Spiritism For Kids

By Marcela Prada


Theme: Reincarnation; love

The cycle of life

Mom was sewing when she noticed that her little son Caio was staring at her. He didn't even blink, he looked sad and thoughtful.

She asked what had happened and he replied with another question:

- Do I really have to grow up?

His mother was surprised and replied yes. She said that he was already growing up, but that this was very good, because he was learning many things and becoming a little boy more beautiful and smarter every day.

But he wasn't satisfied with that answer and said that there had to be some way to remain a child forever, because if he grew up, mom would get old and he didn't want her to die, because he loved her very much.

The mother realized that Caio was afraid to be away from her one day.

She took him in her arms, and they went to the apartment window. Mom asked him to look at the houses, buildings and people walking through the streets, as they lived in a very busy neighborhood in a big city.

She began to explain that there are many people in the world and that God cares closely of each one of them. No one is ever alone. The adults take care of the children, the older ones pass on their teachings to the younger ones, and everyone is always learning and improving. Even those who are older are also fine, because they have already done a lot, they have learned a lot, they have lived with many people and that is a blessing from God.

She explained that everyone is born, grows, ages, and dies. It's the cycle of life! The cycle created by God.

But, seeing that the little boy was still sad, she said:

- But one thing never dies!

- What, Mommy? - asked Caio.

- Love! Love doesn't end, it only increases. And love makes people who love each other look for each other, find each other again, always be close. And that's why we'll always, always be together, darling - she said, hugging her son.

- When I was little, I didn't want to grow up either. I didn't know what was going to happen. But the changes were going on little by little and today I really like having grown up, because I have you - continued the mother.

- Yeah, but now that you grew up, grandpa got old and died - said Caio.

- I know, son. I do miss him. But I understand that he already needed to go back to the spirit world. His body was already very old. He wasn´t well. But I know I find him some nights while my body sleeps. And I also know that I will have other lives with my dear father, because we love each other very much and I know that God will prepare beautiful opportunities for us to be together again.

Caio thought a little about what mom said and, finding a solution, said excitedly:

- I like Grandpa a lot too. If he wants, he can be born as my son this time. I´m going to be able to teach him how to ride a bike, like he taught me.

- What a great idea - Mom said, smiling. - But for that you will have to grow up first.

They continued talking about love, reincarnations, and the boy's plans to always stay close to his mother and the people he loved. But the important thing was that Caio calmed down and understood that the cycle of life was created by God and that He is in our favor.


(Adaptation of the text Ciclo da Vida, by Sheila Jorge, from the website Contos de ninar.)

Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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