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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 7 - N° 350 – February 16, 2014
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


Before God


It was in September 1996 that came to light Before God, the first work written by Erick, pseudonym used by renowned Brazilian writer, who conveyed through the medium of Célia Xavier Camargo, our companion in this magazine and in the newspaper "The immortal."

Six and a half years later, in March 2003, the same author presented us with the novel The Bells are Ringing, also psychographed by Célia Xavier Camargo, a fact that was repeated in November 2013 with the release of the novel The Sun returned to shine, psychographic the same medium.

Reading works like that is not hard to see the importance of the spirit book, the novel included therein, in forming a Christian mind, absolutely necessary in the change process of the world we live in, where if we look well to the predicted by Jesus’ words, the Gospel of the kingdom will be one day taught everywhere. That day is far away, we all know, but the preliminary arrangements for this to take place have been initiated.

The contents of the first work of Erick, has an importance that probably the reader does not think of it. To understand it would be necessary to read it.

The vision that Erick-incarnated had in life and the world is totally a different vision of Erick-disembodied.

Dissatisfied with the blemishes, the inequalities and injustices of earthly society, Erick-man rejected initially the idea of God and therefore all that followed from what we call faith.

After he disembodied, he saw with his own eyes that life and the world follow a meticulous planning, and it is a strong the presence of the Creator and the spiritual Benefactors that the goodness of the Father lets them look after people, families and institutions, so that we do not depart from the path that we must follow to fulfill the obligations we agree with.

One of the highlights of the book is Before God is when former atheist and materialist receives and understands the relevant information to the law of reincarnation. Worth repeating the passage:

One day, during lessons of the course, the instructor talked to us about the law of reincarnation. Followed the logic of the exhibition and everything seemed so clear that I did not hold the review:

- The explanations we get here are simple, clear and irrefutable consistency. We have now the condition to analyze the greatness of God and understand its purposes. But I wonder if these skills are so important to the Spirit and to its experience, why do not administer them to those who are still incarnate? For the vast amount of beings, who are still struggling with the realities and difficulties of earthly existence and that with these teachings could change the course of their lives?

The teacher stared at me calm while listening to my weights. After a pause, I concluded:

- I believe that such knowledge would revolutionize the face of the world. (Before God, ch. 3, p. 33).

It was then that the supervisor who had heard him smiled and explained that such information had been brought to the brothers incarnate on Earth from the distant month of April 1857, with the launch in Paris of the main work of Kardec, The Spirits' Book, apparel Erick was entirely ignorant, not because he had never heard of Spiritism, but by not giving any attention to issues pertaining to spiritual matters, as he himself said:

Yes, I've heard of Spiritism, but I have never given its importance. Any subject whatever concerned religion, whatever it was outcast from my dictionary. As the spiritist religion, I went further: I had a profound contempt and indifference for all those who called themselves its followers. (Ibid., p. 35).

That there are many Ericks here, do not have doubt. We hope, however, that it is not necessary the disembodied to change the view toward life, the world, and especially to God, our Creator, whom we all owe.



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