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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 6 - N° 269 – July 15, 2012
Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Hélio Ribeiro Loureiro: 

“The job Dr March has done and continues to do is something really remarkable” 

Our fellow Spiritist from Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro state tell us
about the life of Dr Guilherme March, the founder of
the Hahnemann Institute of Brazil and known as the
Doctor of the Poor in the city of Niterói

Hélio Ribeiro Loureiro (photo), from the city of Niterói, a lawyer by profession, is a member of the board of the Brazilian Spiritist Federation and a number of other organisations. In this interview he talks about Dr March, who was probably the most remarkable person to be born in the city of Niterói, Rio de Janeiro state’s second city. His life was an example of love and charity: 

Who was Dr March? 

Guilherme Taylor March was the second son of an English immigrant who arrived in Brazil in the first half of the XIX century,  when  the  country  was  still  a

Portuguese colony. His father made a quick fortune and bought a farm in the town of Teresópolis, in the beautiful hills outside Rio. That is where Guilherme and his brother George were born. Guilherme graduated in Medicine and fell in love with Homeopathy, becoming the founder of the Hahnemann Institute of Brazil on July 2nd 1859 – a society dedicated to cultural and scientific activities. He became a personal friend of the great Spiritist pioneer in Brazil, Dr Bezerra de Menezes, and took an active role in the campaign to abolish slavery in the country.  

What was the impact of his life and work in Niterói? 

His charitable example left a trail of light behind him. He was the doctor of the poor, using Homeopathy to heal and helped so many people free of charge. The best example from his personal life was the total dedication to those struggling with poverty, illness and all sorts of misfortunes. The people of Niterói was so grateful of his work that they bought him a house. 

So the city recognised his work? 

Yes, he was loved in Niterói and became known as the Guardian Angel of the city. His patients came from all social backgrounds. He was a dedicated Spiritist and a friend of leaders from other religions. 

What is the best biography on his life? 

It is in Portuguese only and it is called “Dr March em Dois Planos”, by Alexandre Rocha. 

Could you mention one particular event from such an eventful life? 

The cure of a girl after other doctors had given up on her. She was cured with Homeopathy and toad soup. 

As a spirit he has sent several messages through automatic writing, or psychography. Is there any one you find particularly relevant? 

Certainly a message written in trance by the great Niterói medium, Raul Teixeira, during a meeting of the Brazilian Spiritist Federation, titled “The worker and Jesus”. It is so deep and it came at such a special time, when we were explaining to the Federation a project to which we dedicated five years of our lives, the unification of the Spiritist Movement in the state of Rio de Janeiro. 

Tell us more about an occasion when Dr March treated other patients through mediumship. 

He was very ill in bed when he began to develop clairvoyance. His mediumship was so powerful that he was able to treat many patients from a distance. He could hear what the Spiritual Benefactors assisting the patients said. They would come and say in his ear what the patients were feeling, so he could give his diagnosis.  

What did he lack at the time to get world recognition? 

He lacked the support from the Spiritst media at the time. 

Is there anything else you would like to add? 

Yes. I would like to highlight the fact that this great Benefactor, Dr March, carries on his work from the Spiritual World to this day, taking part in teams that go around helping other people. Also, through the mediumship of Raul Teixeira, he has produced beautiful messages that help us in our daily challenges. 





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