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Letter to the reader Portuguese Spanish    
Year 10 - N° 497 - January 1st, 2017
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


Joaquim Bueno Neto speaks
to the magazine

“The book of hope of all those who suffer” is the title of our new editorial which reminds us the importance and present lessons in the pages of the New Testament.

“The Gospel is a divine mosaic” – this sentence shows how the confrere Joaquim Bueno Neto sees and measure Jesus teachings. Coordinator of the held studies in the Spirit Association of Gospel Studies Francisco de Paula Victor, in Limeira (SP), the confrere tells us in the interview about his affinity with gospel themes. The report is one of the highlights of the current edition. 

Another spot is the Especial “Allan Kardec and the Magnetic Banquets”, written by Rogério Miguez from São José dos Campos (SP), in which he tells us about the close relationship Allan Kardec had for 35 years with the study and practice of Magnetism and ends it with an important warning about spirit pseudonews. 

The city of Salvador (BA) was the stage again of a numerous public event connect to the Movement You and the Peace, it was held on December 11 to 19, it was coordinated by the loved speaker Divaldo Franco. As the years before, the meetings were held in different places in the capital of Bahia, it is shown in a report written by Paulo Salerno, which is one of the spots of this number. 

On this date we start 2017, we state to our readers and collaborators our wishes of prosperous New Year in which peace and harmony are present in every home and we can accomplish the ideals by which we govern our lives.


  Director of Writing: Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho

Administrative Director: José Carlos Munhoz Pinto


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism