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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 10 - N° 490 - November 6, 2016

Johnny Silveira / silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


Fifi's Barking

Manuel and Rita’s home was very sad.

Clara, their six year-old daughter and the apple of their eye, had returned to the spiritual world because of a serious illness, leaving the family in great pain.

Because of the suffering of the parents who were devastated with the departure of little Clara, the couple’s Spiritual Friends discussed how to reduce their suffering as they could not bear living without their beloved daughter. The little girl suffered as she received the thoughts from mom and dad begging her presence. Her father would say in his prayers:

- Come back, little daughter! We can’t live without you. We miss you very much and are suffering so much that we also wish to leave in order to meet you!

And the mother, in tears, would said:

- Clara, my darling, we cannot endure life without you! I can only think of you, dear! Come back to us! All we do is cry as we remember your pretty face and the conversations we used to have. Even your dog Fifi is sad: she doesn’t bark or feed anymore!... May Jesus send you back to

us who love you so… that's all we want.

The Spiritual Friends became concerned with the welfare of little Clara after hearing those words as she was still weak due to the illness that brought her back to the spiritual world, and studied the problem, seeking a solution to calm the suffering parents.

Until one of them decided, after much thought:

- It would be best to take our dear Clara to visit her parents, so they feel that she's okay and calm down their hearts and disconnect a bit from her.

The other members of the group agreed, thinking that it was the only way to soothe the parents’ hearts.

So on a day when Manuel and Rita would do the Gospel at home, Clara was brought home very gently by the Spiritual Friends for a visit.

After reading a passage from the Gospel, her parents began to discuss the subject which was “Reasons for Resignation," from Chapter V, entitled Blessed Are The Afflicted.

Suddenly, remembering little Clara, her parents began to feel tears well up in their eyes as they were unable to avoid the pain.

They had not noticed that Clara’s little dog had entered the room and had been keeping them company quietly.

Suddenly, as they commented on the subject, Fifi got up and started barking while looking up. The parents exchanged a look, then looked at her, surprised with her behaviour, to which Rita said:

- Look, Manoel! Fifi had not barked since our little Clara went to the Spiritual World!...

The mother had her eyes wide open as she stared at the little dog and tears welled up in her eyes, now smiling and excited:

- Manoel! Fifi only barked like this because of

our Clara! It is a sign that she is here with us!

The father, not wanting his wife to get too hopeful, replied:

- No, darling. Certainly Fifi is barking because she saw an insect flying across the room!

To which his wife, shaking her head and displaying a big smile on her face, disagreed:

- No, Manoel. Fifi only barked like this when she saw our Clara arriving. Note how she looks up and barks happily!

The father, seeing his wife so happy, finally agreed with her, as his eyes were also blurred with tears.

They hugged and said the final prayer with joy in their hearts, commenting on the Gospel’s text, and more than that, talking about the immortality of the soul and the joy of being reunited with their dear little girl.

And Rita said to her husband:

- I'm sure, Manoel, that when we go to sleep we will meet with our dear daughter Clara! Oh, may the Lord bless her! ...

Thus, excited and hopeful, they finished the Gospel at home and, after a light meal, prepared to go to bed feeling satisfied and grateful.

And the Spiritual Friends who were present shared a smile, happy to be able to help the couple.

Shortly after, as they fell asleep, Rita and Manoel left their bodies and went to the spiritual world, and the first thing they saw was Clara, their beloved daughter who had just woken up.

The parents hugged the little one, talked a bit with her and then returned to their bodies, happy and grateful to have seen and embraced their daughter who was now in the spirit world.

And the little girl remembered that soon it would be her father's birthday, so she hugged and kissed him, saying:

- Happy Birthday, daddy!...


(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 08.08.2016.)


O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism