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Year 6 - N° 278 – September 16, 2012

Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brasil)

Renata Rinaldini - renatarinaldini@hotmail.com 


The universal life

(Second and Final Part)

Christina Nunes

Pause for reflection...

Information relating to life beyond the Earth and UFO phenomena is not passed on to us as depressing news bombarded to the other side of the world daily and as readily as they take place due to the world globalisation which, via satellite or internet, lets us know about a Hollywood  sneezing fit in the Fiji Islands as it occurs.

There is a monumental and scary quantity of documents, films and photographs, of assured authenticity, in the archives of space agencies sites and available to anyone who wants to see them! I emphasize these details as it is important to highlight that in this matter, we have reached a stage in which the revelations obtained during the space missions go already beyond “mere evidences of life on Mars”!

Indeed there are staggering photographs of extra-terrestrial activity, in planets and in other sectors of the solar system! However we will only gain access to this information by our own initiative and a real interest in finding out the truth; by following the invaluable work and effort of (in our case) Brazilian UFO researchers such as Ademar Gevaerd, Marco Antonio Petit. Within the spiritist ufology we have the work of Pedro Campos such as researches, lectures, vast amount of material available through uncountable films and photographs recorded through the decades all around the world as well as by space missions since the 50’s and 60’s. All of these of certified reputation.   And then to acquire the conviction that life bubbles in the heavens above us and also in deep space!  As well as from them to extract conclusions that are easily evidenced. In an analogy to homeopathic preparation in large scale, that is, it has been administered gradually by these same space agencies in order that the great truth be incorporated in the worldwide consciousness, reformulating the very foundation of our concepts regarding what is more exactly planetary citizenship and, in a broader sense, of cosmic ambience!!

I have seen things in these documents yet now let me take a deep perplexity. The intriguing image, obtained from one of the space missions’ photographs from its external surface, of a circular UFO which suddenly materialized, flicking, almost herding the American craft...

There are innumerable documents that lead us to serious reflections of what is awaiting us in the future and which already evoke disquieting questions: what is the reason that such material, that until a little while back was kept secret from these same space missions, is now being let out in this manner – subtly and gradually?

What led a Vatican representative, recently, to admit the universe and life on other worlds as an unmistakable reality?

Why have such occurrences from time to time apparently been increasing their incidence worldwide?

And to what extent certain unusual facts, as stated above, and repeated in other cases, in which ships suddenly materialize out of nowhere, do not confirm that these ultra-technologically advanced civilizations dominate masterfully still unimaginable to earthly science energies of the universe - does it occur to us the disturbing and likely hypothesis that we can be under intense observation and visitation, unnoticed, and even more massive from the part of these visitors from distant regions of the cosmos than we dare even suggest?! 

The data confirm: extraterrestrial life is indeed a fact! 

  As I said before, eventually I feel disheartened, questioning the extent to which the expenditure of time and energy is justified in an effort to disclose these startling revelations. However, via recurrent warnings via spiritual inspiration or through lucid scholars that also reach me: we have a responsibility to this information. There is something else there that is far from mere entertainment, curiosity, or selfish amazement before the novelty of these findings: it is the duty to transfer, to share such data - in order to flatten the time of final contact for which, of course, our visitors long to come to us ready!

The sample data speak for themselves and confirm: extraterrestrial life is indeed a fact! It is based on evidence, facts and logic, combined with advances in scientific research and achievements of the successive European and American space missions, the results of which have already been leaked to the sincere stakeholders, not as theories or speculation - but with footage, photos and precious interviews.

In fact, Ufology today is not based on mere speculation or controversy, because it has the amazing statements of a number of renowned authorities working on space research worldwide, willing to confirm their revelations before their congresses and their national leaders, amongst flight controllers, astronauts, and eminent representatives of World Ufology and members of senior military of several countries...

Ufology therefore can no longer be seen from the point of view of old wives tales or superstitions derived from illusory daydreams or ignorance; it has nothing to do with those more faithful stories and it becomes an informative disservice about mere "signs of life on Mars!" The UFO casuistic worldwide; regardless the inconvenient amount of fraud in videos and photo montages produced by unoccupied people interested in ridicule and disruptive of serious study of the phenomenon; is consolidated on facts, data, suitable evidences numbered in the thousands, and analyzed by cutting edge scientists of a number of countries and who are primarily engaged in revealing the simple truth, as well as revealing the truth to those who have a right of access - and not in frauds or initiatives with obscure existing bases of investments in other interests linked to global power games.

In fact, although the world, in increasing order, is bombarded by simultaneous events views, contacts of varying degrees, reliable footage and photos from varied backgrounds, coming from the common field investigator, from people of all countries around the planet, currently as well as from reliable sources of space agencies, in equal proportion the ardour of those who want to discredit and undermine the ultimate discovery of the obvious also increases: the Universe, densely populated, was not made just for us! It is full of life at all levels and various quadrants and dimensions!

This final finding by humanity as a whole, however, contradicts many. Who possibly? It is easy to deduce that those who see themselves threatened in their situation of temporal and secular power, in charge of countries and economies and in the domination of consciousnesses from institutionalized religious levels as holders of the ultimate truth about the things of heaven and earth. How would the old and rotten story of Adam’s rib from which Eve was created stay true?! And that man made in the image and likeness of God if, at some point, the origin of the human race was confirmed as from genetic experiments implemented in this world by more advanced civilizations?! 

The harm we cause inevitable returns to us

The Vatican probably would collapse or would be embarrassed to the point of dramatic structural reformulations in record time! However, we recall that recently the Vatican’s own representative made a bombastic statement, broadcasted all over the news, that - yes! – it would be contradictory to the very Divine grandeur to not admit other civilizations in the Cosmos!

However, this impasse would be resolved easily if one appeals to common sense, when one considers that if mankind in its biological evolutionary context, finds its origins in extraterrestrial genetic insemination. Nothing would be undermined if we recognized, though long overdue, that mankind’s true identity is not in the biological body - but its real self as an eternal Spirit in continuous evolutionary process, not only on Earth, but also in earlier stages, longer or shorter ones, on several worlds in the universe!

Why, therefore, the maintenance of narrow vision, at this point, about the magnitude of the objectives of Creation, also in ourselves, when advancements of earthly conscientiousness, and even of scientific ones, already allow us to glimpse and confirm that our real origin, our authentic existence, does not begin or end here, where we fulfil no more than a step on the infinite journey of improvement within the wonderful eternity?

However, these advanced findings are not yet seized in all their stunning scope by the narrow interests by passing hour, not by the dark representations of power that try to maintain a civilization under submissive reins - perhaps technologically evolved - but still of a narrow and incipient moral reach in the understanding of the wider horizons of the spirit.

There is, for them, every interest in keeping the world under control to better manoeuvre the sleeping masses by tortuous and calculated paths of ignorance and resulting suffering, imposed by the low price to the doctrine of such unbridled consumption to favour specific economic corporations, the great fortunes and blind ambitions for power from hidden governments and not a bit interested in freedom, happiness and peaceful coexistence, not only among the peoples of the earth, but also between us and the more advanced civilizations scattered in infinite space!

One has to affirm as far as we can that the world's population is under tight rein. It is hidden from the world population that people from other more advanced worlds are approaching us and are trying to warn us of the urgency of the end of wild militarism that's digging our own grave as planetary race, as for the supreme value of omnipresent Life across the vastness the Universe! And for the ultimate truth that the harm we cause inevitable returns upon us- whoever this other woman, man, child, animal or plant is - and in fact is, being vaulted against this life that is oriented in terms of pure harmony, inside the unfailing operation of the Law of Cause and Effect! ... The reason for which evil that mankind commits today in endless wars and brutal expressions of hatred returns fatally back against itself, in the same proportion and measure - triggering in unsuspected term the painful rosary of the karmic redemption for each one!This is, then, the Achilles heel of the great era of startling revelations in which we live; revelations which are fiercely combated and silenced by those who cling to the inordinate ambitions of blind materialism and to the obsolete expressions of religiosity, thoroughly ineffective in promoting harmony and the dreamed happiness of humanity’s peoples!

But against facts there are no more resources over time. Against the inexorable advancement of science and proven casuistic data: movies, photos, testimonies ... the efforts of those who will find themselves swept away by the force of events which in an unpredictable future, but clearly being worked on and prepared by human vanguard in partnership with our extra planetary or multidimensional visitors, will become useless. They will situate us in the grateful position of citizens of the Universe, in harmonious coexistence on Earth as well as for the countless evolved people throughout the shiny immensity of space!

And this is our glorious destiny!

Men in Black – governmental agents used as inhibitors of UFO research and testimonies and in service of covering up the matter from worldwide governments.



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