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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 5 - N° 221 -  August 7, 2011

De São Paulo, SP (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Marco Antônio Maiuri Miranda: 

“Spiritual life is our true reality”

The medium and Spiritist lecturer Marco Antônio Maiuri Miranda talks about his new book, “A Medicação do Amor” (The Medication of Love), dictated by the spirit, José Carlos do Patrocínio

Every May 13th Brazil celebrates the end of slavery, in 1888. The date is of huge significance for the country’s history. The events leading to the abolition of slavery gain a new perspective when seen through a spiritual perspective.

What really happened during the long and painful process of liberation of the slaves, when the chains of rejection and indifference were broken? Who are the victims and who are the perpetrators in a history written with blood and persecution?

The medium and Spiritist lecturer Marco

Antônio Maiuri Miranda (photo) has published a new book, dictated by the spirit of José Carlos do Patrocínio, a poet and well-known anti-slavery campaigner in the XIX century. He talks about his experiences in the Spiritual World and the job of assisting the Spiritual recovery of those who became highly indebted during the centuries of slavery. José do Patrocínio also talks about his ideals of freedom and the fight to break the damaging barriers of prejudice.

The book is an autobiographic novel beginning in the post-abolition years. It is aimed at raising awareness to the responsibility we carry for our acts and choices. The examples in this beautiful novel are extremely relevant to the challenges we are facing in today’s world, as they highlight the importance of true love in our lives. 

When and how did you realise you were a medium with psychic powers? 

My mediumship became evident when I was between 4 and 6 years old. I was submitted to a treatment to control childhood mediumship, and it emerged again when I was 18. But it was given its proper character in April 1988, when the Spirit, Natanael, got in touch with me. And since that time he’s been guide to my activities as a medium. Later, my psychic powers expanded. I could then see and hear spirits, they could speak through me, I also developed clairvoyance and the ability to give healing – always following the Doctrine of Allan Kardec and having Jesus as the model and guide. 

How many books have you written in trance so far? 

Four books, two by the Spirit Lúcio, one by Natanael and one by José do Patrocínio, published in May 2011 by Editora Mundo Maior. I also edited the CD “Tempo de Viver” (Time to Live), which has text and messages by Natanael and background music. 

Tell us more about your new book, “A Medicação do Amor.” 

As a medium, it was a remarkable experience. It touches me when I remember that the spirit of José do Patrocínio appeared for the job of dictating his work in an atmosphere of the highest moral and yet of marked humility. He told us the touching story of his life, where the ideal of freedom was a constant feature. He fought with all his strength to see emerging in the heart of a very intolerant society a sense of equality.

Once he returned to the Spiritual World, he developed a new approach. He realised we are immortal souls and worked in programmes aimed at providing assistance to those who had persecuted the slaves. He also provided assistance to a group of incarnates who were assisting the former perpetrators of crimes against the slaves, now reincarnated.  

What is the main aim of the book? 

We could describe it as an autobiographical novel by a Spirit describing his experience, relevant to us all, and adds substantial theoretical background to it. 

Is that the first book published by the Mundo Maior Publishing House? 

Yes, and the income from the book will be entirely donated to Casas André Luiz, which has close links with the publishing house. 

Tell us about the work you develop in your Spiritist Centre? 

I’m in the board of directors of the “Núcleo Espírita Meditação e Caridade”, a group founded in June 1972, in Jabaquara, São Paulo. I take part in their mediumship groups on Tuesdays; on Mondays, I take part in the studies of The Book of Mediums; and every other Saturday I give a lecture during our open meetings. 

Do you also work giving healing? 

The healing group has been going on for 17 years now. I have now joined them, with the permission of my mentor, Natanael, who also guides us in our mediumship activities. 

How can Spiritist works help people in the process of developing their self-knowledge? 

Spiritual life is our true reality. When people manage to get that fact into their hearts, they find in the Spiritist books an important tool to carry on and find out more about themselves. They allow people to understand the real aim of life, which is to progress forever. 

Would you like to leave us a final message? 

My final message is the one Jesus, our model and guide, left us: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and Love your neighbor as yourself.” If we follow that commandment, we will find more and more moments of true happiness.  



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