
por Paula Kloser

Jesus and Kardec are perfectly connected

Ana Mirele Gonçalves (photo), from the city of Santo André, in the Brazilian state of São Paulo, has lived in Switzerland since 2012. He has a degree in Economic and works in the financial department of an agriculture products company. In this interview, she explains how she came into contact with Spiritism and speaks about her current involvement in the Spiritist Movement.

When and in which circumstances did you have your first contact with Spiritism?

I was born into a Spiritualist home, where we spoke about God, Jesus, Spiritism and, naturally, mediumship. My first contact with Spiritism, however, only happened in 2006. I felt the need to study Spiritism and joined a centre near my home. I attended that Spiritist Centre regularly until I moved to Switzerland in 2012.

What roles and duties do you have in the Spiritist Moment at the moment?

I am a speaker and director of a Spiritist Centre in the Alschwil area of Basel, the CEEABEM – Adolfo Bezerra de Menezes Centre of Spiritist Studies. I am also the director of the Public Relations Department of FESUISSE, the Swiss Spiritist Federation.

Which one of the three aspects of Spiritism – Science, Philosophy and Religion – means the most to you and why?

I like the three aspects of the Spiritist Teachings, but the one that has drawn my attention the most recently is its philosophical part. I have carried out a more in depth study of the Psychological Series of Joanna de Ângelis, which has helped understand how human beings del with their conflicts and how they seek the freedom to achieve more peace and well being as they deal with all the challenges of our times. I have learned from her to look at life from another angle, overcoming the guilt of our past mistakes and working incessantly to solve the conflicts that destroy our peace of mind and our health. Putting together the psychology to the Teachings of Jesus, Joanna de Ângelis gives us practical advice on how to overcome our problems, to awaken our conscience and seek happiness.

As director of a Spiritist Centre in Switzerland, which are your main challenges in your attempts to take the Gospel of Christ at the light of Spiritism to the hearts of the Europeans?

I believe that is a job that demands great patience and perseverance. Spiritist groups in German Switzerland are generally made up of Brazilians, Portuguese and a few Swiss. We have to make an effort to offer activities in the local language, to have talks that explain the Teachings in a simple and direct manner and not get disappointed if the number of European citizens interested is not as high as we expected. Each Spiritist Centre will have their own challenges according to their specific context. But above all I believe it is important to lead by example, to make a concerted effort to put into practice the Teachings of Jesus. European citizens often get curious and ask questions when we do that. That is when we have an opportunity to speak about Spiritism, Christianity and so many interesting aspects. That will happen in an informal and fraternal conversation, in which we are asked about our beliefs and the way we approach life.

With Europe going through a phase of so much xenophobia because of the influx of refugees, how do you think European Spiritists can help shed light on that question?

With prayers, good vibrations and acts of fraternity and charity whenever possible. Each country has its own reality and we will find in each one of them different ways of being useful. May we be able to make the most of this opportunity, giving a helping hand to those who need so much our help and protection at such a difficult period. We may help either as volunteers in government programmes or in other specific programmes. But, more importantly, we must not be the ones who reject and discriminate.

Ane, imagine if you had the opportunity to meet Jesus today. What would you like to ask him? Would you make any special request?

I would thank him profoundly for having met this wonderful Teachings, which enlighten, comfort and strengthen our faith! I would ask for strength and courage for all of us so we could move forward always, trying to progress spiritually and live his Gospel of Love. And finally I would ask for his endless mercy for all of those who suffer on our planet.

Leave us with one sentence, a word or a thought that show how much Spiritism means in  your life.

 (…) before the access to the highest values of life, Jesus and Kardec are perfectly connected to each other through divide wisdom. Jesus, the door. Kardec, the key. (Emmanuel)


Leonardo Rocha





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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita