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Year 7 - N° 357 – April 6, 2014


Belo Horizonte, MG (Brasil)

Renata Rinaldini - renatarinaldini@hotmail.com


Paulo da Silva Neto Sobrinho

Only by misconception can we think that Chico Xavier was Kardec in a past life

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what is not true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true " (Søren Kierkegaard)

In pursuit of the truth, we carry on with researches on the supposed reincarnations of Kardec, in order to see where some spiritists’ common sense ends.

Let’s look at the book “Até sempre, Chico Xavier”, authorship of Nena Galves, in which we find something which will help a lot with the solution to whether Chico Xavier was or was not the reincarnation of Allan Kardec.

Indisputably Mrs. Nena Galves was a friend of Chico, which she demonstrates with multiple photos, so that perhaps no doubt, would be left. One detail that caught our attention is that she did not have the slightest concern to identify who Chico was in his previous reincarnation as some of those so called “friends” spread, in our view, without convincing evidence pointing out that he would have been Kardec.

Chapter two is titled "Reunion of Hearts", from which we quote:

Good or bad times that we spent together are always reminded; they are definite points in our lives. 

May 1959 is the date to remember with great joy. 

The meeting with Chico Xavier surfaced reminiscences in our current memory  of past reincarnations in Spain and France. Chico confided in us that he recognized us immediately. Galves and I felt a huge attraction, a great affection, and when Chico took Galves’ hands and mine and kissed them, we were sure that his hands and ours had already joined together in the distant past. It was a return to ancient times and an awakening in the present. We had an exact impression that located us in space and time. (Galves 2011, page 19, bold font added by us). 

Would Chico Xavier would have been the character Flávia of the book Two Thousand Years Ago? - The above text is adamant on the fact that Chico lived with the Galves couple in Spain and France, which demolishes the argument of those who defend him to have been Kardec, and confirms that which Carlos Alberto Costa Braga wrote in the work Chico Xavier, dialogues and memories ... regarding previous reincarnations of Chico, as it can be seen in my article entitled "Alleged reincarnation of Chico Xavier", available on my website through the link: (http://www.paulosnetos.net/index.php/viewdownload/5-artigos-e-estudos/414-supostas-reencarnacoes-de-chico-xavier).

In the text "Chico Xavier was Ruth-Céline Japhet," published in digital Magazine The Consoler (1) , the author Luciano dos Anjos had also presented several reincarnations of Chico, though in amounts exceeding those given by Carlos Alberto, the majority confirms the ones listed by him(2). Special emphasis was on Ruth-Céline Japhet, one of the mediums who collaborated with Kardec during the preparation of the Spiritist Codification works.

We found something interesting in a passage of Chico Xavier’s conversation with Fernando Worm, published in the book Lessons of Wisdom:

Mr. Worm’s question: Many are convinced that in the romance story Two Thousand Years, you were incarnated as the character Flávia, beloved daughter of the respectable senator Publius Lentulus. The same conviction applies to Célia, the character of the romance story 50 Years Later. Since then have you learned by spiritual means, about other incarnations you lived up to the current existence?  

Chico Xavier answers:  The assumption has been that I had been a character in the novels of Emmanuel derives from fellow friends, not me. I  actually feel I am a creature of very limited evolution, still with many flaws to correct, and in the first centuries of Christianity, no doubt that my condition would be much worse than now. (7/77). (Nobre, 1997, page 159). 

Chico, according to Mrs. Nena Galves, you had lived in Spain - Our impression is that Chico, in between the lines, confirms that he had been Flávia Lentulus, now, this fact, if true, corroborates the list of previous reincarnations of Chico which Carlos Alberto Luciano dos Anjos proposes and which does not end in Kardec. It is clear, too, that Chico always puts himself as a debtor before the divine laws, reason why he affirms to be in need to improve himself a lot.

And to complete checkmate in favour of what has been said, Mrs. Nena Galves presents two postcards (page 21) in which Chico Xavier, in his own hand writing, confirms having lived in Spain with the couple, on saying "souvenir from our dear Spain ". Let us take a look:

One of these images, the one related to the Spanish lady; remind us that in the above mentioned work by Carlos Alberto Costa Braga, there was something along those lines. And rightly so, we found the reference in a speech of Arnaldo Rocha, which is timely, transcribed:

Months had passed and Ms. Aida Fassanello returned to Chico’s home, bearing a gift for Dear Soul. It was a very beautiful oil painting which depicted a scene which was at least curious, with three Spanish ladies wearing nineteenth century clothes. Sitting on a table, the first one played a guitar, while the other two were dancing with their castanets.

Chico, very touched with the present, confided to me: "She was able to register in the canvas that which she captured from the history I had described to her, regarding our previously lived friendship. We were three great friends (Chico reveals that other character was called Maria Yolanda - referring to Dona Neném), and we lived in Barcelona in the nineteenth century, my name was Dolores del Sarte Hurquesa Hernandes ". (COSTA, 2006, page 236, italics in original, bold font added by us)

Mrs Galves: Is it possible that Chico has changed so much ? - Returning to the work of Mrs Nena Galves ; she mentiones further on :

Chico devoted special attention to us as if we were old friends. Later he confided to us that Emmanuel had promised he would find a new family from past lives, who were now reincarnated in São Paulo. At that time, Chico had recently moved to Uberaba and missed his family very much. He  consoled himself with Emmanuel’s words and hoped the new family from the past would soon arrive .

He recognised us promptly. We felt deep attraction to him, but we had some difficulty in remembering the past which slowly started to emerge. We often used to go to Uberaba to visit him. During these fraternal meetings the memories of the past became  increasingly accentuated as well as the joy in spiritist doctrinal work. [ ... ] . ( Galves 2011 , page 32 , bold font added by us ). 

A gesture of letting go, of unburdening by Mrs Nena Galves which, although not directly related to the subject matter, it is important to bring to attention as it stands out  and there is some  other meaning  “in between the lines”:

“After his discarnation, several people have come out of the woods affirming that  they were friends of the medium. However, these people never shared with him the struggles and sacrifices he faced in favour of spiritist movement. 

Many mediumistic communications attributed to the discarnated medium does not correspond to the confidences we know. By comparing them, we ask: is it possible that Chico has changed so much? (Galves 2011 , page 139-140, bold font added by writer). 

Chico used to refer to Allan Kardec as the "unforgettable mentor" - Towards the end of the work, Nena Galves reports that every year Chico Xavier would celebrate with them the date of birth of Kardec. She puts excerpts from the interview of Chico with the friend Luiz Rodovil Rossi, and it is worth to quote some of them:

ROSSI: “Dear Chico, it is with great pleasure and honour to welcome you again here in Union Spiritist Centre. We would like to hear a little bit about the week of Kardec and about the fair in Union Centre, which you so lovingly attend all year.”

CHICO: “We're here due to everyone’s kindness and especially due to our friend Dr. Luiz Rossi, who asks for our simple and plain words to exalt the memory of Allan Kardec, the unforgettable mentor to whom we owe so much.

Our friend talks about pleasure and honour, but those two qualities help me, as honour and  pleasure does not belong to me, for in truth, I do not deserve to be in our community with any special emphasis.

We all know the spiritual height of Allan Kardec and we revere in him that unforgettable teacher, whose teachings traverse much of the last century. We are in the twentieth century and his teachings find us to congratulate us with the knowledge of our own nature and the imperative of our spiritual growth.

As much as there may be expressive words that I could say about Allan Kardec, they would be too pale to create in our minds the respect, admiration, affection and love with which not only every year, but every day, we remember that remarkable man, whose inheritance for us, the human community, represents a heritage of peace and light.

Let us ask Our Lord Jesus Christ who magnify Allan Kardec wherever he is. That he can receive the vibrations of our best feelings and that the Union Spiritist Centre continues this wonderful work of human redemption, to embrace the needy, spreading the light and honouring Allan Kardec through his worthy fellow directors and fellow comrades who are listening to me, in memory of one who we can not forget.

Allan Kardec lives. This is the statement I wanted to pronounce with a voice that at the moment I have not got. But with all my heart, I repeat: God magnify our codifier, the codifier of Spiritism! Let he feel increasingly joyous on seeing that his ideas and his lessons remain above time, helping us to live. This is what I can poorly say in the greeting Allan Kardec deserves from all of us. I know that each of us, in domestic intimacy, will make him increasingly remembered and honoured, not only by Brazil’s spiritist but worldwide.” (Galves 2011, page 213-216). 

John the Evangelist participated in the work of the codification - The considerations which Chico Xavier made regarding  ​​Kardec would sound strange if Chico actually had known the Codifier was reincarnated as they  seemed pure adulation from his part, which, let’s face it, did not match what we knew of Chico’s personality.

Based on what we have seen previously (see the information below), it becomes increasingly clear for us that only by a big misconception can we still attribute to Chico the condition of being reincarnated as Allan Kardec. Incidentally, some of you who think so, also claim that Kardec would have been John the Evangelist, despite the fact that the codifier evoked John the Evangelist, as it is evidenced in the Spiritist Magazine 1861, in the reporting of the minutes of the meeting at Spiritist Society of Paris Day December 14, 1860, check out this excerpt:

" 3rd Personal Fact related to Allan Kardec and it can be considered a proof of identity of the Spirit of an ancient character. Miss J. had several communications from John the Evangelist, and each time with a very serious and very different writing from her normal writing. At request by Kardec, on evoking that Spirit through Lady Costel, he found that the writing had exactly the same character of Miss J., and although the new medium had no knowledge of the communications of John the Evangelist through Miss J., and besides the movement of the hand had a unaccustomed sweetness, which was still a similarity, and finally, the answers agreed in all points with those made by Miss J. and nothing in the language that was not up to the Spirit evoked. (KARDEC, 1993f, p. 5, emphasis added.)

Furthermore, John the Evangelist is one who also signs the message by constant Spirits in "Prolegomena," in The Spirits’ Book. (Kardec, 2007, page 63). This fact presents us with something unusual because Kardec would have become unfolded in two other characters, since John the Evangelist message containing the signature of Plato, who is another person considered to have been as one of the previous incarnations of Allan Kardec. 

Plato also participated in the codification of Spiritism - Another person who is considered as one of the alleged previous reincarnations of Kardec is the philosopher Plato, however, we found in the Spiritist Magazine (Spirite Revue) records of message signed by Plato: the meeting held on 18th November 1859 (Kardec, 1993, page 358), in 20th January, 1860 (KARDEC, 2000a, page 39),  in the meeting of 3rd February 1860, he signed with Moses and Julien (KARDEC, 2000, page 68). In "Prolegomena," in The Spirits’ Book, also we found his signature, and that of John the Evangelist (KARDEC, 2007, page 63). And finally, among the Spirits who answer to the question of number 1009, there is one which is signed by Plato (KARDEC, 2007, page 524).

The interesting thing about these two characters - John the Evangelist and Plato – is that; each one of them allegedly being reincarnations of Kardec; manifest themselves in meetings with this Codifier, sometimes with a name, other times with another, a fact that leaves us in no doubt that they are different individuals.

Moreover, as we have said before, in our text "Did Kardec reincarnate as Chico Xavier?", It is up to the proponents of this thesis to prove that every time the Spirit of Allan Kardec manifested when Chico Xavier was still alive, that either Chico was sleeping or in a situation that his spirit might be emancipated from the body to take on the personality of Allan Kardec and to manifest.

Certainly it is not our intention to discourage those clinging to these ideas, something that only time will.


(1) Texts published in two parts, see links:
http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano4/204/especial.html e

(2) Comparative chart available in:


COSTA, C. A. B. - Chico, dialogues and memories Belo Horizonte: UEM, 2006.

GALVES, N. - Until forever. São Paulo: CEU, 2011.

KARDEC, A.  -The Spiriits’ Book. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 2007a.

KARDEC, A. - Spirite Revue (Spiritist Magazine compiled by Allan Kardec)1859. Araras, SP: IDE, 1993e.

KARDEC, A. - Spirite Revue (Spiritist Magazine compiled by Allan Kardec) 1860 Araras, SP: IDE, 2000a.

KARDEC, A. - Spirite Revue (Spiritist Magazine compiled by Allan Kardec))1861. Araras, SP: IDE, 1993f.

NOBRE, M. R. S. - Lessons of Wisdom: Chico Xavier during 23 years in the publication entitled   Folha Espírita. São Paulo, 1997.

ANJOS, L.  - Chico Xavier was Ruth-Céline Japhet in

http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano4/204/especial.html, 10th April  2013, and

http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano5/205/especial.html, 17th April 2013.


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