Study of the Works of Allan Kardec
por Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho

Year 11 - N° 520 - June 11, 2017

The Revue Spirite of 1859
Parte 10 - Final

We end in this issue the study of the Revue Spirite of 1859, a monthly newspaper focused on the divulgation of Spiritism, founded and directed by Allan Kardec. This study is based on the translation into the Portuguese language made by Julio Abreu Filho and published by EDICEL. The answers to the questions are at the end of the text for reading.

Questions for discussion 

A. What to say to those who say that in the Bible there are no references to Spiritist communications?
B. Can a still primitive Spirit reincarnate in the bosom of a more civilized society?
C. Why, having previously lived in the state of a Spirit, many Spirits are still astonished at what they see after their bodily death?
D. Do Good Spirits have the habit of flattering people?

Text for reading

215. The Spirit of Charles IX, the former King of France and the son of Catherine de Medici, asks us to be sweet and patient with those to whom we teach. Carlos reports having reincarnated as a slave in America and says that his mother, after suffering enough, was on another planet. (P. 388)
216. The Spirit of Rembrand - criticizing sages, who think they are the only ones to possess all the secrets of Creation, but do not know where they come from or where they will go - says that there is not a single page in the Bible without traces of the relation between the visible and invisible worlds. (P. 389)
217. The man with a right heart does not have a proud head, says one Spirit, who warns: There is only one way that leads to God – to have faith and to love our fellow men. (P. 390)
218. Mr. V ..., an excellent psychic distinguished by the purity of his relations with the Spiritist world, was being tormented by a Spirit who decided to live in his room. A former drayman, this Spirit belonged to the lowest class. Consulted by Kardec, a High Spirit says that there were two ways for the young man to get rid of the persecutor: the spiritual means, asking God, and the material means, moving out of his house. (P. 392)
219. The fact proves that there are indeed places haunted by certain Spirits, who bind themselves to certain places. (P. 392)
220. Commenting on the subject, Kardec shows how prayer is useful in such cases and says that these Spirits are touched by our advice and our prayers.
Why, then, would we refuse to listen to them, when their repentance and suffering can help to improve them? (Pages 393 and 394)
221. The Spiritist Society of Paris, at its general session of 9/30/1859, analyzed the crime committed by a 7-year-old boy, with premeditation and all the aggravating factors. Interrogated, St. Louis reported that the Spirit of this child was almost at the beginning of the human period; there were only two incarnations on Earth. Belonging to the most backward tribes of the islands, he was born here in the hope of progress. (P. 395)
222. In addressing the admission of new members of the Spiritist Society of Paris, Kardec observed: It is not enough for them to be in favor of Spiritism in general; it is necessary that they agree with their way of being. The homogeneity of principles - says Kardec - is an essential condition, without which any society could not survive. (P. 396)
223. In order to communicate with one another, Spirits do not need words; their thinking suffices. When they communicate with men, they must translate their thinking into human signs, that is, into words, which they draw from the medium's vocabulary they are used to, in a sense, as from a dictionary. Therefore, it is easier for the Spirit to express himself in the medium's familiar language, although he may do so in a language unknown to him. (P. 398)
224. The Spiritist Society of Paris, regarding the proposal of two members, unanimously decided: Every person wishing to be a member of the Society must make a written request to the president. The application must be signed by two representatives and the applicant is to declare: 1. - that he is aware of the rules and will follow them; 2. – that he has read the works about Spiritism and he adheres to the principles of the Society, which are those of The Book of Spirits. (Pages 399 and 400)
225. The Spirit of St. Louis, spiritual President of the Parisian Society for Spiritist Studies, advises against an evocation which, according to him, required a great tranquility of mind, and during that night extensive administrative affairs were discussed there. (Pages 400 and 401)
226. Someone proposed to mention in the Society Mrs. Br..., a titular member, who was traveling by ship to Havana. Consulted, St. Louis advised against the evocation by informing that Mrs. Br... was very concerned that night, since the wind was blowing violently and the instinct of survival occupied her thoughts. (P. 402)
227. The Parisian Society for Spiritist Studies has decided that each year, at the renewal of the social year, the honorary members will be submitted to a new admission vote, in order to eliminate those who are no longer in the required conditions. (P. 403)
228. Mr. Les..., in a meeting of the Society, says he does not understand the astonishment of the Spirits after death, since, having already lived previously in the state of Spirit they should not be surprised by this. He was answered: This astonishment is only temporary; it depends upon the state of disruption that follows death, and ceases as the Spirit detaches itself from matter and recovers its faculties of Spirit. (P. 404)
229. Mr. Van Br ... of The Hague, a fervent adept of Spiritism, reported to the Spiritist Society of Paris that his 14-year-old daughter became a good medium, but her mediumship had bizarre particulars: most of the time to read what she rights, one has to put the page in front of a mirror; and frequently the table she uses to write bends over her like a wallet and stays in that position until she finishes her work. (Editor’s note: This incredible mediumship, called specular psychograph, is very rare and usually only found in great mediums.) (P. 405)
230. The Spirit of St. Vincent de Paul clarifies some points related to those who have convulsions and are in Saint-Médard, and says that the phenomena ceased there because they were produced by Inferior Spirits, and not because the earthly authority banned them. In this case, there was a combination of purposes. (P. 408)
231. Kardec teaches: Good spirits approve of what they think is good, but they do not praise excessively. These, like all flattery, are signs of inferiority on the part of the Spirits. (P. 408)

Answers to the questions

A. What to say to those who say that in the Bible there are no references to Spiritist communications?
We can say what the Spirit of Rembrand said in a message published in the Revue, that there is no single page in the Bible where there are no traces of the relation between the visible and invisible worlds. (Revue Spirite, pages. 389 and 390.)
B. Can a still primitive Spirit reincarnate in the bosom of a more civilized society?
Yes. The Spiritist Society of Paris, in its general session of 9/30/1859, analyzed the crime committed, with premeditation and all aggravations, by a 7.5 years old boy. Asked about the fact, St. Louis reported that the Spirit of this child was almost at the beginning of the human period; he had no more than two incarnations on Earth, and had been born in that environment in the hope of progress. (Ibid, page 395)
C. Why, having previously lived in the state of a Spirit, many Spirits are still astonished at what they see after their bodily death?
This same question was asked by Mr. Les... at a meeting of the Spiritist Society of Paris. He was then told that this astonishment is only temporary; it depends upon the state of disruption that follows death, and ceases as the Spirit detaches itself from matter and recovers its faculties of Spirit. (Ibid, page 404.)
D. Do Good Spirits have the habit of flattering people?
No. Kardec teaches us that Good Spirits approve of what they think is good, but they do not praise in excess. These, like all flattery, are signs of inferiority on the part of the Spirits. (Ibid, page 408)

Eleni Frangatos -



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita