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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 5 - N° 251 - March 11, 2012
Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Ademar Faria Junior:

“We are able to carry out many useful activities during the sleep of our physical body”

The author of the book, Sonhos – Perguntas e Respostas (Dreams – Questions and Answers) talks about the Spiritist approach to the mystery of dreams, an old and little understood matter

Ademar Faria Junior (photo), from the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo, is a Spiritist speaker and writer. He became a Spiritist in 1985 and is now the vice-president of a home for the elderly and a children’s home in the city of Linhares. Ademar Faria Junior is the author of three books, including one about dreams, the main theme of this interview: 

Why a book about dreams? 

I was preparing a series of speeches about the theme of “miracles” – the subject of one of my books – and was focusing on cases of resurrections and

lethargy, or apparent death, I noticed there was great interest on the part of many people. People were particularly interested in the analogy I made between resurrections and the emancipation or liberation of the soul, as mentioned in the books of Allan Kardec. At the end of every public meeting, of every speech or lecture, I noticed most questions were about sleep, dreams and nightmares. I decided then to carry out further research on that particular theme and the result is this book. 

How did you direct your research? 

I began by researching on the Spiritist literature – the Kardec books first – and then began to look into technical books that focused on sleep patterns, dreams etc. In a later stage, I interviewed people who had vivid memories of their dreams. 

Do you get many people getting in touch and asking questions? What are the main doubts and questions? 

Yes, many, many people continue to get in touch, willing to share the accounts of their dreams or nightmares. They are usually interested in interpreting their dreams, trying to find a meaning to those vivid images. But as I always point out it is impossible to do a totally reliable interpretation of dreams, as they are subjective messages and are also influenced by a number of psychological, physiological and spiritual factors. 

Have you followed up on the approach taken by The Spirits’ Book? 

Absolutely! There isn’t a final word on that subject. Great sums have been invested in the technology of sleep labs, on the main research centres. The hypothesis put forward in The Spirits’ Book has allowed us to broaden the perspective and assess the issue of dreams through a point of view until then ignored or dismissed: the images received by the Spirit in the Spiritual World may be the explanation, or an explanation, for our dreams and nightmares. The traditional view is that dreams and nightmares are events of a physiological or psychological nature only. 

Do you keep getting many reports of experiences by people who read your books or see you speak? 

That happens very often in our public meetings. People come to me and tell me what their dreams are. Many use email to share their experiences. The book has a whole chapter dedicated to the most common questions and answers. 

What are your thoughts based on all those accounts? 

I’ve come to realise that even though all human beings, or rather, all mammals, have dreams, no one is really sure of how it happens; no one is really sure when dreams will come. There is no real knowledge of how dreaming takes place. 

In your speeches and seminars on that subject, what techniques do you use to grab the public’s attention and to rise their interesting in reading and learning about Spiritism? 

I like to interact with the public. I prefer to get close to the public, to use simpler, more accessible language and to explain as clearly as possible each aspect of the lecture. In some cases I also make use of a multimedia projector.

Is there anything else you’d like to add? 

One of aims of the book is informing the readers about the mechanisms of dreaming, but I would say the overall goal is really to let people know that we have the opportunity of using our sleeping time to achieve remarkable intellectual and moral improvement. We should make the most of this opportunity, of this period of time when our Spirit is not subject to the usual constraints of our material body. And we should really aim at reaching places of work and learning in the Spiritual World during our sleep. 

What are your final thoughts? 

I would just like to thank the readers of O Consolador for the opportunity of present my points of view and considerations on such an amazing subject.



Ademar Faria Junior addressed this subject during a speech at the Sociedade Colatinense de Estudos Espíritas on January 9th 2011. To watch it, click on http://amigoespirita.ning.com/video/sonhos-realidade-ou-fantasia?xg_source=activity.




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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism