
por Gebaldo José de Sousa

Century of the
Good News


"Be not afraid, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy, which shall be to all the people: for this day is born unto you in the city of David the Savior, which is Christ the Lord." - Lk 2: 10/11.

Gospel means Good News, that is, good news from the Kingdom of Heaven. It is a universal message: it is addressed to all; it excludes no one, behold, “it shall be to all the people”!

However, it has not been taught, for two millennia, with the conviction and purity necessary for the sublime lessons to be assimilated and to transform Earthly Humanity for the better. In this period, very few exemplified it in their lives!

And this is a great lack to us in these times that we now live on the beautiful planet Earth!

 “It is necessary to help those who face with courageous the deep changes of the planet”.

And he adds:

This is what is concluded in the records of the mentor Telesforo, in a work received in 19441:

"Earthly Humanity approaches, day by day, the sphere of vibrations of the invisibles of inferior condition that surrounds it in every way. But ... an overwhelming percentage of Earth's inhabitants did not prepare themselves for the current evolutionary events".

As we see, we are not lacking, nor will we be lacking the help of the High, because divine mercy is infinite!

How many of us are on Earth?

In 1952, there were more than twenty billion disembodied Spirits linked to Earth; and two billion incarnates.2

In 1949 we received information that of these nearly two billion incarnates, more than a billion are made up of semi-civilized Spirits or barbarians; and that no more than 600 million people fit for higher spirituality.3

2000 years after Jesus! This means that those who were to spread the Gospel message - especially by example – misrepresented and distorted it, and instituted external dogmas and cults, oblivious to His teachings and examples.

They deviated by other paths failing in such a way that the Master sent us another Comforter, who came with the Spiritist Doctrine – As He himself had promised; this was necessary because He knows men well and having a prior knowledge of the facts, He tries to bring us back to the knowledge and practice of the Gospel restoring it to its original purity.

Caio Julio Cesar Otavio (63 B.C. – 14 A.D. = 77 years), first Roman Emperor, administered that Empire for a long period of 41 years: from 27 B.C. to 14 A.D. Because of his qualities, he was known as Augustus (sublime).

In a brief retrospective, we then interpolate data collected in the Delta Encyclopedia and in a text by Humberto de Campos4, Spirit:

He gave his subjects the sacred emotion of security and joy.

In presiding over popular feasts - filled with anguish and personal problems, due to his frail health or to family matters - he was captivated by "(...) the joy and the tranquility of his people".

He brought the New Age to the portentous Empire, over which the sun did not set.

He valued Education and Justice, renewing the laws; and architecture as well: he built beautiful buildings, turning Rome into a city of marble.

He restored peace and order after 100 years of civil war.

He supported literature.

Very honest, he made great and extraordinary achievements.

Expanded Commerce, built Roads, Bridges and Aqueducts.

Developed an efficient mail system; improved the ports.

 Although "frail and ill”, he was "(...) a regenerator of the customs; a restorer of the purest traditions of the family; and the major reorganizer of the Empire".

He showed that justice begins at home, when he drafted a decree banning his only daughter, for scandals in the Court. Later, he did the same with his granddaughter.

So relevant were the facts of that rich period of Universal History that "(...) his name was given to the illustrious century that had seen him born", says Humberto de Campos, Spirit, in the aforementioned text of the book Good News, but he attributed the successes of that time not only to the action of Augustus, but to the

"Christ’s sphere that approached the Earth, in a deep vibration of Love and Beauty.

"Humanity, then, lived the Century of the Good News”.

"The Gospel was thus the most vivacious Book and most beautiful book in the world, the map of the blessed spiritual heights - the guide to the path - the Handbook of Love, of Courage and of the perennial Joy".

Contrary to what many think, inattentive, its teachings are of a practical nature. And it is not worth to only know them! They are meant to change behaviors! It is not enough for us to attend religious temples: it is necessary to experience them!

Allan Kardec5 makes precious considerations about His Message:

"All the morals of Jesus are summed up in charity and humility, that is, in the two virtues contrary to selfishness and pride".

Besides quoting passages of the Beatitudes, He goes on pointing out other pearls of the Gospel. Other topics of this precious Kardec’s text:

He gave the subject sacred emotion of security and joy.

In fact, he was surprised by "(...) the joy and tranquility of his people."

He brought New Age to the portentous Empire, over which the sun had not set.

He valued Education and Justice, renewing the laws; and architecture: built beautiful buildings, turning Rome into a city of marble.

He restored peace and order after 100 years of civil war.

He supported literature.

Very honest, he made great and extraordinary achievements.

He expanded Commerce, built roads, bridges and aqueducts.

Developed an efficient mail system; improved the ports.

Do unto others as we would have them do unto us;

The love of enemies;

The forgiveness of offenses, to obtain forgiveness for our mistakes;

The practice of good without ostentation;

Let us judge ourselves before we judge others;

He never stops recommending us the practice and exemplification of humility and charity;

The fight against pride and selfishness;

This tells us, after all, that the Master does not limit Himself to recommending charity; He puts it in clear terms as an absolute condition of future happiness.

He places the Samaritan, who practices the love of his neighbor, above the orthodox that is lacking in charity.

He chooses charity in the first place, because it implicitly covers all others: humility, gentleness, benevolence, indulgence, justice and because it is the absolute negation of pride and selfishness.

