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Methodical Study of the Pentateuch Kardecian   Portuguese  Spanish

Year 5 - N° 225 -  September 4, 2011

Paraná (Brasil)  
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The Spirit’s Book

Allan Kardec 

(Part 17) 

We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.

The answers to the questions presented, founded in the 2th edition published by FEB, based on translation of Anna Blackwell, are at the end of the text below.

Questions for discussion

A. What is the reason for the change which takes place in the character of individuals to a certain age, especially when they come out of adolescence?

B. Two people who met and loved in life, can meet and recognize yourself in another existence?

C. What causes the earth likes and dislikes?

D. Why is the reincarnated spirit loses the memory of your past?

E. By what evidence can we know the gender of our previous existence?

Text for reading 

206. The remembrance of past existences have more disadvantages than you believe. (L.E., 386-A) 

207. There are links between thinking beings who do not know. Magnetism is the guide of this science, which later you will understand better. (L.E., 388) 

208. The instinctive repulsion that is experienced by some people at first glance, comes from unfriendly spirits, who perceive and recognize each other, without speaking. (L.E., 389) 

209. Two spirits are not necessarily bad, because they are not friendly. The dislike may stem from a lack of similarity in thinking. But as they rise, the shades go out and the antipathy disappears. (L.E., 390) 

210. The bad spirit feels dislike for anyone who can judge and expose, seeing someone for the first time, that person will realize that you disapprove. His removal then becomes hate, envy, and it inspires the desire to do evil. The good spirit repulsed by the bad, because he knows he will not be understood by him and they both do not participate in the same feelings. But, sure of his superiority against the other does not feel neither hatred nor envy, content to avoid it and grieve it. (L.E., 391) 

211. There are worlds more advanced than the earth, whose inhabitants, situated in a better position than you, even so are less prone to major disappointments and even unhappiness. (L.E., 394) 

212. The memory of our personhood earlier would have very serious problems. Could in some cases, extremely humble ourselves and in others, exalt our pride, and therefore hinder our free will. God gave us to improve ourselves, just what is necessary and sufficient: the voice of conscience and our instinctive tendencies. (L.E., 394, Kardec comment) 

213. In the worlds where there reigns only the good, the memory of the past has nothing painful. For them often to remember previous existence, as we remember what we did yesterday. (L.E., 394, Kardec comment) 

214. We cannot always have revelations about our past lives. Many know, however, what were and what they did and if they were allowed to say it openly, would singular revelations about the past. (L.E., 395) 

215. In physical existences in nature higher than ours, the memory of the past is more accurate. As the body is less material, remembers best. The remembrance of the past is clearer to those who inhabit the worlds of a higher order. (L.E., 397) 

216. Through the study of our instinctive tendencies, we can have an idea of the faults committed by us, but we must also take into account the improvements that had taken on the resolutions and erratic. (L.E., 398) 

217. If the Spirit, as incarnate, not able to resist the evidence, can be dragged to new faults, which are the consequence of the position chosen by himself. But in general, denounce these faults before a steady state than retrograde, since the Spirit can move or stop, but not back down. (L.E., 398-A) 

218. By the nature of vicissitudes which we face, we can often deduce the gender of the former existence, as each one is punished in that they sinned. But the best indicator is the instinctive tendencies, because the evidence we have suffered so much as to the future with the past. (L.E., 399) 

219. Reached the end for which Providence has marked his life wandering the Spirit chooses for himself the trials that you want to submit, to hasten their advance, that is, the kind of existence he thinks is most appropriate to provide you with the means and these trials are always in relation to the faults to expiate. If trumps them, he rises if succumbs, you must start over. (L.E., 399, Kardec comment) 

220. The Spirit always has free will. It is because of this freedom, the state of Spirit, choose the trials of corporeal life, and the state of red, deliberates what will make or not make, choosing between good and evil. (L.E., 399, Kardec comment) 

221. Stocks future cannot be revealed under any circumstances, by depending on the manner in which it meets the present existence and the later choice of the Spirit. (L.E., 399, Kardec comment) 

Answers to questions

A. What is the reason for the change which takes place in the character of individuals to a certain age, especially when they come out of adolescence?  

The reason is at that stage of life, the Spirit takes up the nature proper to it, and it is shown as it was. (The Spirit's Book, question 385.) 

B. Two people who met and loved in life, can meet and recognize yourself in another existence?  

Recognize each other, not. However, they may find themselves drawn to one another and often different is not the cause of these intimate connections based on sincere affection. (Ibid., questions 386, 386-A, 387 and 388.)

C. What causes the earth likes and dislikes?  

Sympathy is not always, in principle, due to a previous knowledge. Two Spirits which bind and naturally seek each other without having met such as person. Among sentient beings there are connections that are still unknown. Magnetism is the pilot of this science, which later we will understand better.

The antipathy may derive from the diversity in thinking. A bad spirit dislikes anyone who can judge and unmask. When first seeing a person, just know it will be censored. His departure from this person becomes hatred, envy and inspires the desire to do evil. The good spirit feels repulsion for the bad, knowing that this will not understand and because of it are mixed feelings. (Ibid., questions 386 to 391.) 

D. Why is the reincarnated spirit loses the memory of your past?  

The man cannot and must know everything. God wishes it so in his wisdom. Without the veil that concealed certain things, the person would be overshadowed as one who, without transition, to leave the dark to light. Forgotten his past, man is more sure of himself. (Ibid., questions 392, 393 and 395.) 

E. By what evidence can we know the gender of our previous existence?  

The surest indication as it is our instinctive tendencies. We do not know their acts in the past, but we know the gender of the misconduct and what the nature of our character by the dominant trends that characterize us to be.

The nature of the events and evidence we have suffered we also can shed light on what went and what we have done the same way in this world think of the acts of the guilty by the punishment which the law inflicts. Thus, the proud will be punished in his pride, by the humiliation of a subaltern existence, the bad and the greedy rich, the misery, which was cruel to others who suffer the cruelties, the tyranny, slavery, the bad son, the ingratitude of his sons, the lazy, a forced labor etc.. (Ibid., 399 question, followed Kardec's comments.)



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