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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 9 - N° 411 - April 26, 2015

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


The boy and the
Promised Consoler


A long, long time ago, God, the Creator of the universe and Father to all of us, sent Jesus to our planet to instruct us in His laws.

Because of the need to progress, it was time men received new guidelines.

Jesus told us, among many other things in His Gospel, that He would ask the Father and that He would later send another Consoler to instruct and help us, remembering everything He had said and teaching many other things.

So, everything was very well prepared.

A Spirit of great elevation and expertise was chosen for the task of preparing the coming of the Consoler.

For him to reincarnate in the world, those who would-be his parents should be his friends and enlightened spirits, chosen to aid him, because the great missionary could not be born into just any home.

When everything was ready, the missionary was born in the early 19th century in France.

The arrival of the baby was surrounded by much anticipation from its mother Jeanne Louise and its father Jean-Baptiste, who received it with plenty of love and care.

It was a boy! They gave him the name of Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail.

Embracing each other, his parents leaned over the crib and watched in awe their beautiful little boy, and the Dad wondered: - What will our son be when he grows up?

And the mother, kind and loving, replied: - I do not know, honey. However, I feel that he will be a very good man and will help many people.

In those days, education was rare and there were few schools. It was natural that the father would worry about the future of his son. He was a judge of law and came from a family of intelligent, educated people who valued education.

Therefore, from the beginning, Jean-Baptiste worried about his son's future and researched which school he should be sent to when he grew up. Finally, he decided for one in Switzerland, ran by the noted educator Pestalozzi, who was famous all over the world.

Thus, when the time came, although traditionally

from a Catholic family, the boy was sent to a Protestant country, and became one of the best-known disciples of master Pestalozzi.

Hippolyte Léon was a lively, intelligent child, with a quick mind who could soon grasp the most difficult lessons. Besides that, he was endowed with a good heart, upright character and good principles. At fourteen, because of his qualities, he would already be his master's deputy, in times of need.

Completing his studies, Hippolyte Léon returned to France, and dedicated his time to teach and do translations. He wrote several books and founded a school where children and youth were educated to become worthy and respectable men like him. He married Amélie Boudet.

It was time to start his task. By that time, the world was shaken with the manifestations of spirits, who wanted to

show their presence because of the arrival of the Consoler on the planet.

Professor Rivail began to research the subject and realized the importance of these phenomena.

Always willing to learn and open to new ideas, he soon became a point of light for the society in which he lived. He researched the manifestations of spirits, compared them with the communications he received from various countries, selected them by subject, putting everything in order and forming the body of a doctrine, which he gave the name of Spiritist Doctrine or Spiritism.

He realized the greatness of this knowledge coming from the spirit world to enlighten men on earth about the reality of True Life, because it showed them: the existence of God, the immortality of the soul, the communication between the two worlds, the successive lives and the plurality of inhabited worlds.

So on 18 April 1857, he published "The Spirits' Book", which contains all of the Spiritist Doctrine, under the pseudonym Allan Kardec.

As a Messenger of Jesus, he came to change the world, assisted by the Spirits, bringing enlightenment, comfort, faith and hope to all creatures.

It was the Consoler promised by Jesus, which at the expected time came to Earth to bring a new evolutionary leap.

So, on 18 April 2015, when the Doctrine becomes 158 years-old, we show our eternal gratitude to Allan Kardec for the mission he fulfilled so well.

Surely those who were his parents in that last existence should feel happy, fulfilled and grateful to God for their son, one of the greatest men of humankind of all time, a light that shines in the infinite as an intense bright star that will never fade away.



O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism