
By Orson Peter Carrara

The spiritist experience of someone who is still a beginner in spiritist work

Orlando Dias de Oliveira Jr (photo)works as a sales representative in the Brazilian city of Bauru, in the State of São Paulo. He is also a volunteer worker at the Chico Xavier Spiritist Centre, where he looks after the online broadcasting operations for the talks held there on Sundays. In this interview he shares his views on the Spiritist Movement, which he has recently joined:  


How did you first come into contact with Spiritism?

I always had great admiration for a couple of friends who’d been Spiritists for many years. They were involved in charity work, a work of love that they continue to do to this day. Touched by their example, I attended a few Spiritist talks and decided to leave Seicho-No-Ie and dedicate my life to studying and practising Spiritism. 

Which aspect of Spiritism touches you the most?

Its charity work, without a doubt! To understand the true meaning of charity has been a great source of joy to me. It brings together everything that I had always dreamt of: how to truly put into practice the love of Jesus. 

And which one of the core values of Spiritism strikes you in particular?

Reasoned faith, the law of progress and the law of love. 

Please tell us about your experience as a public speaker.

I’ve always been a good communicator. I was a Seicho-No-Ie speaker for 14 years and that experience built a solid base for my current work helping disseminate the Spiritist Teachings. 

And do you like studying Spiritism?

As I was hungry for knowledge, I decided to join all the study groups and courses available at our Spiritist Centre… theoretical courses, healing seminars, mediumship courses etc. I knew that by working hard and studying a lot I would one day be able to work in the dissemination of Spiritism. And six months after I began these courses, I began giving talks and lectures. That was a very moving moment for me. It was a clear sign that my assignment had finally begun. 

As someone who has only recently joined Spiritism, what is your assessment of the Spiritist Movement and Spiritist Centres?

I’ve realised that the Spiritist Movement was growing fast, as a result of the problems the world has been going through. More and more people are looking for peace and spiritual comfort, which means that we need to train and prepare more volunteer workers to help them. 

And what’s your best memory of this short journey in the Spiritist Movement?

My first day in a Spiritist Centre… I knew that was the beginning of a long journey. 

And what was your best memory before that?

The birth of my children.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

That we must never cease studying and reading. There’s always room for more knowledge and information. I would like to express my gratitude for all the opportunities that have been given to me. All those years I spent in another spiritual centre – Seicho-No-Ie – have added experiences and wisdom to my life. I’m aware that disseminating the Spiritist Teachings go beyond delivering talks and lectures. It’s about being vigilant and watching our behaviour, to make sure that our acts don’t clash with the Spiritism Teachings.



Leonardo Rocha -



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita