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Methodical Study of the Pentateuch Kardecian   Portuguese  Spanish

Year 5 - N° 228 -  September 25, 2011

Paraná (Brasil)  
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The Spirit’s Book

Allan Kardec 

(Part 20) 

We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.

The answers to the questions presented, founded in the 2th edition published by FEB, based on translation of Anna Blackwell, are at the end of the text below.

Questions for discussion

A. Spirits influence on our thoughts and actions?

B. Why God allows spirits compel us to do evil?

C. How can we counteract the influence of evil spirits?

D. The exorcism has some efficacy in the treatment of obsession? The prayer, in these cases, help?

E. If there are no demons, how to understand the expulsion of demons mentioned in the Gospel?

Text for reading 

252. Sometimes the ideas of men of intelligence and genius come from your own spirit, but often they are suggested by other spirits, which think they can understand them and worthy of the broadcast. When they do not find in themselves call for inspiration: it is an evocation of what they do not suspect it. (L.E., 462)  

253. If it was useful to distinguish clearly the thoughts of our own that we are suggested, God would have given us the means to do so. When one thing remains the vague, is that it should be for our good. (L.E., 462, Kardec comment)  

254. The first impulse may be good or bad, depending on the nature of the incarnated spirit. It is always good for those who hear the good inspirations. (L.E., 463)  

255. No Spirit is given a mission to do evil, and when he does, is by his own will and therefore must suffer the consequences. God can let him do to prove you, but never commands and your task is to repel it. (L.E., 470)  

256. Almost always the feeling of distress, anxiety or elusive inner satisfaction, with no known cause, is an effect of communications, without knowing it, you have had with the spirits during sleep. (L.E., 471)  

257. The Spirit does not enter a body as you enter a house: it assimilates an incarnate spirit that has their same defects and their same qualities to work together, but it is always the Spirit who acts as he will incarnate on the matter that is coated. A Spirit can not substitute for the flesh think that, because the soul and body are connected to the time set for the term of material existence. (L.E., 473)  

258. But there are cases in which the soul may find yourself dependent on another Spirit, in order to see if he overwhelmed or obsessed to the point of being paralyzed his will. These are the real possessed, but learns that this rule never takes place without the participation of the sufferer, whether by his weakness, is their desire. (L.E., 474)  

259. Spirits exert very large role in the phenomena produced between individuals designated by the name of convulsions, the first source is the magnetism. Are low, however, the spirits who contribute to this kind of phenomena. (L.E., 481 and 481-A)  

260. Among the colleges that strange note from the convulsions, find themselves easily to those of sleepwalking and magnetism offer numerous examples: the insensitivity physics, thought-reading, the transmission of pain and so friendly. These individuals seem to be a kind of somnambulist awake state, caused by the influence they exert on each other. They are, in this case, at the same time, magnetized and magnetized, unwittingly. (L.E., 482)  

261. The physical cause of insensitivity that exists between the convulsions is, among some, only magnetic effect, which acts on the nervous system the same way that certain substances. Among others, the exaltation of thought blunts sensitivity, so the life seems to have withdrawn from the body and transported to the Spirit. (L.E., 483)  

262. The fanatical excitement and enthusiasm they are often in cases of torture, the example of a calm and cold blood they could not triumph over a sharp pain, if you do not admit that the sensitivity was offset by a sort of anesthetic effect. (L.E., 483, Kardec comment) 

Answers to Questions

A. Spirits influence on our thoughts and actions?  

Yes Influence spirits in our thoughts and our actions much more than we realize. They influence the extent that, ordinarily, they are what drive us. (The Spirit’s Book, questions 459, 460, 461, 464, 466 and 469.)

B. Why God allows spirits compel us to do evil?  

Imperfect spirits are the instruments themselves put to the test of faith and perseverance in doing good man. As spirits ourselves, we have to progress in the science of the infinite. Hence the move by the evidence of evil, and reach the well. The mission of the Good Spirits is to put us on track. Since evil influences acting upon us, is that we attract, wishing evil spirits as they come to help us lower the bad, so we want to do it. Only when you want evil, can they help us to do evil. If a man is prone to crime, has around it a cloud of spirits to feed him in this intimate penchant. But others also surround it, endeavoring to influence it for good, which restores the balance of leaves and the master of his acts. It is thus that God entrusts to our consciousness the way that we choose to follow and give freedom to one or other of the opposing influences brought to bear upon us. (Ibid., 465 questions, 465-A, 465-B, 466 and 467.)

C. How can we counteract the influence of evil spirits?  

Doing good in God and put all our trust, repel the influence of lower spirits and destroy the empire that wish to have on us. We need to do this, do not answer to the suggestions of spirits who cause us bad thoughts, which blow discord and bad passions inflate. We especially wary of those who exalt the pride, because these assaults on the weak side. This is why Jesus, the Lord's Prayer, taught us to say, "Lord! us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. "(Ibid., questions 468, 469 and 472.)

D. The exorcism has some efficacy in the treatment of obsession? The prayer, in these cases, help?  

The formulas of exorcism have no validity as to the evil spirits, laughing and persist when they see someone take it seriously. How to prayer, behold, yes, a powerful aid in the treatment of obsession. But in the spirit, not just someone muttering a few words so you get what you want. God assists those working, not limited to those who ask. It is therefore essential that the obsessed do, for his part, it becomes necessary to destroy itself because of the attraction of evil spirits. (Ibid., 475 to 479 questions.)

E. If there are no demons, how to understand the expulsion of demons mentioned in the Gospel?  

It depends on the interpretation that gives. If we call the devil evil spirit to subdue an individual, since if you destroy the influence, he has truly been expelled. If the devil attribute the cause of an illness, when has cured, it can rightly be said to cast out the demon. One thing can be true or false, according to the direction that lends itself to words. (Ibid., issue 480.)


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