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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 10 - N° 507 - March 12, 2017
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


We will be inspired by
Jesus whenever...

"The purpose of our task is to bring comfort, peace, joy, and strength, making our songs and words a vehicle for bringing people closer to God." (Vicente de Paulo Fernandes da Costa, better known as Vansan, our Interviewed this week)

The good word, with the good melody, recasts the environment, making us able to perceive the room saturated with blessings with which the major brothers can attend to all the bystanders attuned to the presentation.

We always ask for help and support for all who come to the Spirit Center for help. And we know that, after being rescued and supported, they will be sent to a place suitable for their recovery, including those who are still reincarnated, when it is unfolding through sleep.

Music in Spirit activities is and will always be of great relevance.

Leopoldo Machado, in his campaign for the so-called Spiritism of the living, sought with all the emphasis to demonstrate and encourage such practice, be it in the public activities of spirit divulgation or in the private sessions of mediumship.

During the mediumship work, when harmonious and adequate to this mister, music is a factor of balance and harmony between psychophonic, enlightening and mediums. In very rare cases the caller requests the interruption of the music, because, for him, it is a disturbing factor, it is not known for what reason. It must, of course, be heeded by the principle of charity.

"The great facility that we find, above all, is spiritual shelter. From the mentors of our task but also of the spirituality of the spirit houses that I visit. (...) The difficulties are the same as any Christian. Overcome the barrier of human imperfections, but especially ours. Always watch and pray that we will not succumb to the seduction of the vanity, pride, and selfishness that so much afflicts us. Take care of the mental harmony and of our choices so that we will not be vehicles of spirits not well-intentioned and of those who wish to misrepresent our task. But most of all, TRUST. Jesus is our great source of inspiration." (Vansan, in the interview cited.)

The Christian is a fighter. His aim is the imperfection that exists in him. He knows, first of all, that the door of action of evil spirits can only be opened by himself. We do not know, however, many of our desires, and they are, when not appropriate, those responsible for our falls.

The only - but infallible - way of guiding ourselves to the harassment of the shadows is the vigilance and support of a friend whom we trust and who is open to hear us uncensored. "Confess your sins to one another and pray one for another, that you may be saved. Much can the prayer of the righteous." (James 5:16)

We will be inspired by Jesus whenever we are acting for the good of others and when, imbued with humility, we recognize that we are not capable of anything without God, because our capacity comes to us from the Creator.

Not even what we believe is our own words are not really our own, but rather the words of the Lord, inspired by our protectors, as Paul very well understood: "Such is the confidence that we have in God through Christ. Not that by our own being we are able to think of something as of ourselves. Our ability comes from God." (2 Corinthians 3: 4-5)

Now, what do we know we have not learned from anyone?

Can this knowledge be considered our property?

With regard to the higher things this becomes even more apparent.

Paul said that high ideas could not be conceived because of his inferiority and that if he could be a vehicle for the Lord's word, it was because he was infused by the heavenly emissaries, clarifying that the condition to perceive them is the humility of those who accepts that nothing can be without God, as, indeed, Jesus, our guide and model, admitted: 

"I cannot do anything of myself. As I hear, so I judge; and my judgment is just, because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me." (John 5:30.) 


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism