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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 6 - N° 260 - May 13, 2012
Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Fátima Farias:

“Life is a perennial learning process”

The journalist from Brazil’s northeastern Paraíba state has lived in the state capital, João Pessoa, for 33 years. She became a Spiritist in 1994. Fátima is the author of a book of interviews. She is a member of the board of directors of the Spiritist Federation of Paraíba, where she has the post of deputy Director of Communication. In this interview he talks about the developments of the Spiritist Movement in Paraíba: 

Please start by making an assessment of the development of Spiritism in your region. 

Spiritism is growing in the state. There’s a quantitative growth, but, more importantly, a marked improvement in quality. I believe one reason for that has been the long terms the presidents of the local Spiritist Federation remains in charge. In 96, we had only seven presidents. That has provided continuity and favoured the development of the Spiritist movement in the region. It is an interesting and eventful history. There’s more on those events and our presidents on the Federation’s website www.fepb.org.br

What is the most positive aspect of your work in the dissemination of Spiritism? 

It is the complete absence of religious prejudice by fellow journalists, who open the doors to me. They are open not only to broadcast and publish the news on Spiritism but are often in contact with our newsroom, asking question on the teachings. I have never faced any problems in my work to disseminate Spiritism. The message of Spiritism is in fact an easy one to sell, as it always grabs the attention of the audience. 

Tell us about the people you have interviewed. What’s been the impact of those interviews? 

I have interviewed the great medium, Divaldo Franco, many times. I also highlight interviews with the French neurophysicist Patrick Drouout, reverend Nehemias Marien, Catholic archbishop Dom Aldo Pagotto, and artists Nando Cordel and Paulo Figueiredo, among others. Well, many people who missed the interviews published on the paper heard about it and often came to ask for a copy, based on the impact of the articles. When I saw that happening more and more regularly I decided to make a compilation and publish the interviews in a book. They provide the reader with interesting observations on science, philosophy, religion, arts and culture in general. 

Which are the most memorable stories written by you? 

The first one I would like to highlight is a story about the Museum of the Souls in Purgatory, in Rome. The museum’s archive has plenty of evidence of communication by spirits within the realm of the Catholic Church. I published the article in newspaper O Norte on a Sunday, 28th October 2001. The newspaper readers read about it before the same report went on air on Brazil’s main Sunday news and entertainment television programme, Fantástico. The scoop was handed to me by parapsychologist Clóvis Nunes, who was interviewed by the programme and me. Another story that means a great deal to me and I consider the most important in my career is an article about the great Brazilian medium, Chico Xavier. I had the privilege of spending Easter at his home in 2002, celebrating his last birthday among us incarnates. Three months later, aged 92, he passed away. That was the big present I received from a great friend, Lisle Lucena, who had become close to Chico Xavier. I still have goose bumps every time I remember those amazing days, sharing those moments with such an amazing source of energy, a model of pure Christianity. The report in full is in my book. 

How is your work with the specialised Spiritist media? 

I have contributed with many websites and magazines. Recently I began my own blog, www.horizontes-fatimafarias.blogspot.com, where my aim is to discuss a number of issues also focusing on positive news and the dissemination of information leading to a better quality of life for all. 

Tell us about the work of the Spiritist Federation of Paraíba? 

There is great excitement over projects in every department of the Federation: courses, social work, mediumship, development of children and young Spiritists. We have been successful in the media, especially with the success of films with a Spiritist theme in recent years. But we have a project that has had a great impact. It is called Disseminating Immortality and it focus on the period around All Souls day, with messages and campaigns in cemeteries across the state. In the latest administration at the Federation, under the presidency of José Raimundo de Lima, we have seen a big growth of Spiritism in Paraíba. We are now in a new building, with more room to host events and welcome a bigger attendance. Our lecture room can take more than 800 people.  

Leave us with a final message… 

I believe I still have a long way to go and a great deal to learn. Life is a perennial learning process, so we can work on our imperfections. God is a light and a source of energy I’m looking for. The message that says the most to me is one by Léon Denis: “Have Universe as your temple, conscience as your altar, charity as your law and God as your image.” Finally, thank you very much for providing this opportunity to change roles and become the interviewee.





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