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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 10 - N° 487 - October 16, 2016
Matão, SP (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Heloísa Cintra: 

“Mediumship is an invitation from Heaven for the practice of unconditional love” 

The coordinator of study groups at the Cairbar Schutel Spiritist Community in the Brazilian city of Matão speaks about her
experience in the Spiritist Movement

Heloísa Cintra (photo) is a retired educator and volunteer worker at the Cairbar Schutel in the city of Matão, in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. She became a Spiritist because of the example set by her parents and grandparents. At the Cairbar Schutel she coordinates study groups and groups that provide fraternal assistance (or counseling) to

incarnates and discarnates, as she explains in the following interview: 

How did you become a Spiritist? 

It was because of the example set by my patents who encouraged me trough their work for good causes. And they encouraged me especially to pursue the real goals of men and women on the planet. 

How did the knowledge of Spiritism influence your personal life? 

Undoubtedly through the unshakeable faith in God with which I face the challenges of this life. 

What is your view of mediumship? 

Mediumship is an invitation from Heaven for the practice of unconditional love, either for other people or for you. 

How about mediums who are having their first contacts with the Spiritual World? 

I think that is one of the biggest challenges for Spiritists: to enlighten them with the clear ideas put forward by Kardec. 

As a coordinator of study groups, what do you think the public expects the most? 

The public are us and we will find whatever we look for in our thoughts in the place where we find most at ease. I would say that that most people are moved by curiosity and an expectation to find consolation and to acquire the knowledge that will allow them to identify the true values of life.

The curious person, moved by an impulse than by commitment, gets enthusiastic by discovering the Spirit and becomes an avid reader of all books. He or she wants to take part in all events and activities offered by the Spiritist Centre and tries to offer assistance to everyone, incarnates and discarnates, who is suffering from the influence of lower Spirits, anywhere and anyhow. He or she believes that all evil comes from lower Spirits, forgetting the redeeming lessons contained in the Gospel of Jesus, that we carry the imperfections inside us.

The person looking for consolation tries to find anywhere he or she goes the explanations to convince him or her of the reasons why we go suffer pain.

And finally there are those who are honestly determined to carry out their inner reform and feel the need of rational study in order to change the way they behave, to educate themselves emotionally and to practice Christian fraternity. 

What is the main aspect taken into account in the preparation of the study groups at the Spiritist Centre where you work? 

The study of Spiritism in the framework of what is happening now in the world, without incorporating esoteric or dogmatic practices. 

What has been the most remarkable experience in your life as a Spiritist? 

Spiritism is fascinating in all its aspects, but what really marks you profoundly is when you see someone who, with or without knowledge of the Teachings, go through very difficult situations in their lives without losing heart or complaining, keeping their trust in divine laws. 

What touches you the most as you deal with the human dramas and difficulties, so common in the current moral stage of development of our planet? 

Those who give up living because they cannot find in anyone a reason for consolation. That is what really touches and moves me. 

Is there anything else you would like to add? 

I would like to thank you for the opportunity to share the simple experiences of my life.

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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism