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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 10 - N° 474 - July 17, 2016
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


The phenomenon is secondary

"Aim to the higher gifts. And now, I will still tell you the most excellent way of all." (1 Cor 12: 31)

Mediumship does not develop only in the psychic groups, but also in the practice of charity. Because only the Christian life attracts good spirits, who come to watch the mediums. In following this quote, Paul writes what must be the best known text of his own: the hymn to love (1 Cor 13), which defines what is love, it gives its characteristics, and ends by saying that between love, hope and faith, the more excellent is love. We can have all kinds of mediumship, but if we do not love, we are nothing.

Mediumship is conditional upon the assistance of a mentor. It is not enough to have been assigned a mentor in reincarnation program. You must have a worthy behavior of such assistance. And what makes it possible to work together is the affinity, which it is only established in moral development, being subordinated intellectual affinity. If our behavior deviating from the Christian conduct line, our mentor departs, leaving us delivered to those spirits in tune with our weaknesses and bad inclinations.

"Good medium, therefore, is not who communicates easily, but one that is sympathetic to the good spirits and only from them receives assistance. It is only in this sense that the excellence of moral qualities becomes omnipotent about mediumship." (The Gospel According to Spiritism, chap. 24, item 12)

Kardec uses the moral criteria to characterize the good medium. It is understood that the good medium is among the fully developed, as he stated: "(...) we put in evidence the truly good medium characteristics, the one in whom you can trust. Suppose, first of all, a very great ease of implementation, which allows the Spirits to communicate freely (...) what matters most is to consider the nature of the spirits who usually watch." (The Mediums' Book, item 229.)

Here, "what matters most” is the moral criterion. Good medium is a good man. Kardec praises those who believe without ever having seen it. He leaves to understand what Emmanuel says categorically: the phenomenon is secondary. Only deal with the phenomenon with major objectives that the phenomenon itself.

Kardec headed mediumship meetings in order to study. Much of contemporary spirit performs disobsession sessions.

Thus, we must reflect on mediumship which is our own to understand what are the objectives of our communion with the spirits.


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