Here are excerpts from His message, which sums up the Laws of God:

"If ye love me, keep my Commandments" (John 14:15).

"If any man will come after me, let him deny him, and take up his cross daily, and follow me". - Luke 9:23 (As you can see, this is a long walk).

"Reconcile quickly with your enemy, as you walk with him". - Mt 5: 25.

"And in whatever house you enter, say first, “Peace is in this house”. - Luke 10: 5.

"Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye so also unto them: for this is the Law and the prophets". - Mt 7:12.

"A new Commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have loved one another". - John 13: 34-35. (*)

Emmanuel6, Spirit, shows that the teachings of Jesus:

"Have no complicated formulas;

- His philosophy does not contain religious mysteries;

- He does not get involved in political dominations;

- He lives with the simple people and invites them to raise the Sanctuary of the Lord in their own hearts;

- Love God, our Father, with all your soul, with all your heart and with all your understanding;

- Love your neighbor as yourself;

- Forgive your companion as many times as necessary;

- Lend without waiting for retribution;

"Pray for those who persecute and slander you;

- Help your opponents;

- Do not condemn so that you will not be condemned;

"Whosoever shall ask thy coat, so also give your mantle;

- If someone asks you for the journey of 1,000 steps, follow with him two thousand steps;

- Seek not the first place in the congregations, lest vanity tempt thine heart;

He who humbles himself shall be exalted;

- He that slaps you on one cheek, offer also your other cheek;

Bless him who curses you;

Give and you shall receive;

Be merciful;

Be good to him who hates you;

Let your light shine;

"Be of good cheer."

In the Sermon on the Mountain, Jesus points out:

"Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven;

Those who mourn, for they will be comforted;

The meek, for they shall inherit the Earth;

Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled;

The merciful, because they will obtain mercy;

The pure in heart, for they shall see God;

The peacemakers, because they will be called children of God;

Those persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven;

Blessed are you when, for my sake, they revile you and persecute you and, lying, say all evil against you". - Mt 5: 3 to 11.

In the article: The greatest monument and the greatest need7Jarbas Leone Varanda makes precious comments:

He quotes Emmanuel: The Spiritist Doctrine is the Religion of Wisdom and Love;

That he heard from Francisco C. Xavier, when visiting him, that:

"(...) do you know that the Sermon on the Mount is the greatest monument of wisdom of all time that Humanity has ever received in view of its spiritual evolution?

And have you ever noticed that there is no beatitude destined to the exaltation of intelligence?


What the Sermon on the Mount really offers us, what we find throughout the Gospel of Jesus, is the exaltation of the feelings of kindness, humility, brotherhood, self-denial, Love, forgiveness, finally: charity! ..

- Today ... the head is big and the heart small, being sure that Humanity has always been lost by the brain, never lost by heart!"

By privileging intelligence, to the detriment of Love, we have passed through the centuries through sad and painful realities that endure to this day.

It is up to us to educate our feelings, to achieve the balance that will bind us to the Father.

The Parable of the Samaritan points out that that character was “touched with compassion”.

In a mediumistic message, addressed to a common friend: a Spiritist expositor from our region stated that, when he returned to the Spiritual Homeland, his work in spreading the Gospel and the one that he developed with the fraternal soup was relevant to him, but what really meant to him were the rare moments of compassion! (*)

In Chapter 3 of the beautiful work of Humberto de Campos, Spirit, entitled Good News, there is the record of Jesus' expressive dialogue with a proud priest, in which he speaks of the foundation of the Kingdom of God:

"Galileo, what are you doing in the city?"

- I go through Jerusalem, seeking the foundation of the Kingdom of God!

- God's Kingdom? "And what do you think it will be?"

- This Kingdom is the divine work in the hearts of men! (...)

"Do you know Rome or Athens?"

"I know Love and Truth.

"Do you know the codes of the Provincial Court and the laws of the Temple?"

"I know what the will of my Father in Heaven is.

Jesus began His journey through the Earth in the midst of Nature in the humble manger on Christmas Eve.

And he will conclude His noble task over the centuries, where there will be the "(...) deep vision of the liberated Jerusalem," pointed out by John, in the Apocalypse.

Let us meditate on all these questions and seek to take the time, as the Roman poet Horace reminded us, with the expression: Carpe diem!


(*) – Emphasis added.



1. XAVIER, Francisco C. Os Mensageiros. (The Messengers). By the Spirit Andre Luiz. 12th Edition. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1980. Chapter 5, pages 32 and 33.

2. XAVIER, F. Candido. Roteiro (Itinerary). By the Spirit Emmanuel. 4th Edition. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1978. Chapter 9, page 43.

3. XAVIER, Francisco C. Voltei (I came back).By the Spirit Brother Jacob. 7th Edition. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1979. Chapter 9, page 93.

4. XAVIER, F. Candido. Boa Nova (Good News). By the Spirit Humberto de Campos. 13th Edition. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1979. Chapter 1, page 15.

5. KARDEC, Allan. Evangelho segundo o Espiritismo (The Gospel According to Spiritism). Translation of Evandro Noleto Bezerra. 2nd Edition. 1st print. Brasilia: FEB, 2013. Chcapter XV, issue 3, page 203.

6. XAVIER, F. Candido. Roteiro (Itinerary). By the Spirit Emmanuel. 4th edition. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1978. Chapter 13, page 59.

7. Reformer Magazine, May/95, page 140.

Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita