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Letter to the reader Portuguese Spanish    
Year 10 - N° 479 - August 21, 2016
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


The spirit writer Isa Rita
Polito Vita speaks to
the magazine

“Disobsession” is the title of our editorial, which reminds us disobsession is an act of love linked to humility, with logic, common sense and knowledge.

“Men need to wake up urgently to the inner reform.” It has been said by the writer and speaker from  Minas Gerais Isa Rita Polito Vita, in the interview given to our collaborator Guaraci de Lima Silveira; in which she talks about her initiation in Spiritism, her works and about the job she holds in the spirit midst.

The professor Alxandre Fontes da Fonseca, from Campinas (SP), is the author of the Special “Fascination and respect for science today”, in which he analyses fascination issue and treatment difficulties it presents us. The article is one of the spots of the current edition.

Another spot is the report written by Marcel Bataglia about the origins of the Spirit Center Love and Charity (CEAC), in Bauru (SP), a known and respectful institution founded on December 2nd, 1919. In the report the author shows us as well one side of the important work that CEAC has been doing.  

In the day before yesterday, August 19th, it has been 80 years for the first radio spirit program in Brazil. The fact that occurred in 1936 happened because of the spirit spreader Cairbar Schutel, who had founded before the journals “The Bugle” and “The International Spirit Magazine”. The pioneer program was broadcast by PRD – 4 Rádio Cultura de Araraquara. 


  Director of Writing: Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho

Administrative Director: José Carlos Munhoz Pinto


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism