
By Orson Peter Carrara

The story of someone who embraced Spiritism after the death of his daughter

Ivo Machado da Costa (photo), our guest this week, was born in Presidente Bernardes and lives in São Carlos, both cities in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. He is a mathematician and a university lecturer at the Maths Department of UFScar (São Carlos Federal University). He is also an active member of the local Spiritist Movement and a volunteer worker at the Nosso Lar and Obreiros do Bem Spiritist Centres. His true involvement with Spiritism began only a few years ago, as he explains in the following interview:

How did you become a Spiritist?

My son is a Spiritist and I decided to begin attending the activities at the João Stella Spiritist Centre in 2015. But my involvement then was restricted to attending the talks, receiving healing and going back home. After the fateful June 21st, 2022, with the traumatic death of my daughter, I made a decision to deepen my involvement in Spiritism and to study the Teachings, as I searched for explanations for this tragedy. Spiritism has been a huge help to me. And I have enjoyed the support of friends who know so much about Spiritism and are like brothers to me.

Before that, what was your approach to Spiritism?

I approached it in the same superficial way I did with Catholicism. I used to go to the talks or lectures at the Spiritist Centre, I received healing and went back home, in the same way that I went to Mass, received communion and returned home. 

And what strikes you the most now in Spiritism?

After studying Spiritism in a consistent manner, in an effort to recover the time “lost,” it has become clear to me that it provides profound answers to our questions. Spiritism is based on reasoned faith. As a mathematician I can see that Allan Kardec’s legacy follows a very logical “mathematical” model. It explains rationally our origins, our responsibilities and how we need to behave to live a more meaningful and productive life. In other words, it encourages us to act in a different way as we get a better understanding of the true meaning of our existence. 

What have you learned after becoming fully engaged in study groups and reading and researching Spiritist books?

It’s not easy to be a Spiritist. It demands dedication and requires an “inner reform.” We need to study, to read and at least change our attitudes and behaviour. This is, of course, an individual effort and it takes place according to our limits. But the main thing is to understand that our attitudes and the way we think, feel and act need to change. That makes our responsibility much bigger. 

What links do you see between academic knowledge and Spiritism?

Firstly, you need to decide whether you will embrace the Spiritist Teachings or not. Secondly, if you choose to embrace it, you must accept that you will need to be humble and understanding, as Spiritism is in constant evolution. You will need to play an active role, again, within your limits. You must praise, always, the positive and refrain from criticising any eventual flaws or mistakes. You must also be aware of the fact that people will misunderstand you, as we are all human and fallible. And you must do your best to help Spiritism grow. That is essential. 

And what is your assessment of the Spiritist Movement?

In Brazil, it’s fascinating. I believe that Brazil is the most Spiritist country in the world. And I can now see clearly why that is the case. That is, I believe, the main task of our Spiritual governor, Ismael. When you study a bit more you understand that. It’s all going on according to plan. 

And what do you think about the Spiritist books available?

There’s a wide literature available and it can be accessed in many ways. But I have a suggestion: Spiritist Centres should be really careful about the books they recommend that people read. Whenever I decide to read a Spiritist book, I get advice from someone who has the “moral and intellectual” authority to guide me. We often come across books that don’t add much to our lives, or books that are too advanced for our level. In that case, we may need to start with more basic books. Spiritism, of course, has beautiful books. Everyone is free to choose what they want to read, but we would all benefit from getting guidance in that area.  

Would you say that getting to know Spiritism has helped you deal with your previous problems and questions?

There’s no doubt about it. And if I’m now in a much better place, I owe it to the deeper contact I’ve had with Spiritism, through my studies and my active involvement in all activities, not to mention the privilege of getting advice from “old school”, experienced Spiritists. I thank God for the inspiration that I received and for allowing me to have this deeper level of involvement with Spiritism. 

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Anyone who feels the need or the desire to join Spiritism, should dive in and begin attending the events. They should read and study, live Spiritism and try to put into practice the Teachings. May Spiritism grow and bear fruits. May it continue to be successful in helping us become better people. We are marching towards a World of Regeneration. It may take time, but we will get there. That’s inevitable, that’s the Law of Progress. 



Leonardo Rocha -



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita