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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 459 - April 3, 2016
Londrina, PR (Brasil) 
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Geraldo Saviani da Silva:

“There is no way other way of achieving happiness other
than through love”

The president of the Nosso Lar (Our Home) Spiritist Centre in the southern Brazilian city of Londrina, talks about his plans ahead
of the well known organisation

Geraldo Saviani da Silva (photo) became a Spiritist 38 years ago and is the current president of the oldest Spiritist Group in the city of Londrina, Nosso Lar Spiritist Centre, founded on January 1st 1934. In this interview he talks about his early days in Spiritism and his plans ahead of the Groups, where he became the president at the beginning of the


When was your first contact with Spiritism? 

My mother brought up her two children as Roman Catholics. She was a staunch Catholic, but my father took us regularly for healing at a Spiritist Centre. But I only woke to the need to study Spiritism in 1977, when I left Catholicism behind. 

Was there any particular event or circumstance that led you into Spiritism? 

Yes. Around that time my mother came up with some bruises, inflammations, which no doctor could heal. A doctor suggested amputating her fingers. She refused. My father then decided to look for a healer, Mr Pedro, who practically cured my mother with medicinal plants prescribed by the Spiritual Benefactors. But when she was almost healed he told me he was not able to finish off the treatment. I would need to do it. I did not believe at the time because both my mother and I were devout Catholics. My mother was still in severe pain, but the medium said there was nothing else he could do. My father looked for another medium, who said the same thing. I was induced into a trance of which I remember very little. Those who were there said I put my hands over my mother’s hands and healed here. That had such an impact on me that I began to study Spiritism and joined a Spiritist Centre in the city of Jacarezinho, which I attended regularly until 1989, when I moved to Londrina. 

How did your family react to you joining Spiritism? 

Very well. In fact the first thing my father said when I told him was: How much are you willing to donate in order to keep the Spiritist Centre running? I was taken by surprise, as no one had mention money in the Spiritist Centre. My father was very practical and told me that the organisation’s president could not afford to pay for all expenses. I soon joined the post of treasurer and have always been aware to the importance of raising funds. 

Of the three aspects of Spiritism, which one means the most to you: the scientific, the philosophical or the religious perspective? 

The religious one. Religiosity is imprinted on my personality, perhaps because of the Catholic education I received from my mother. But in reality my main motivation, the main reason why I try to be a better person is to believe in God, in the goodness of the Spiritual Benefactors and in love for one another and personal sacrifices. The philosophical and scientific aspects also mean a great deal to me too. I can say, with a bit of vanity, that very few days have passed over the past 38 years in which I haven’t read at least a page of a Spiritist book. 

Who are your favourite Spiritist authors? 

Obviously Allan Kardec is wonderful, with his capacity to summarise and his clarirty. I can’t think of another author as good as him. He is definitely my favourite. I also admire the work of Chico Xavier, even though he attributes it entirely to the Spiritual Benefactors. But Spiritism is privileged with a huge choice of good authors that I began reading when I was young: Leon Denis, Camille Flammarion, Ernesto Bozzano, Yvonne Pereira, Divaldo Pereira Franco, Raul Teixeira, Celia Xavier de Camargo, Salvador Gentile, Herminio Miranda, Jorge Rizzini and many others. 

You became president of the Spiritist Centre Nosso Lar earlier this year. Tell us a bit of what you found there and your plans. 

I decided to run for president because I though administrative concerns had taken over what should be the main priority, which is love towards those who attend the “Nosso Lar”. I was shocked when I found out that some people did not like the change of priorities we suggested. They were few but very resilient. I also found out that we were in debt and that our facilities needed urgent upgrading. I was at my lowest point in the first ten days of January when Mr Castelo came into my room and asked for authorisation to open to bookstore on Sunday morning and afternoon. I was very glad and thankful as in the middle of a financial crisis our brother was coming up with ways to help. I was taken over by an immediate bout of happiness and told him God had sent him to help me. He was very touched. From that morning on, things were falling into place. Our income began to rise and we have been able to change things round. My main goal from a Spiritual perspective is to harmonise the energy of all the people who attend and work as volunteers at the Spiritist Centre. 

Is there anything else you would like to add? 

I would like to say that there is no way other way of achieving happiness other than through love. We must think, speak of and live that love. That is why Jesus told us that we would only be true Christians if we feel love for our brothers and sisters. 

And what message would you like to leave for the Spiritists from the Nosso Lar Spiritist Centre? 

First of all I would like to thank you for the confidence you showed on me and for the help you have offered so far. Each one of you is essential to our efforts. I will ask each one of you to give a bit more, as this organisation has been helping the population of Londrina fro 82 years and we need to go through a serious work programme to bring our facilities up to date. We are in thousands! And thousands of people can achieve a lot! They can achieve whatever they aim for! Let us dream together and realise our dreams! Together we can achieve a lot. I ask for Our Master Jesus to bless us all!


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