
By Orson Peter Carrara

An online radio station dedicated to promote
our inner reform 

Mauro Martins Rebelo (photo) became a Spiritist at the age of 40.

He’s an active member of the Spiritist Movement in Macaé, a city in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro. He focuses his efforts on online work at the Cairbar Schutel Group of Spiritist Studies and the Ser Fraterno (Be Fraternal) Web Radio station, as he explains in the following interview:

How did you become a Spiritist?

I used to pass daily, on my way to work, in front of a Spiritist Centre, Escola Espírita Jesus de Nazareth, in the city of Campos dos Goytacazes. And every day I told myself: “One day I will get in.” I must admit that I was very ignorant; at the time I thought that I would find people talking randomly to Spirits around the building. I arrived for the first time in the middle of their Gospel study group. And everyone was so kind and welcoming. From that day on Spiritism has conquered me. 

What attracts you the most in Spiritism?

From the beginning of my studies, I realised the importance of carrying out our inner reform. As I was in the habit of self-analysis, I realised I would have to work really hard. 

Tell us a bit about the online Spiritist Centre you work on, the Núcleo de Estudos Espíritas Cairbar Schutel.

In 2014, soon after taking my first steps in Spiritism, I was very enthusiastic and decided to create a Facebook group to share all that I had been learning. More and more people joined us and our group evolved. We realised during the Covid pandemic the importance of having set up that group back in 2014. We now have a wonderful team that manages our study and prayer groups, encouraging our inner moral reform, which was our initial goal, by the way. 

How is the group doing now?

We offer distance healing activities, study groups on Facebook and WhatsApp and online public talks twice a week. There’s always someone new asking to join the group, either for comfort and advice or to learn about the Spiritist Teachings. I find it profoundly gratifying having the opportunity of providing this opportunity for so many people. And every week we get new people at our public talks and lectures online. 

How did you come up with the idea of creating a Web Radio Station, Ser Fraterno?

It began with my brother, Eduardo Rebelo, who was doing a search on online radio stations. He mentioned it to me. I don’t know how your mind works, but mine is always on alert, trying to find new ways of helping the dissemination of Spiritism. So that’s how I came up with the idea. 

What is the radio station’s main goal?

The main goal is to promote our inner reform. So we have sessions with prayers and meditation, as well as study groups and talks or lectures. 

How do you access it?

All you need is to access our website click here  and click on the player at the top of the page. Our app will be ready very soon and everyone will be able to download it free from the play store. We also have a WhatsApp number to deal with any questions, complaints and to provide any information and tips people may need. 

For those who want to make a donation, what’s the best way of contacting you? 

Just get in touch with with us via the following WhatsApp.

What feedback have you been getting? 

I’ve received many messages from people who say they really like our programmes. 

And are you able to tell how many people click on the site and where they are based?

Yes. The web radio station’s admin site has all that data available. It allows me to see in real time where our listeners are. There are people from so many Brazilian cities, including many that I had never heard of. Those who are abroad generally reach us through Alexa. Many people tune in from California, and others from Washington-DC, Chile, Argentina, Portugal and other parts of the world. 

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I’m very happy with this new project, as we are able to reach so many people we never expected to. And I’m also benefiting a lot, at a personal level, from our studies and the Spiritist music we play. Those who get the inspiration to begin a Spiritist project are usually those who need it more than anyone else. The study groups and the music played lift me up spiritually and make me reflect upon the aspects that I need to improve in my behaviour. I would like to thank you very much for this opportunity to share our efforts. And may God bless you all, including your readers, who took a bit of their time to read this interview. 



Leonardo Rocha -



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita