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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 6 - N° 301 – March 3, 2013

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


Forgiving Debts


Eight year old Roy was very worried.

Without the proper authorization, he borrowed the brand new portable stereo system his father had recently bought to take to school. He wanted to impress his friends. 

On the way back, as he had a lot to carry, his backpack suddenly slipped off from his arm and

the precious stereo system fell to the ground.   

Roy got terrified and could not wait to get to his house because he wanted to test the device and see if it was working fine. Unfortunately it wasn't. It was broken. 

Full of fear, he waited for his father to arrive. As soon as Gerald got home from work he went straight to the sound system to play it. Nothing. It did not work. 

- What happened to this unit? - he asked, serious. 

Trembling with fear and hanging his head, Roy confessed shakily: 

- I was the one who broke it, dad. 

And, under his father's watchful gaze, Roy explained what had happened, ending by saying: 

- I know it was wrong, dad, but I did not mean to cause you any hurt. I apologize. 

Gravely, the father considered: 

- You told me the truth, son, and this is very good. But do you understand what you did? This device costed me a lot of money and now I do not have the resources to send it to be repaired. I accept your apology, but this is not enough. To be fair, you should pay for the damage with your allowance. 

With a crying face, the boy exclaimed: 

- But I have no more money, dad! I spent it all! Forgive me... just this once. I promise you I will never borrow anything without asking again! - and he began to cry, afraid of his father's reaction. 

However, full of compassion, the father looked at his son who seemed truly repentant and decided to give him another chance. 

- Okay, Roy. This time I will forgive you because I know it was an accident, you had no ill intent. However, may this never happen again! 

The boy hugged his father, happy and grateful. Relieved, he went outside to play, content with his luck. 

On the street, he saw a neighbour whom he had lent two marbles a few days before. It was just a little six year-old boy. 

Roy demanded that the boy gave back the marbles. Frightened, the boy replied: 

- I do not have them, Roy. I lost them at school. As soon as my dad gives me money, I'll buy you others. 

But Roy was enraged and indignant. Angry, he shouted at Roger who was much smaller than him: 

- You are a rascal. You promised to return my marbles and failed. You'll pay me anyway! 

- No, Roy, do not hit me! I promise I'll pay! As soon as I can! 

But Roy did not care. He wanted the marbles now. And he charged at the little boy with clenched fists. As he was bigger and stronger, Roger was in serious danger. 

A young woman who worked as a maid at Roy's house and was sweeping the sidewalk at the time, saw the fight and ran inside, distressed, to tell her boss what was happening. 

Gerald ran to the street just in time to see his son grabbing the small boy and threatening him: 

- Either you pay me now or you will get the beating of your life! 

Gerald got in the middle of the fight and separated the two to the surprise and disappointment of Roy who just then saw his father. 

Looking at his son and very disappointed, Gerald spoke energetically: 

- Is that what you learned from me, Roy? I just forgave your big debt! Couldn't you have compassion and do the same to your friend who owed you a pittance? 

Head down, silent, and extremely embarrassed Roy heard the dressing down from his father, who continued: 

- When I arrived here, I did not recognize my son. Your attitude was different: arrogant, proud, insolent.

Do you think it is fair to threaten a child who is much smaller than you? 

In tears and terrified, Roy pleaded: 

- Forgive me, dad. It will not happen again. 

With an uncompromising expression, Gerald concluded: 

- It really won't. Now, apologize to Roger for your aggressive behaviour. Later on, we'll have a talk. To amend your mistake, you will have to pay me back the repair of the stereo with your allowance. 

- But I told you I have no money, dad! 

- It does not matter. I will wait. It will take you at least eight months, but you deserve this lesson. During this period, you won't be able to buy anything. 

And so, Roy finally learned that he should be compassionate with others as he would like to be treated, and forgive as he would like to be forgiven. 

                                                                  Aunt Celia 


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