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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 6 - N° 267 – July 1st, 2012
Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Frederico Menezes de Oliveira: 

“Spiritism establishes a dialogue with our life” 

Our fellow Spiritist from Brazil’s northeastern Pernambuco state, a medium and lecturer, talks about his charity work and the dissemination of the Teachings 

Frederico Menezes de Oliveira (photo) was born in Cabo Santo Agostinho, near the capital of Pernambuco state, Recife, where he is based. With a degree in Media, he is works in advertisement, marketing and human resources. Frederico de Oliveira is a volunteer worker at the Spiritist Society Casa do Caminho, in his hometown. He is also the author of 14 books and has edited 28 DVDs and 5 CDs, with a vast experience

that he shares with us in this interview: 

How was your first contact with Spiritism? 

I come from a family closely linked to Spiritism. My grandparents founded the first Spiritst Group in the city of Cabo, in the 1930s. I always believed in God but struggled to understand the concept of hell, which I thought clashed with the idea of a God of Love. When I was 12 I read my first Spiritist book, Nosso Lar – Our Home, and was thrilled to find the evidence proving that hell did not exist. That is when I began to study Spiritism. 

What about public talks and lectures? When did you start and what was your inspiration? 

I have been doing it for 31 years, travelling around the country, mainly in the northeastern region of Brazil. It all began in 1980, when I went to a local Spiritist Centre in my hometown and my brother Ronaldo asked me to say a few words, for about 15 minutes, to prepare the room for the main meeting. I spoke for nearly half an our, practically without stopping and felt “strange”, even though I remained aware of what was going on around me. That was the first time, I never stopped. The will to disseminate the beautiful teachings in Spiritism was my main motivation. 

How does the audience react to your talks? What do you think are the main needs of the audience? 

The audience has been very welcoming all these years. That is what usually happens when you present the Spiritist message. Spiritism establishes a dialogue with our life, touching the audience in their innermost feelings. As for the audience’s main needs, I think most people who attend our talks are eager to satiate their hunger of God. They come trying to understand the true values of life and also the pain and the challenges in their paths. 

What are your favourite themes? 

I honestly do not have any favourite themes. I was lucky enough to learn, from a very young age in my first Spiritist Centre, to value all aspects of the Teachings codified by Allan Kardec. I keep reading, studying and offer my best, despite all my limitations. 

When you go outside Pernambuco state, what tend to be the most popular or frequently requested issues? 

On top of traditional Spiritist themes, such as mediumship and reincarnation, there is great demand for answers on the so-called illnesses of the soul: depression, anguish, how to overcome phobias etc. 

Could you select one particular experience in all these years that had a particular meaning to you? 

There were many interesting experiences, but I would say that those associated with mediumship were the most remarkable. Once, in the capital of Rio Grande do Norte state, Natal, I was describing the region where Jesus lived and a phenomenon occurred: a strong scent suddenly could be felt across the whole room, which caused big commotion in the audience. There were other experiences dealing with mediumship and I remember in particular occasions when spirits sent a message to someone I did not know in the audience. 

Tell us a bit more about Casa do Caminho, the Spiritist Centre where you work as a volunteer. 

We founded this group to pay homage to the early Christians, with their Mansion of the Way. My dear Spiritual mentor, Marta, wrote once that all Spiritist Centres should preserve something of that first charity house build by the Apostles to ease the pain of so many people. We should aim for simplicity, dedication, cosiness and the honest drive to seek the truth, as well as the determination to do good deeds. The Centre is located in the Garapu area and it is structured in a similar manner as other Spiritist Groups in Brazil, with courses, evangelisation for children and teenagers, study meetings, healing etc. We also have a special group dedicated to help a community in a nearby rural area. 

Is there anything else you would like to add? 

I thank you for this opportunity, for your generosity, which helps me carry on with the task God has given me. Peace be with you. 





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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism