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Methodical Study of the Pentateuch Kardecian   Portuguese  Spanish

Year 6 - N° 292 – December 23, 2012

Paraná (Brasil)  
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The Mediums' Book

Allan Kardec

(Part  42)

We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.

The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below. 


A. What is the better antidote to disorder in groups? 

B. Prayer should be used in spiritist meetings? 

C. The efficacy of prayer is in your formula? 

D. What is the most potent form of spreading of Spiritism?

Text for reading 

385. The newly created groups find themselves sometimes hampered in their work by lack of mediums. These - there is no denying - are a key element to the spiritualist meetings, but they are not indispensable and out mistake to believe that without them nothing can be done. The study aimed to have a thousand serious matters to occupy him. (Item 347)

386. Religious societies meditate on Scripture. The spiritualist societies should do the same and hence will take great advantage for its progress in instituting conferences to be read and commented on everything that relates to Spiritism, pro or con. A pair of works spiritualists, tingle newspapers full of facts, stories, events, tears of virtues or vices, which raise serious moral problems, whose solution can only Spiritism present, this still constitutes a means of proving that he holds all branches of the social order. (Item 347)

387. The flag that is loud desfraldamos of Spiritism Christian and humanitarian, around which we have the good fortune to see, in all parts of the globe, gathered many men, understand that there is that is the anchor of salvation, a safeguard public order, the sign of a new era for humanity. We invite all companies to collaborate spirit in this great work. Which one extreme to the other world they extend a brotherly hand and have reaped evil in inextricable meshes. (Item 350)

388. The cap. XXX d 'The Mediums' Book is formed by the full transcript of the Rules of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, founded by Kardec on ??1st April 1858. According to the first article, it is clear that the aforesaid Company were prohibited political, religious controversy and social economy. (Chapter XXX, cited article)

389. The Regulation states that the sessions of the Society will be held on Fridays at 20 hours. The sessions may be specific or general questions, but will never be public. (Chapter XXX, art. 17)

390. In dialogue with the spirits, Regulation establishes that all questions are barred futile, self-interest, pure curiosity, or have the goal of submitting evidence to the spirits, and all that do not have a close general point studies of view. (Chapter XXX, art. 18)

391. Christ Himself governs the work who are in the process of implementation, for you open the era of renewal and improvement, spiritual guides that you predict. Brothers, courage! a labor for you and the future of your, a labor especially for you personally and melhorardes gozareis, in your first existence, a venture that is making you so hard idea, in my vo do understand it. (Chapter XXXI, section II, Chateaubriand)

392. If God sends the Spirit to instruct men, is to enable them to shed light on their duties, is to show them the way that he may shorten his evidence and thus hasten their progress. But hand in hand with good spirits, wishing your good, there are also imperfect spirits, wishing your evil. Namely distinguish them is that you must apply your entire attention. It's easy means: it is only compreenderdes of what comes from a good spirit can not harm anyone and that all evil is only a bad spirit may come. (Chapter XXXI, item IV, A Holy Family)

393. It is beautiful and your holy doctrine. The road is open for you big and majestic. Happy is he who arrive at the port, the more proselytes has made, the more you will be counted. But for that, we must not embrace the Doctrine coldly; must do it with such ardor and zeal will be doubled, because God is with you when you do good. All that atrairdes are so many sheep returning to the fold. (Chapter XXXI, item V, St. Benedict) 

Answers to questions

A. What is the better antidote to disorder in groups? 

The most powerful antidote that evil is charity, so charity is that they seek to stifle. One should not expect that then becomes incurable evil to bring you the remedy, we must not expect the same early symptoms, but it takes work mainly by preventing it. For this there are two effective means, if well utilized: the heart of prayer and careful study of the first signs that reveal the presence of deceiving spirits. If a member feels the influence of obsession, every effort should tend, from early indications, to open his eyes, for fear that evil will worsen in order to bring you the conviction that you are wrong and the desire to to second those who want to get rid of. (The Book of Mediums, item 340.)

B. Prayer should be used in spiritist meetings? 

Yes Meetings should begin by prayer, by a kind of prayer that facilitates concentration, but not enough to say a few words to ward off evil spirits. The efficacy of prayer is in the sincerity of feeling that said, is mainly in the unanimity of intention, because none of those who did not join her heart can not receive nor benefit others. (Ibid., Sec. XXXI, Item XVI.) 

C. The efficacy of prayer is in your formula? 

There is no absolute formula for prayer. God is too big to attach more importance to words than to thought. Keep up mainly to make it to one of those who recite trite formulas to quiet the conscience. The feeling is everything, the formula is worthless. (Ibid., Sec. XXXI, Item XVI.) 

D. What is the most potent form of spreading of Spiritism? 

The meetings truly serious, is that they should Spiritism its most potent spreading. Turning the honest and conscientious, these meetings will impose silence criticism, and the more your intentions are pure, more will be respected even by his opponents, because when mocking attacks the right, stops a laugh: she becomes negligible. (Ibid., item 341.) 



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