
By Orson Peter Carrara

We all need to work hard to take the dissemination of Spiritism

Paulo Artur Nogueira de Vilhena (photo) is a teacher in the Brazilian city of Belém, in the northern state of Pará. He is a volunteer worker at A Voz de João Batista (The Voice of John the Baptist) Spiritist Centre. In this interview, he talks about his experiences in the Spiritist Movement:

How was your first contact with Spiritism?

My initial contact with Spiritism was through my family.

What in particular made you stay?

I was really taken by the youth groups in the Spiritist Movement and decided to stay. 

Looking back now, what impact do you think Spiritism has had in your personal life?

I know for sure now that only Spiritism can meet my intellectual, emotional and religious needs. 

And what is your assessment of the Spiritist Movement now? Is there any particular aspect we should focus on?

As an integral part of Brazilian society, the Brazilian Spiritist Movement today is going through an identity crisis in what concerns the ongoing debate about our values and customs, which has split the nation. 

Do you think the coronavirus pandemic has sped up the process of dissemination of Spiritism? What about the quality of those online broadcasts?

The pandemic has certainly facilitated access to information thanks to technological developments. But the poor, who make up a significant proportion of Brazilian society, have been largely left out because they often don’t have access to the devices required to access the internet. 

What’s your best memory from all these years in Spiritism?

What really strikes me is the comforting nature of the Spiritist message.  

Tell us a bit more about the Spiritist Centre where you volunteer.

The Spiritist Centre to which I contribute as a volunteer is still suffering the impact of the pandemic. We are slowly returning to our regular activities. 

What is your assessment of the Spiritist Movement in the state of Pará?

I think the local Spiritist Movement has been moving at a slow pace and needs to speed it up. 

Is there anything else you would like to add?

We all need to work hard to take the dissemination of Spiritism back to its previous levels. 



Leonardo Rocha -



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita