laziness than virtue.

The second message, found in item 27, is signed by Bernardino, a Protecting Spirit, and ties to answer the following question: Should one put an end to the neighbor’s trials? The Spirit said:

Should a man put an end to his neighbor's trials when he can, or should he let him follow his path in order to respect the purposes of God? We have already told you and repeated many times that you are in this Land of atonement to conclude your trials and that everything that happens to you is a consequence of your previous existences, it is the interest of the debt that you have to pay. This, however, causes in some people thoughts that must be fought, due to the disastrous effects they could determine. Some think that, being on Earth to atone, the proofs must follow their course. There are others who go so far as to think that not only must they do nothing to mitigate them, but that they must contribute to make them more fruitful and more intense. This is a mistake! It is certain that one’s tests must follow the course that God has traced for them; but are you acquainted with this course? Are you aware of how far they are to go and if our merciful Father has not said about the suffering of this or that brother: "Will you not go further?" Do you know whether Providence has chosen you not as an instrument of torment to aggravate the sufferings of the guilty, but as the balm of consolation to heal the wounds that His righteousness has opened? Therefore do not say when you see one of your brothers hurt, "It is the Righteousness of God, it is necessary that it should follow its course". Say instead: "Let us see what means the merciful Father has put me in reach to soften the suffering of my brother. Let me see if my moral consolations, my material support or my advice can help him to succeed in this test with more energy, patience and resignation. Let us see if God did not put into my hands the means of making this suffering cease; if He perhaps did not give me, also as atonement, to stop evil and replace it with peace".

Those who are in favor of gender reassignment understand that evidence does not disappear. It goes on existing in the conflicting experience of the individual inserted in families and social contexts often prejudiced and excluding. Surgery, they said, would be to relieve the psychic suffering of the dystonia between the gender identity and the biological gender, often preventing major evils such as chemical dependency, prostitution, delinquency, madness and suicide. The rate of school dropout among trans in Brazil is around 82% (often motivated by the intense bullying they suffer), which contributes to low schooling, unemployment or underemployment (the job market closes the doors for trans people), which leads to prostitution. According to data from Antra (National Association of Transvestite and Transsexuals), 90% of transvestites and transsexuals prostitute themselves (most of them after being denied job opportunities). Research shows that 41% of young transsexuals, who do not have family support and acceptance try suicide until the age of 20. The trans/homo community presents a risk of self-extermination eight times higher than the hetero community in general. [vii]

New themes propose new reflections. Spiritism presents a body of ideas defined by Allan Kardec and developed by the subsidiary works, which help us to think deeply, because it is based on the principles of existence, survival and pre-existence of the soul, yet does not have ready answers for all the issues of human individuality. We need to open more spaces so that issues like this and many others are discussed. If, without questioning, without evaluating and understanding, we stubbornly give answers based solely on old concepts, this is prejudice. If, on the other hand, unthinkingly, we open ourselves to the new and surrender to it without seeking further maturation, we can descend to the lightheadedness.

As we have noted in the thoughts previously related, the issue involving gender reassignment causes opposite opinions and it is natural that this is so. The differences that exist between us promote the philosophy of dialogue, which is healthy, when together with the brotherhood spirit.

Urged to position himself on the subject, Emmanuel states that medical surgeries for gender change fit the principles of free will with their derivations in the Law of Cause and Effect. [viii]  It is perceived that the Benefactor delegates to the creature the final decision and in a manner equivalent to the responsibility before it. It will always be like this: free will and responsibility go together. Whatever our personal opinion, it is up to us to respect the decision made by those involved, taking care not to fall into enthusiastic support or blunt criticism - because the ultimate responsibility will always be of who decides.


  Transsexualities from the viewpoint of the immortal Spirit, Andrei Moreira, Chapter 5
ii   Lessons of wisdom, Chapter 36
iii  Sex and Conscience, Chapter 7, organized by Luiz Fernando Lopes
iv  Transsexualities from the point of view of the immortal Spirit, Andrei Moreira, preface.
v  Transsexualities from the viewpoint of the immortal Spirit, Andrei Moreira, Chapter 4
vi  Transsexualities from the viewpoint of the immortal Spirit, Andrei Moreira, Chapter 5
vii   Transsexualities from the point of view of the immortal Spirit, Andrei Moreira, Chapter 2
viii   Lessons of wisdom, Chapter 36

Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita