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Study of the Works of Allan Kardec   Portuguese  Spanish

Year 10 - N° 504 - February 19, 2017

Paraná (Brasil)  
Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


The Revue Spirite of 1858

Allan Kardec

(Part 2)

In this issue, we continue the study of the Revue Spirite of 1858, a monthly newspaper focused on the divulgation of Spiritism, founded and directed by Allan Kardec. This study is based on the translation into the Portuguese language made by Julio Abreu Filho and published by EDICEL. The answers to the questions are at the end of the text for reading.

Questions for discussion

A. Accidents, are they part of man's destiny?

B. How can we explain a presentiment?

C. Is the mediumship of physical effects rare in our world?

D. What is the relation between Magnetism and Spiritism?

Text for reading

34. Kardec comments on the coming of Mr. Home to Paris in 1855 and says that the psychic does not charge for his manifestations, nor does he ask anyone for anything. (Page 59)

35. Why did Mr. Home come to France? France still had many doubts regarding Spiritist manifestations and he came to give it a great impulse on this field. (Page 60)

36. Daniel Dunglas Home, born 03/15/1833, near Edinburgh, descends from the ancient and noble Dunglas family of Scotland. He is of medium height, blond, and has a melancholic look; he is of a very delicate complexion, of simple and gentle habits, and a kind and good man. (Page 61)

37. His mediumship could be seen from an early age. When he was only six months old, his cradle rocked alone, when he could not reach the toys, they would move within his reach. The first visions occurred when he was 3 years old. His reputation as a medium only became known in 1855. (Page 62)

38. Kardec praises the dignity of language used by Mr. Paul Auguez when he refutes Mr. Viennet's aggression on Spiritism. (Page 63)

39. Kardec informs that a large copy of facts and news was sent to him by the Revue readers in response to his January appeal. (Page 64)

40. We arrived to the conclusion, through simple reasoning, about the plurality of the inhabited worlds. And this reasoning is confirmed by the revelation of the Spirits, who teach that everything is populated in the Universe. (Page 67)

41. We saw that all odds favor the plurality of worlds, though not all are in the same degree of perfection. (Page 70)

42. By saying that Mars is less advanced than the Earth, Kardec states that Jupiter is, in our system, the most advanced of all. (Pages 70 and 71)

43. Kardec refers to one more work by Ms. Ermance Dufaux: The Story of Louis XI. The psychic was only 14 years old. (Page 74)

44. Saint Louis analyzes an accident with a boat that turned over in Dunkirk killing 4 people and says that the physical tests, once chosen by the Spirit, will consist of a kind of destiny for him. (Pages 75 and 76)

45. "The accident is marked in the destiny of man; you yourself chose your test”, teaches St. Louis. (Pages 76 and 77)

46. Before incarnating, the Spirit becomes aware of every phase of its life; when this happening has a strong feature, the Spirit retains a kind of impression about it, and such impression – awakening when the moment approaches – becomes a presentiment. (Page 78)

47. When a Spirit tells us that in a previous life it was Socrates or Plato, we are obliged to believe, because it does not carry its identity card; but when the Spirit says it is one of our relatives, or friends, there are a thousand of circumstances that allow us to identify it. (Page 79)

48. Kardec talks to the murderous Lemaire, 29 days after his execution, in Aisne, Northern France. (Page 80)

49. Lemaire says that he found his victims; their eyes pursued him, and in vain he tried to escape them. (Page 81)

50. Why did you follow the path of crime? Lemaire says he thought he was strong enough and chose this crude test, but he gave in to the temptations of evil. (Page 82)

51. The Spirit of a Queen of Aude was evoked (ancient Kingdom of India) and all her moral backwardness and her pride can then be seen. (Pages 84 and 85)

52. For her, the Christian religion is absurd and Jesus, the carpenter's son, is unworthy of occupying her thoughts. (Page 85)

53. Dr. Xavier, who had read The Book of Spirits in life, is evoked by Kardec and leaves us many teachings. (Page 87)

54. Dr. Xavier says that the Spiritist Doctrine is great, but certain disciples are harming it - those who attack real things, such as religions. (Page 89)

55. The similarity between what Dr. Xavier says about abortion and questions 358 and 359 of The Book of Spirits is remarkable. (Page 90)

56. Speaking about physical manifestations, Kardec says that this faculty is not very rare: in a hundred people, at least fifty have this ability, to a greater or lesser degree. Mr. Home is one of them. (Page 92)

57. Under the influence of Mr. Home, the most resounding noises are heard and all the furniture in a room can be turned over and piled up on top of each other. (Page 92)

58. Mr. Home usually begins his sessions with the already known strokes, as well as the movement and suspension of the table. (Page 93)

59. In the same manner as it happened with the table, Mr. Home has already been raised and descended to and from the ceiling. Of all the manifestations produced by him, the most extraordinary is, however, that of the apparitions. (Page 94)

60. Kardec gladly confirms the news given by some newspapers of a legacy of 6,000 francs made to Mr. Home by an English lady, whom he converted to the Spiritist Doctrine. Mr. Home deserved this proof of consideration, Mr. Kardec says. (Page 94)

61. Both being based on the existence and manifestation of the soul, Magnetism and Spiritism can and should lend each other mutual support because they complement each other and explain each other. (Page 95)

62. However, its followers disagree on some points: some of those who magnetize do not accept the manifestation of the Spirits and think that they can explain everything by the action of the magnetic fluid alone. (Page 95)

63. Spiritism followers, on the contrary, accept Magnetism and all admit its action. (Page 95)

64. Magnetism has paved the way for Spiritism, and because it became known by all, it contributed for the quick advance of Spiritism. (Page 96)

65. Kardec admits, together with Mr. Georges, that Humanity has entered the psychological period, but does not agree that the scientific period has said the last word; on the contrary, many other wonders will come. (Page 98) 

Answers to the proposed questions

A. Accidents, are they part of man's destiny?

St. Louis says yes, explaining that the physical tests, once chosen by the Spirit, will form a kind of destiny for him. (Revue Spirite, pages 75 and 77). 

B. How can we explain a presentiment?

According to Spiritist teachings, before the Spirit incarnates, it becomes aware of all phases of its life; when these have a strong mark, the Spirit keeps deep inside a kind of impression that awakens as the moment approaches, therefore it becomes a presentiment. This is one of the causes of this fact. (Revue Spirite, page 78). 

C. Is the mediumship of physical effects rare in our world?

No. Kardec says that this faculty is not rare: in a hundred people, at least fifty have this ability, to a greater or lesser degree. (Revue Spirite, page 92). 

D. What is the relation between Magnetism and Spiritism? 

Based on both the existence and the manifestation of the soul, Magnetism and Spiritism can and should provide mutual support because they complement each other and explain each other. Magnetism, according to Kardec, paved the way for Spiritism, and the rapid progress of this latter Doctrine is undoubtedly due to the popularization of ideas about the former. (Revue Spirite, pages 95 and 96). 



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