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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 5 - N° 211 - May 29,  2011


Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


The Supreme Court and the union of homosexuals

There is not any other subject been commented in our country than issue of homosexuality. Only in the edition 209 of this journal were published in the section of Letters two letters sent via internet by magazine readers, a resident of Brazil, another in Portugal.

The issue gained even greater extent after the Supreme Court decided in early May, the legalization of gay stable marriage, fact that will allow regularization of existing unions, hitherto located outside the law.

The famous and already historical trial is interesting then transcribes some sentences pronounced by the Supreme Ministers and the Attorney General’s Office:

“Legal recognition of homosexual unions does not weaken the family, but rather strengthens it.” - Roberto Gurgel – Attorney-General’s Office.

“Depriving people of homosexual unions affective attack their dignity by exposing them to situations of social risk unjustifiable.” Ditto.

“The person’s gender does not lend itself as a factor of inequality before the law”. Rapporteur Minister Carlos Ayres Britto.

“The choice of same sex marriage is individual and intimate.”- Minister Cármen Lúcia.

“Homosexuality is a personality trait, not an ideology nor a lifestyle choice.” Minister Luiz Fux.

“The recognition of unions for the same sex finds its foundation in all constitutional provisions that deal with human dignity.”- Minister Joaquim Barbosa.  

“A decent society is a society that does not humiliate its members.” Minister Ellen Gracie.

“Brazil is winning the war against inhuman prejudice, which means promoting the development of rule of law, without a doubt.” Minister Marco Aurélio de Mello.

In the spiritist field was already known positions made public by three eminent personalities in the Spiritist movement, whose wisdom in matters of spiritualism is obvious and therefore, respected.

In an interview published in this journal on January 18, 2009, Raul Teixeira examined the matter. Here is what he said:

“We believe that any official who establishes itself in the world corresponds to the formalization of situations that already exist or need to be normalized to avoid distortions in judgments of diverse situations, with respect to the formal concept of justice. So if we speak of official marriages between same sex is that these people are already coming together without any formal, encountering, as appropriate, with problems whose solutions require a statement of the law that regulates the life of a people or a society.

Regardless of the name we want to give these unions, the reality is that such marriages exist. Your partners can live very little or long time together, they can make purchases on behalf of varied character of the double or during the period they are together. How will it be before the corporation, the situation of one or the other partner? On the death of one, there are or no rights to pensions and other benefits, after a life spent in common? All tables with which we face and that take place in society need to be investigated and disciplined by law.

There is no turning a blind eye and pretend that no such thing exists. Therefore, there is no running away from this official on behalf of any tradition or prejudice, since the facts are there defying time and requiring an official stance of the authorities, for there is no law that can prevent the fact that two persons of the same sex have common life, that they understand each other, have better watch out or they are in love.”(O Consolador, edition 90, 18/01/2009, interview available at http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano2/90/entrevista.html.)

Previously, on April 13, 2008, in an interview also published in this journal, Divaldo Franco made no different thought. Here is what the colleague said about the formalization of same sex marriage:

“The question is momentous, given the events of this kind that can no longer remain ignored by society. Homosexuality has always been present in the historical process, accepted for a period, another fought, at one time despised and ignored in another, but always present… I think this is a victory for human rights to the legalization of something that stayed on the sidelines, giving rise to serious and embarrassing.”(O Consolador, edition 51, 13/04/2008, interview available at http://www.oconsolador.com.br/51/entrevista.html.)

Finally, remember that there are almost 40 years, more precisely on 21/12/1971, Chico Xavier was interviewed on the program Pinga Fogo 2, the extinct TV Tupi, dealt with the subject, when he uttered these wise and we can say, prophetic words on the momentous subject:

“(...) we should not disregard in any way, most of our brethren who came and who are on Earth in the backward conditions from the point of view of sex, performing tasks in very edifying way of redemption of his own inner values. We believe that with great respect and we believe that the law of the future in their new ranges of human understanding will know within the family, without undermining the foundations of the family, human legislation to incorporate the human family will know all the children of humanity, all the children on Earth without the emotional frustration will remain a scourge for millions of people… Frustrations is an emotional kind of hunger can overwhelm our sanatoriums and engender the darkest obsession processes, and therefore, we must hope that all children of God on earth will be supported by laws based on the magnanimous human family so that the character prevails above morphological signs of human understanding and there is enough for the emotional problems are solved with the utmost respect for our laws without damaging a millimeter of the monument of the family which is the foundation of the State.” (Pinga Fogo 2, TV Tupi, available at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1415852355166493654#docid=-869356057829881564.)



In reading the text below, all published in the magazine, the reader will find enough subsidies to understand what the spiritists view on homosexuality is:

edition 8 - http://www.oconsolador.com.br/8/editorial.html

edition 104 - http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano3/104/editorial.html

edition 168 - http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano4/168/oespiritismoresponde.html

edition 15 - http://www.oconsolador.com.br/15/especial.html

edition 85 - http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano2/85/especial.html

edition 144 - http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano3/144/especial.html



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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism