
By Orson Peter Carrara

Spiritism teaches us that serving others brings us peace and wellbeing

Nelson Crivelin Junior (photo) is a lawyer working at the Labour Court in his home city of São José do Rio Preto, in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. He’s also an active member of the local Spiritist Movement, working as a volunteer at the Casa de Maria Spiritist Group. He is a public speaker and is involved with their study and mediumship groups and their social projects, as he explains in the following interview:

How did you become a Spiritist?

It all began on a Friday in 1981, when I was still at university. I decided to make a surprise visit to a Spiritist Centre attended by my girlfriend at the time, Cristina – who’s now my wife. To my surprise, I found a parking space just outside the front door, which was unusual. When I went in, the late Dorival Pavin, who would become a great friend of mine, was speaking. His talk was about Saul's meeting with Jesus in the gates of Damascus. From then on, I continued to attend the talks at the IELAR Spiritist Centre whenever possible. When I finished university, I joined their study groups and other activities available. I often think that Spiritism and me were simply meeting again. The rationality and immense value of the Spiritist teachings have led me to the conclusion that I had prepared myself for this opportunity in a previous life.

What is your Spiritist Centre now?

I now take part in the activities of the Grupo Espírita Casa de Maria, here in São José do Rio Preto. The reason is that IELAR, which welcomed me in my first steps in Spiritism, eventually closed its doors. Its founders opened a new Spiritist Centre in a different location. I preferred to continue in the same address where IELAR used to be, under the guidance of other friends who had been here when I first came in. 

Which aspect of Spiritism strikes you the most?

We must bear in mind that Spiritism brings back the teachings of Jesus through the guidance of friendly Spirits and Spiritual Benefactors. I would say that the work carried out by Allan Kardec and his collaborators, at the expected time, couldn’t be compared to anything else. It provides answers to every single issue concerning our reflections or activities. When you get to know Spiritism, we find consolation for our concerns, suffering, doubts and afflictions, which are part of our existence as human beings on Earth. Not to mention the fact that it explains clearly that life goes on. That, in itself, is a form of consolation, as it shows us that those who left before us are looking after us and are waiting to meet us again on the other side of life. 

What could you tell us about your experience as a Spiritist speaker?

I see myself as a mere apprentice. Each Spiritist Centre that invites me to speak there has their own aspects. Different directors have different points of view about some subjects. We always meet a public eager for information that can guide them in their experiences. Some are physically and spiritually sick and go there looking for relief for their suffering. All that provides valuable lessons for me, it’s like a school for my own spiritual development. Each case is a case. 

How do you prepare for the talks?

I always try to follow the advice from my speech and oratory instructors: introduction, development and conclusion. Use simple words and pick subjects that everyone in the audience is able to understand, especially those who are coming to that particular Spiritist Centre for the first time. Many arrive there in a serious condition, dealing with a great deal of pain and suffering. They must be able to understand the whole message in order to persevere with their treatment and studies. 

Do you have any preference for themes?

Yes. I give preference to evangelical themes, with citations and examples, guiding the patients and the assistance towards the teachings of Jesus. 

From all your experiences in Spiritism, what would you like to share with our readers?

I would advise them to always remain active. Serving is something that soothes our soul, which gives us peace with our conscience and promotes wellbeing. These days, there’s no shortage of opportunities to work on behalf of others, which is also an opportunity to learn. If, by any chance, we made mistakes somewhere in the past, we must carry on regardless. We must never give up. We must start again and again, always. 

What do you take with you from all your experience in Spiritism?

The certainty that the work will never end. There will always be room for improvement. Also, knowing that the people who’ve been around us, sharing their lives with us, will always be around us, now, and the near future and after this experience on Earth. 

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Reincarnation in a physical body is a blessed and unparalleled experience at the state of spiritual development we are at. We must, therefore, live in a way that allows us to make the most of this experience so that one day, when we look back, we’re able to say: “I was there, I fought the good fight, I did something that helped someone else” That will bring peace to our conscience.

Leave us with our final thoughts, please.

These words are not mine; they come from the Spiritual Benefactors: “The ties of love, once established, will never break again.”



Leonardo Rocha -



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita