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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 6 - N° 261 - May 20, 2012
Juiz de Fora, MG (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Suely Aparecida Pinheiro Raimundo:

“I don’t think Instrumental Communication is that different from what goes
on in Spiritist Centres”

The well-known research in the field of Instrumental Communication talks about her research and the
links between TCI and Spiritism

Suely Aparecida Pinheiro Raimundo (photo) is a trained nutritionist who lives in the southern Brazilian city of Porto Alegre. She is a researcher in the area of Instrumental Transcommunication, known by its French acronym, TCI.

She has a blog about the subject,

http://transcomunicacaoinstrumental and is the author of many articles and papers. Suely agrees with many of the core principles of Spiritism, but she is not part of any group or formally linked to Spiritism.

In this interview, she shares her views on TCI and the teachings:

TCI is widely known these days. What do you think are the main benefits it can bring to those who come in contact with it? 

For those who come to TCI looking for love, it will certainly bring internal peace. The credit should go to our friends in the spiritual world. 

Is there any chance of TCI moving away from the principles contained in Spiritism? Is the theoretical framework on the communications between discarnates and incarnates well established in TCI so as to avoid a diversion in its principles? 

Since I began my research on TCI, in the year 2000, I have noticed that all the messages had similar content as the communications from Spiritist Centres. I do believe in the TCI research and I know they are under the guard of good spirits. There is no risk of losing the link with Spiritism, but TCI can also be the subject of analysis in academia due to the fact that it uses instruments such as radios, telephone, tape recorders, television etc. That means it offers material that can be more easily be assessed and scrutinised by other researchers. 

Some within Spiritism say it could do away with its religious aspect. As a researcher, do you agree with that? Should Spiritism focus solely on its scientific and philosophical aspects? Is TCI closer to that approach? 

I believe in Spiritism practised with “free spirit”. In other words, what comes from free is given out without charge and we are free to think. That means we do not need an altar, an image to adore. All we need is faith. That is how I see Spiritism. Kardec was an innovator and not dogmatic. TCI follows the same steps. It can be practised, researched and developed that way, with freedom. 

What is the content of the messages from discarnate spirits through Instrumental Transcommunication? 

The answer to that would require many, many pages. But I can summarise saying that TCI has taught me to listen, it has proven to me that there is life after death, it has helped me in the most difficult times of my life and it has helped those who come to it looking for assistance. The words coming from the Spiritual World are in general of love. Sometimes, they are words of people who need to get something off their chests. 

Do you receive proper long messages or only disconnected sentences? 

As I spend a long time researching, I can hear full sentences and also loose words. It depends of the session, the time. The beginner tends to get only words, but as you get more experienced you begin to receive proper sentences. I would like to highlight that TCI is something serious; it is not for people moved only by curiosity. It is meant for incarnates who are willing to interact with discarnate spirits, who are often members of our family who left to the Spiritual World before us. I have witnessed many cases of relatives and friends of discarnates who have made contact through TCI, and no doubt was left as to their identities. 

For those who want to get started in TCI, what are the first steps? 

The first step is to get to know TCI. Many books have been published and I quote two of my favourite authors: Clóvis Nunes and Hildegard Schafer. People must bear in mind that in order to research TCI, they must take it serious and be dedicated and persistent, so they can get the guidance of good spirits, both incarnated and discarnates. There are many groups in Brazil dedicated to such research, but they make mistake of rarely publishing their results. There are also groups abroad, but we know very little about them here in Brazil. The main TCI researchers according to me are professor Clóvis Nunes, in Brazil; Anabela Cardoso, in Spain; and Marcelo Bacci, in Italy. 

What are the main events in the history of TCI? 

Friedrich Jurgenson was a pioneer, one of the main names in TCI, who make his research available to the public. That was a key moment, but the real pioneer was Oscar D’Argonnel, who lived in Rio de Janeiro. When you hear the voice of a spirit, you think of the potential. How many parents, children, spouses could benefit from TCI and how many hearts could be consoled by the live communication, with voice and image, that is provided through this technique! 

Do you believe Spiritist Centres should open their doors to Instrumental Transcommunication? 

Absolutely! That would provide Spiritism with a vast field to work on. TCI is here to add to the work of the mediums, not to replace them. What I hear very often is that we, incarnates, are a very important tool to achieve communication through TCI. And the message comes from our friends in the Spiritual World, who tell us often: “We need you.” I believe the Spiritual Benefactors are directly involved in that research. Let us bear in mind that TCI is just a channel to allow communication. We need to progress on this side to make that type of communication possible. It is not an easy job. It requires determination. If taken seriously, TCI can become an important tool to be used by Spiritism. If not, it will be discredited.  

Kardec made several references to fake communications, spirits who pretended to be someone else for fun or to disturb serious work. Does that happen with TCI? 

Yes, there are many such cases. It happened with me, but we are the ones who make such opportunities possible through our attitudes. We need to be vigilant and totally focused on feelings of love and peace. 

How did you become interested in TCI and what are you researching at the moment? 

I was very keen on anything linked to the survival of our conscience, all psychic phenomena. I read about Theosophy and got to know Spiritism. I have a great connection with Spiritism, the theory and the practice. TCI came into my life in a period of much pain and sorrow, when I lost the only child I had at the time. My link with my soon led me to look for something else, to research, to study and to practise TCI. My research focuses mainly on radio communication, in particular voices from discarnate spirits. 

What are your final thoughts? 

I don’t think Instrumental Transcommunication is that different from what goes on in Spiritist Centres, but I see its future mainly in academic centres, as the object of research in universities. UFRGS University in Rio Grande do Sul began studying in the year 2000 themes related to spirituality. I am trying to join the department, having presented my research. I will persist. I will always insist, I will always be looking for developments that will help humankind, or even a single human being. If we help one single heart in pain we will have our efforts multiplied many times. 





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