Letter to the reader

Year 17 - 848 - Nevember 5, 2023

Spiritist meeting in Barreiro discusses the topic of planetary transition

Organized by the Núcleo Espírita do Barreiro, Portugal, the meeting aimed to stimulate the dissemination of Spiritism in Alentejo, with the expectation that similar meetings will be held in the region. The chosen location was the auditorium of the Municipal Library of Barreiro, which registered the presence of people coming from different locations in Portugal. The planetary transition and the world of regeneration were some of the topics discussed at the opportunity, as shown in the report by our collaborator José Lucas, from Portugal.

Fernando Américo Palermo Falleiros, president of IDEFRAN - Instituto de Divulgação Espírita de Franca, is our interviewee todayA member of the Monsenhor Cândido Rosa Spiritist Center team, he is currently vice-president of the Allan Kardec Spiritist Foundation. In the interview he gave us, the subject discussed is the 1st Spiritist Congress of Franca, to be held on the 25th, with the theme Morality and Knowledge – Wings of Evolution.

The birth of Christ and abductive thinking is the title of the Special written by Paulo Hayashi Jr., in which he examines the discussion, which is quite old, about the day and place of Jesus' birth. In his analysis, he refers to the so-called abductive reasoning, used in investigations and research, which,

according to him, can be useful in resolving this and other issues of the same nature.

  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado




O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita