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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 10 - N° 508 - March 19, 2017
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


God help men through men

"I came to show you the way to be followed. That's what you finally asked for today. Here I am. I have always been with you, but only today you have asked for help in dealing with your life." (Zimbabwe, by Eleni Frangatos, author of the Especial published in the current issue)

The protectors are always attached to their protégés, so that, even for immense distances, they can accompany us intimately, being able to be present, so to speak, bodily, when necessary. (Question 495 The Spirit’s Book, answer of St. Louis and St. Augustine)

Guardians can make themselves heard when they act in the so-called voice of conscience. Every thought that is not our own, and sometimes completely strange, brings messages from our protectors, through the inspiration, variety of intuition, which makes us all mediums. (The Mediums' Book, item 182)

The voice of conscience is always the manifestation of truth and good. But inspiration can be used, by the way, by spirits who want the bad for us.

"I'm here to help you. I have been waiting for you in silence." (Zimbabwe, by Eleni Frangatos)

Protective spirits wait for the right moment to act. Even a feeling of boredom can become decisive for action. André Luiz relates that the tedium of evil done by Gregory was the moment for the action of her mother. (Liberation, by André Luiz)

 "What is the most characteristic sign of imperfection? - Personal interest. (...) true disinterest is such a rare thing on Earth that it is admired as a phenomenon when it manifests itself." (Part of question 895 of The Spirits' Book)

 "Everything that you have been fighting for has always involved some second intention, some interest. That is the reason for this failure." (Zimbabwe, by Eleni Frangatos)

The feeling of taking advantage of situations, of covetousness, of subordinating interest outside of self-interest, it is a common practice among us. Incredibly, it is seen as virtue by many people.

To act with disinterest is to do good for the simple taste of doing good, without second thoughts, without expecting anything in return. It is dealing with open-hearted and welcoming people. It is to sincerely promote human relationships. Disinterest is the beloved son of humility.

"I heard the voice of Zimbabwe: 'Do not fight against yourself. Do not doubt. Give yourself into the hands of the Higher Spirit. He will direct your paths'.” (Eleni Frangatos, in the Especial quoted)

Often we have the tendency, the impulse for good. It is the driving of our protectors through intuition. If we already have this impulse innately, we ask for this orientation and this tendency in reincarnation planning. It is something that exists in the germ, just waiting for our will to develop.

To fight against these impulses is to fight against ourselves. Simple doubt paralyzes our action, and we become unhappier the more we refuse to follow up on the task previously requested.

It is necessary to surrender to God, let him direct our paths.

As we surrender to God we will be waiting for the arms we need to be sustained. And as God help men through men, the protectors are the arms that sustain us.


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism