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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 415 - May 24, 2015
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


Homeland of the Gospel,
where do you walk?

Facing the violence to teachers in Paraná, as we saw in the previous editorial; a spirit teacher posted in a known social network the following question: "Brazil is not The World’s Heart, the Homeland of the Gospel? Why, then, so much negativity, so much irresponsibly?"

And we might add: Why so much corruption? Why so many excesses? Why so many abuses? Why so much incompetence and lack of commitment on the part of who should govern with wisdom the destinies of the country?

Many readers, even among spirits, certainly ignore that the expression Homeland of Gospel first appeared associated with Brazil in the work Brazil, World’s Heart, Homeland of the Gospel, the sixth book psychographic by Francisco Candido Xavier, dated 1938, authored Humberto de Campos (Spirit).

In this work, Brazil is represented in numerous opportunities for the expression Homeland of Gospel.

Granted, only to argue the truth of what Humberto de Campos there exhibited, it is clear from initial dialogue between Jesus and Helil that the first idea, with the settlement that followed the arrival of Pedro Álvares Cabral, it was to set up in our clod home a nation of new ideas, without the history of wars, intrigues and other ills that characterized European civilization.

From the discovery of the country until 1889, when the Republic was proclaimed, the conduct of Brazil would have been - as Humberto de Campos reported - under the reins of the spirit designing, something that is difficult to understand when we remember that it was just around this time that it was settled and reigned sovereign the country the unfortunate slavery and to the indigenous people who lived here were practically decimated.

Well, let us assume that the author of the book has not been wrong. Therefore, let us recall what the work in focus features in the chapter entitled The Republic, in which the author plays an interesting message, attributed to Jesus: 

"Brothers, the Homeland of the Gospel now reaches its collective maturity. Deep transitions will mark its social and political existence. A nation that reaches its majority is legitimate and directly responsible for all common acts that practice in the concert of the people in the planet. It is necessary to separate now Brazil's political body of permanent and constant opinions in the spiritual world, so that all its endeavors are properly valued. In the manner of individuals, homelands have also right to complete freedom of action, upon reaching the level of their own reasoning.

"We will monitor indirectly Brazil, where the seeds of the Gospel were thrown by handfuls, so that its people, generous and fraternal, can enroll later their glorious spiritual mission in the most beautiful pages of civilization in the gold book of the world's progress. Their evolutionary votes, with regard to social and political institutions, will be lovingly observed by us, so as not to be hindered deliberations of its administrative authorities in tangible plan of earthly matter; but as the kingdom's full love and truth is not yet the orb ground, it is urgent also we reform our activities, focusing on the spiritual work of evangelization of all spirits located in the Southern Cross region.

"The proclamation of the Brazilian Republic, as an index of collective majority of the nation of the Gospel is to be done without bloodshed, as it was operated all the great events that said, before world, the Homeland of the Southern Cross, which developed under our immediate attention. Henceforth, the political Brazil will be delivered at its own responsibility." 

As it is clearly stated in the above message, from 1889 left the scene the spiritual covering, the spiritual drivers of the Republic decided to take a break, and the country has the direct responsibility, the Brazilians themselves, without any protection.

Will it have things improved?

From the material point of view, obviously yes. For this science and technological innovations have an effective and unquestionably contribution.

As for the moral, social and political development, there is controversy, and the very point made by the teacher, which we refer to in the preamble, indicates this.

It was once asked the teacher José Raul Teixeira how to conciliate the existence of slavery in Brazil for so long with the fact of having been a colonized country under the aegis of Christianity and the title, which Humberto de Campos (Spirit) assigned to it, the world’s heart and homeland of the Gospel.

Raul Teixeira said: 

“The Christianity of Christ is very distinguished from Christianity of Christians. So it is that so many abusive acts were and are committed in the name of Christianity, without specifying that it was the second. In allusion to Humberto de Campos it is found the same severity prediction of Jesus, asserting that the Earth would be the renewed world to come, when it is still found all sorts of crazy things, wars and materialism, which, like Brazil, waits time in the possibilities of reaching its destiny plotted on Beyond” (The full interview can be seen clicking: http://www.oconsolador.com.br/5/entrevista.html/.)

In the face of all that has been said above, it is quite valid, therefore ask: Homeland of Gospel, where do you walk?

Don’t you think?


Editorial’s Note: 

To fully understand the evolutionary condition of the Earth's inhabitants, we suggest the reader to read the text below: 

  1. All caution is little when it comes to planetary transition - http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano5/224/editorial.html
  2. The advent of the regeneration’s world is still something far - http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano3/118/especial.html


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